Event: Sunday Slam
Date: April 7th 2002
Location: Anaheim, California

Tension between The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin has grown since the last few months when they faced. The only question now is, Who will come out on top. Stone Cold Steve Austin has been known for winning the most unpredictable matches, could this match be any other one? A survey showed that the Rock was chosen by the people to win this match, maybe The Rock will indeed beat the unbeatable Rattlesnake. Sunday Slam starts off as usaual, the Sunday Slam video comes on after Star Star on TNN. The video shows clips of Action from the WM2K2 superstars. After the video finishes, The Camera goes toward the Arena and shows all the fans on there feet as Sunday Slam begins.


.:(Huge Explosion pryo's hit the entrance way and the fans go wild. A camera shows all the fans on there feet then goes toward the anncouners table with Good Ole Jim Ross and Jerry the King Lawler.):.


.:(*):.Good Ole Jim Ross.:(*):.Welcome everyone, we're live from the Anaheim, California!

.:(*):.Jerry 'the king' Lawler.:(*):.J.R It feels great to be back in Anaheim, I can't remember the last time we were here

.:(*):.Good Ole Jim Ross.:(*):.At Backlash its going to be one of the greatest Pay Per Views of all time, you have a Undisputed title match between Stone Cold Steve Austin and triple H, you have a Steel Cage match with Goldberg and Chris Jericho, these are the ingredients for a great Pay Per View King

.:(*):.Jerry 'the king' Lawler.:(*):.You Right about that J.R. Tonight Goldberg will meet Kurt Angle in a finishers only, this means J.R that Goldberg can only win by a Jackhammer and Kurt Angle can only win with the Angle Slam!! Woooo

.:(*):.Good Ole Jim Ross.:(*):.That's right King, Also tonight Scott Hall puts up his Hardcore title against the One Billy Gunn. Who knows who will win that match.

.:(*):.Jerry 'the king' Lawler.:(*):.Our Newest SuperStar, little Guido gets a taste of some fame, because he faces the Former World Heavyweight champion Chris Jericho. If Little Guido wins that would be a big upset on the part of Chris Jericho

.:(*):.Good Ole Jim Ross.:(*):.King if that actually happened, that could bring little guido straight to the top of the rankings

.:(*):.Jerry 'the king' Lawler.:(*):.Well, JR lets go to the Ring announcer

Jeff Jarrett(c) vs. Bret Hart

.:(*):.Lillan Garcia.:(*):.This match is for the European Title, Coming out first the challenger at a height of 6'4 and weighing in at 234 pounds from Calgory, Alberta Canada The Former European Champion... Bret The Hit Man Hart!!


Bret The Hit man hart's music hits the P.A system and bret hart comes down the ramp way with a grin on his face, he slides in the ring and poses in the center of the ring as the fans boo the hell out of him.

.:(*):.Lillan Garcia.:(*):.And his opponent for this European Champion, at a height of 6'2 and weighing in at 223 pounds, from Nashville, Tennissee the current European champion.... Jeff Jarrett!


#The Cho cho cho chosen one# Jeff Jarrett's music hits the P.A system and Jarrett comes out with the European title belt around his weist. He makes his way down the ramp way and enters the Ring. In the ring he goes toward the ropes and poses on them as huge pryos hit from behind him.

Jeff Jerrett quickly climbs onto the apron and waits for Bret Hart to get to his feet before slingshotting over the top rope and hitting a flying clothesline. Jeff Jerrett once again makes the cover... 1... 2 .. But once again Bret Hart kicks out. Both men get to their feet and Jeff Jerrett goes for a right hand but Bret Hart blocks it and hits a big right of his own. Bret Hart quickly kicks Jeff Jerrett in the gut and delivers a Bret Hart dropping Jeff Jerrett flat on his head. Both men are down for a moment before Bret Hart stumbles to his feet. Jeff Jerrett climbs to his as Bret Hart looks for the snap neck breaker but Jeff Jerrett blocks it and pushes Bret Hart into the ropes.

