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The One And Only...
:: Disclaimer :: his Roleplay Is Made By Me: Jaime Conwell, Email: Email Here. This roleplay is not to be taken seriously. : Roleplay Layouts. :: End Disclaimer ::

Crowning Glory, Jaime Conwell maybe had his greatest match since coming back into the wrestling world. When he stepped into the ring with Devin Skylar. The crowd loved it, clappying and cheering was heared through out the entire match. With both Jaime Conwell and Devin Skylar going toe to toe, and pulling out unbelievable moves. Both doing a great job, and one the people would love to see again. iMPACT, Jaime Conwell is teaming up with Ace Haywood, to take on the new TNA World Tag Team Champions, TNA. How will the out come on this match be? Stay tuned....

You can see Jaime Conwell sitting next to Maria, he is wearing a pair of warm up pants, and no shirt. He has a water bottle in hand as she begins to speak.

Maria: Jaime, what an amazing match up! How do you feel about the ovation you and Devin Skylar kept getting from the people?

Jaime Conwell: Well, Maria, it was something I wasn't expecting. Hell, even Devin can agree with me on that. But, it felt good to hear them. We knew we were doing our job, and we did a pretty damn good job at it.

Maria: What are your thoughts on Devin Skylar, as a wrestler?

Jaime Conwell: I think he is the best right now. He may not be the World Heavyweight Champion, yet. But in due time he will be the champ. It was an honor to step into the ring with him, and I would love to do it again. He is at the top of his game right now, and he is on a role. He beat me at Crowning Glory, and I have no doubt in my mind he will be walking out of Destination X as the new champ.

Maria: So you'd be willing to step back into the ring with him again?

Jaime Conwell: Of course. I'd love to mix it up with him again. I kept up with him, and he ended up being the better man. But, next time may be different. So for right now, Devin, you get your title belt back. And one day, we will have a Jaime Conwell vs Devin Skylar 2. And, when that day comes I can promise you I will bring everything I have to the table. And when I do, you will see just how much of a threat I really am.

Maria: Since coming to the TNA, you have lost twice and won once. What are you're thoughts about that? And what do you plan to do to improve?

Jaime Conwell: Well, Maria, I am just starting out here. You can't win them all. Even the great Ali lost a few. But, I am not going to look down on the fact I lost twice. To define a champion, isn't how many times he gets knocked down. It is what he does to bring himself back up. I am focused right now, and I am ready for war. When the time comes for me to get back into the ring, I can promise you and everybody else you will see a different Jaime Conwell. As far as how do I plan to improve, I don't really need to plan anything. I am just going to go to that ring, do what I do best. And thats it. My first loss, was a fluke! Samantha Skylar wanted to touch elbows with the Answer. I can say that when I lost to Devin, it was a one on one, man vs man match up. So I don't really count me losing to Tank and a loss. And I shouldn't, because we all know Tank couldn't get the job done on his own. Since being here I have been doing what I need to do. I have ring rust, as you can see. But, I am getting back into the swing of things. Just watch this Saturday, when you see me team with Ace Haywood, when we take on the Champions, TNA. We are going to take these guys to school. They are part of DX, and since I came here i've been a thorn in their side. I don't like DX, and I don't plan on losing another one this month. I am going to show everybody that I am not some punk kid off the block. I am a contender, and after I beat the living hell out of TNA, maybe they will start to take me seriously.

Maria: So, you are set for your match? What are some of the things you think are going to need to happen in order for Ace Haywood and you to work well as a team? Think there is any chance of you guys going after the tag team gold down the line?

Jaime Conwell: To be honest, i've seen him when he took on Devin Skylar. I seen him when I faced him. Fact is this, anybody has that chance to have a good day, just a good of a chance of having a bad day. Ace, I think he and I could work well as a team. He is tall, big, and powerful. I am short, kinda smaller then some guys here, but I have heart. And you can't replace that. Ace and I are going to show TNA what we are about. We both are new here, and we both are looking to make a name for ourselves here in TNA. And when the time comes, we will be the ones standing at the end of the match with our hands raised in victory. As far as us teaming, and maybe getting a shot at the gold. If that happens then I will be sure to jump on it. I want gold, and I don't care if its Tag Team Gold, or singles gold. Fact is, Jaime Conwell will be a champion here, and once again I will be seen with a title belt around my waist. If Ace shows up to the fight, we will take it to TNA the only way we know how. I hope they are ready, because I am prepared for this match up.

Maria: Is there anybody in the roster that you'd like to get your hands on? Anybody stand out to you?

Jaime Conwell: Well, there has only been one person to get their hands on me and get away with it. Samantha Skylar, it is ok, I said what goes around comes around. When she least expects it, I might be behind her one day and WAM! Like that, I can get her back. But, I am going to be a man about it. She is a pathetic little girl in a womans body. Not her fault, it's the way god handled her. She thinks she is so great, now her little World Heavyweight title will add to her ego and make her head so much bigger. I would also love to step into the ring with anybody willing to wrestle me. I'd love to face everybody before my time is done here. Only time will tell, and Maria, keep an eye open, always Expect the Unexpected!

Jaime Conwell smiles at Maria as he walks off she looks confused as the camera cuts.