Bret Hart comes back as Jeff Jerrett goes for a big clothesline but Bret Hart ducks under and spins Jeff Jerrett around before hitting a huge spinning neck breaker on the chosen one Jeff Jerrett. Bret Hart then picks up Jeff Jerrett and throws him into the corner, Bret Hart goes toward the corner were Jeff Jerrett is currently tied up at and Bret Hart starts pummeling away at Jeff Jerrett. Bret Hart starts to stop on the heart of Jeff Jerrett, Bret Harts stomps a mud hole into the current European Champion. Bret Hart leaves the corner and poses for the fans as they boo at him. Jeff Jerrett busts out of the corner and starts whaleing on Bret Hart with right and left hands, then Jeff Jerrett launches Bret Hart into the ropes, as Bret Hart boucnes back Jeff Jerrett kicks him in the gut, then Jeff Jerrett does a face buster. Jeff Jerrett gets up quckly and goes for Bret Hart's lags, he locks him into the figure four leg out, Bret Hart tries to fight it and tries not to quit the match or submit. Bret Hart reaches for the ropes and makes it free

Jeff Jerrett is frusterated, he wants to win the match fast, as Bret Hart gets up Jeff Jerrett runs into him and hits a huge flying lariet, almost knocking off the head bret hart. Jeff Jerrett goes up stairs and climbs the top turnbuckle, he jumps off and attempts a fyling elbow drops, but misses as Bret Hart rolls out of the ring, Bret Hart rusn against the ropes and as he does Jeff Jerrett gets up and waits for Bret Hart, The hit man hart comes toward Jarrett after boucnes off the ropes, Jeff Jerrett ducks under Bret Harts clothesline, Hart now has his back turned to Jeff Jerrett, the chosen one then out of nowhere locks on the russian leg sweep position, the falls forward; The Stroke! Jeff Jerrett hits the stroke on Bret Hart. Jeff Jerrett goes for the cover as the referee begins the count, 1...2...3!!!

.:(*):.Lillan Garcia.:(*):.Your Winner and stilllll the European Champion....... Jeff Jarrett!!

Jeff Jarretts music hits and Jeff celebrates in the ring

WINNER: Jeff Jarrett

Backstage Segment


.:(Big Sexy Kevin Nash is seen backstage talking on a cellular phone, the camera zooms up in Kevin Nashes face to hear what he is saying and maybe find out who's he's talking to):.

.:(*):.'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash.:(*):.Yea, that's right, so make sure to get here soon, we don't want to mess our chance at getting the Tag Team titles

.:(*):.Guy 'On the phone'.:(*):.No, worry Nash, I wouldn't mess this match. So hows it feel like to be 25 percent president of the company?

.:(*):.'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash.:(*):.Well, actually bro, it feels pretty sweet. I got big plans in store, *laughs*

.:(Kevin Nash hangs up the phone, and puts up the cell phone. Nash then walks away):.

.:(*):.Good Ole Jim Ross.:(*):.I wonder who Kevin Nash Was talking to!

.:(*):.Jerry 'the king' Lawler.:(*):.It was probably Scott Hall, hah


The Return

.:(After the Commerical Break, The Titan Tron comes on and all of a sudden Rob Van Dam 's music blasts on over the P.A system.):.

.:(*):.Good Ole Jim Ross.:(*):.Its Rob Van Dam!! We haven't seen him ever since No Way Out!!

.:(*):.Jerry 'the king' Lawler.:(*):.I wonder what this hasbeen wants


.:(Rob Van dam comes down the ramp way and taunts, he enters the ring and does his R...V...D taunt again as the fans chante rob van dam with him):.

.:(*):.Rob Van Dam.:(*):.Its time for everybody's favorite superstar...Rob (fans start saying it with him) Van... Dam!! Now all of you haven't seem me since No Way Out last month but Hey, I'm in better shape now then I ever was, I haven't lost my cool.. but then again, its always cool when your, *does his thumb taun* Rob...Van...Dam!! I've been watching backstage on my monitor and I'm out here to issue a challenge to anybody in the back. So if anybody wants to wrestling everybodies favorite wrestler, Rob Van Dam then set up to the plate

.:(With that said, Rob Van Dam gets cut off and #Get Rollin, Rollin# hits the P.A system, The Undertaker comes down the ramp way and pulls out a microphone):.


.:(*):.The Undertaker.:(*):.Just who in the hell do you think you are boy?

.:(*):.Rob Van Dam.:(*):.*Does the RVD Taunt* I'm Rob..Van---

.:(*):.The Undertaker.:(*):.You know what? I know exactly who you are, *pauses* your just a punk kid who thinks they can take the spotlight away from the Undertaker, and will boy I don't like it. I have been running that ring your standing on for 11 years, its my ring, its my yard!

.:(The Undertaker starts walking down the Rampway as Rob Van Dam talks, he eventually gets in the ring slowly and approches Rob Van Dam):.

.:(*):.Rob Van Dam.:(*):.ohh is it?

.:(*):.The Undertaker.:(*):.RVD, I think I've hear enough of your bullshit, now I'm going to give you to the count of 10 and if you don't exit this ring, this yard.. my yard I'm going to have to shove my foot so far down your ass the water in your knees will quence your thirt, 1....2...

.:(Rob Van Dam just stands there and does move, the Undertaker gets a little pissed):.

.:(*):.The Undertaker.:(*):.3... ahh [beep] it!

.:(The Undertaker kicks him in the gut and hits a last ride):.


.:(*):.Last Ride!!! The Undertaker just hit the Last ride on the Rob Van Dam!!

.:(*):.Jerry 'the king' Lawler.:(*):.poor RVD


.:(The Undertaker grabs the Microphone off the ring canvas and brings it over toward RVD):.

.:(*):.The Undertaker.:(*):.Boy, you will respect the Undertaker, and as far as your Challenge goes, I guess its answered.. I'll see your ass at Backlash!

.:(The Undertaker gets up, and Rollin hits over the P.A system. The Undertaker walks out of the ring and leaves RVD laid out):.

.:(*):.The Undertaker verse Rob Van Dam!! You guys heard it!

.:(*):.Jerry 'the king' Lawler.:(*):.This is going to be a good match.. hah lets go to the replay of The Undertaker puting Rob Van Dam in the last ride, cause wow that was amazying


.:(*):.That was a huge last ride!!!

.:(*):.Jerry 'the king' Lawler.:(*):.I'm glad they invited instan replay because I'm loving this hhah!!

.:(*):.Well, lets go to your next match.. lets to our ring annoucer Lillian Garcia

Chris Jericho vs. little Guido

.:(*):.Lillan Garcia.:(*):.This match is set for a 20 minute time limit. Coming at first at a height of 6'0 and weighing in at 215 pounds.... little Guido!

Guido's music hits the P.A system and the fans have a mix reaction about Guido. Little Guido walks down the ramp way and enters the ring, he poses as the fans then start booing him

.:(*):.Lillan Garcia.:(*):.And his opponent, Coming out second at a height of 6'3 and weighing in at 234 pounds from whinngpeg, Canada.. Y2J Chris Jericho!!


All the lights in the whole arena turn off, nobody can see anything, everything is pitch black. Then the titan tron comes on and allows some light, the titan tron shows a count down. 00:05, 00:04, 00:03, 00:02, 00:01, 00:00...BOOM! The titan tron changes to a ball that is going through some gride tunnels, the ring lights come on and the fans go wild, but still most of the arena is pitch black. After a few mintues into the music an explosion hits the Entrace way and Chris Jericho appears with his arms held out to the side and his back to the people. Chris Jericho turns around and walks down the ramp way. Chris Jericho pulls out a microphone and stops at the ramp way, then starts talking as he goes around the ring slowly


.:(*):.'Y2J' Chris Jericho.:(*):.Welcome to Sunday Slam is (the crowd boos at Chris Jericho) Would you all!!!!! Please...... SHuttt theee Helll UUpppp!!!! I have to face tonight, umm little Guido? Who in the hell ever heard of little guido? Well Jerky tonight perpare for a y2J ass beating of a lifetime from yours truely the living legend

Chris Jericho throws down the Microphone and slides in the ring, The Bell Rings; little Guido is sent to the canvas hard and Chris Jericho lifts him straight back to his feet. Chris Jericho whips little Guido hard into the the turnbuckle but as little Guido comes back he locks in a sleeper hold. Chris Jericho isn't phased and backs little Guido straight into the turnbuckle. Chris Jericho is dominating at the moment and offloads with right hands to little Guido. Chris Jericho pulls little Guido out of the corner and hoists him into the air; look at the power of this guy. Chris Jericho has little Guido in the air and hits a gut buster! guido is on the canvas holding his stomach. Goldberg is standing at the Entrance ramp way


.:(*):.Good Ole Jim Ross.:(*):.ITs Goldberg!! What the hell is he doing here?

.:(*):.Jerry 'the king' Lawler.:(*):.Calm Down JR he's not even going down the ramp way, he's just watching the match from the entrance way


Goldberg slowly makes his way down the ramp as Chris Jericho stands by the ropes more occupied by Chirs Jericho than little Guido. Chris Jerihco turns around and is kicked in the face by little Guido with the spinning heel kick. little Guido quickly runs off the ropes and delivers the standing shooting star press. Little Guido makes the cover ...1 ...2 ...kick out!! Chris Jericho berly makes the kick out, little Guido starts to agurying with the Referee, Chris Jericho takes advantage of this and runs againts the ropes, then bounces off and hits a running Bull dog on little Guido. Chris Jericho then runs and boucnes off the ropes and hits a Lion Sault on little Guido, this should be it!! Chris Jericho covers and the referee begins the count, ...1 ...2 ... GOLDBERG just pulled the referee out of the ring. Goldberg beats the referee to the floor before sliding into the ring. CHRIS JERICHO AND GOLDBERG go at it straight away beating the hell out of each other. Goldberg begins to get the better of Chris Jericho and sends him into the turnbuckle.

.:(*):.Good Ole Jim Ross.:(*):.Chris Jericho and Goldberg are beating the Hell out of each other in the ring!!!

.:(*):.Jerry 'the king' Lawler.:(*):.OHh boy JR I can't wait til Backlash to see these two in a steel cage match hah

Goldberg offloads with right after right after right to Chris Jericho. little Guido gets up and grabs Chris Jericho, he ships Chris Jericho across the ring; STRAIGHT INTO THE SPEAR!!! Goldberg just speared Chris Jericho straight to hell. Chris Jericho rolls out of the ring with what might be broken ribs as Goldberg gets to his feet and slides out of the ring knowning that the damnage has been done. Little Guido goes for the cover, ...1 ...2 .... Kick out! Chris Jericho with a slite second kicks out!! Little Guido is furious, as He goes to pick up Chris Jericho, Jericho hits a cheap low blow on Little Guido,little guido bends over in pain after behing low blowed, then Chris Jericho from behind hits an amazing, BREAKDOWN on litle guido!! Jericho goes for the cover, ...1 ...2 ...3!! Its all over!!

WINNER: Y2J Chris Jericho

Backstage Segment

.:(Backstage The Rock is walking down the hall way and The Coach meets up with the Rock):.


.:(*):.The Coach.:(*):.Ladies and Gentlemen I have the Rock here and Rock let me ask you this..

.:(The Rock puts his hand in the coach's face, then The Rock begins to speak):.

.:(*):.The Rock.:(*):.FINALY... THE ROCK HAS COME BACK... TO ANIHEM, CALIFORNIA!! Tonight I face the toughest S.O.B. Stone Cold Steve Austin, but Austin you think you impress the Rock with your silly catch phase, what? You think you actually can impress the Rock? Well Austin the only thing have acutally impress the Rock is with you still being the World Heavyweight champion, so tonight the Rock's going to amuse this is a World Title match, now the Rock in the back of my mind The Rock knows its not for the World Title but The Rock's going to amuse that, So tonight Austin you daisy Duke short wearing bold head Jabronnie, perpare to get your candy ass kicked all over gods green earth tonight!

.:(*):.The Coach.:(*):.Well, Rock--


.:(The Rock interupts The Coach once again):.

.:(*):.The Rock.:(*):.They are chanting the Rocks Name. Rocky, Rocky

.:(With that said the Fans begin to Chant: Rocky, Rocky, Rocky, Rocky Rocky):.

.:(*):.The Coach.:(*):.Well, Rock as I was saying, tonight you face---


.:(*):.The Rock.:(*):.Damn it Coach, The Rock knows perfecly well who he's facing tonight. And frankly it doesn't matter who he faces, whither its Kane, The Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Triple H, Triple's Mother it doesn't matter the Outcome will still be the Same! one, two...*sofly* 3.......*Rock takes off his shades and the camera zooms in* If yallll SMELLLLLLLLALALALAAOOWW!!! WHAT THE ROOCCKkkk... Iss.. Coookin!!

.:(*):.Good Ole Jim Ross.:(*):.Wow, The Rock's really hyped up

.:(*):.Jerry 'the king' Lawler.:(*):.he sure is JR

.:(*):.Good Ole Jim Ross.:(*):.Rock, Austin the match is going later tonight


Scott Hall vs. Billy Gunn

.:(*):.Lillan Garcia.:(*):.This match is for the Hardcore Championship, the rules are simple, anything goes. Coming out first at a height of 6'4 and weighing in at 231 pounds.... The Baddass Billy Gun


#Well, I'm an assman# hits the p.a system and The Baddass Billy gunn walks out from behind the current and makes his way down to the ring, as he's walkdin down he turns around and walks backwords to the crowd can check out his ass, he finally turns around and makes it to the ring, he slides in and poses again for the crowd inside the ring.

.:(*):.Lillan Garcia.:(*):.And his opponent, for this Hardcore title match. Coming out second at a height of 6'7 and weighing in at 274 pounds Miami, Florida the current Hardcore Champion.. Scott Hall!!


The N.W.O music hits the P.A system and out comes Scott Hall with the Hardcore title strap around his weist, he walks down the ramp way then makes his way to the ring. He climbs up the steel steps and gets in teh ring with The baddass Billy Gunn

The bell ring,as Scott Hall get to his feet,and The Baddass Billy Gunn is left cringing and clutching at his neck. Scott Hall starts to stomp on The Baddass Billy Gunn,as the referee yell at him. Scott Hall then picks up The Baddass Billy Gunn,as he backs him into the ropes.Scott Hall swings Angle to the other side,as he reverse it and send Scott Hall to the ropes.Scott Hall comes off the ropes,as The Baddass Billy Gunn hits a knee lift. The Baddass Billy Gunn then lifts Scott Hall up,and sets him up for a suplex. Scott Hall blocks,but The Baddass Billy Gunn tries again. Scott Hall blocks again,and hits a snap suplex on The Baddass Billy Gunn. Scott Hall then gets to his feet,and taunts the crowd as they give an good ovation. Scott Hall walks over to The Baddass Billy Gunn, but The Baddass Billy Gunn hits him with a drop toe hold as Scott Hall smacks his face off the mat.The Baddass Billy Gunn then tries to get him into the Crippler Crossface as the crowd is giving a mix reaction.The Baddass Billy Gunn finally gets it lock in as Scott Hall is screaming in pain

The Baddass Billy Gunn goes outside and grabs a chair, he puts Scott hall's leg through the fold up slap, then The Baddass Billy Gunn climbs up on the top turnbuckle, then he jumps off and lands on the chair!! Scott Hall's leg is broke!! X-pac runs in the match and as The Baddass Billy Gunn turns around... WHAMMMMM!!! X-FACTOR!!! X-Pac covers, as the referee begins the count, 1...2...3!!!!! New Hardcore Champion!!

.:(*):.Good Ole Jim Ross.:(*):.X-Pac saw his buddy Scott Hall in trouble and took advantage of the 24/7 rule and beat Billy Gunn to keep the title in the New World Order!!!

Backstage Segment

.:( Just as that match up ends, the WM2K2 goes backstage with the Nature boy “Ric Flair’ whom is talking with the current Tag Team Champions, The Dudley boyz.):.


.:(Ric “the nature boy” Flair, rises up from his leather chair as he approaches the Dudley Boys with a message of some sort.):.

.:(*):.The Nature boy “Ric Flair” .:(*):.(Serious Flair) Gentlemen, The reason I ask for your presents here in my office is to ask for a favor.

.:(*):.Buh Buh Ray Dudley .:(*):.(Buddy Ray crosses his arms) Oh yeah, well what exactly do you want from us?

.:(*):.The Nature boy “Ric Flair” .:(*):.What I would like is if you boys, took on the Outsiders tonight for the Tag team titles. As you both saw last Sunday night, I went on an unexpected ride, and the ride I took is exactly the kind of ride I want Nash to go through!

.:(*):.Devon Dudley .:(*):.(Brother Devon speaks up) You know that’s fine with us, it’ll be just more table time for them, and putting the tag titles on the line, will just show them that the Dudley Boyz aren’t afraid of nobody!

.:(Devon smashes his hands down on Flairs desk, Indicating that he’s serious as a heart attack. Ric Flair smiles at Devon realizing that Kevin Nash is in for the worse. ):.


Goldberg Vs. Kurt Angle

.:(*):.Lillan Garcia.:(*):.This match is a Finishers Only, the rules are simple, The first Superstar to preform there Signture move wins the match, Coming out first at a height of 6'4 and weighing in at 251 pounds.... Goldberg!!


Drumbs hits the P.A system and Goldberg comes out slowly he stops at the entrance way as a bunch of pyros fly out toward goldbergs face, The pyros stop and Goldberg continues to walk down the ramp way and heads for the ring

.:(*):.Lillan Garcia.:(*):.And his opponent, for this Finishers only match. Coming out second at a height of 6'2 and weighing in at 234 pounds Pettsburg, Pennsylvannia the Olympic Champion...Kurt Angle!!


Medal hits the P.A system and Kurt Angle comes out he gomes down the Ramp way then turns around, as he turns around toward the entrance way fire works go off. Then Kurt Angle turns back around and continues to walk down the ramp way and heads for the ring, Kurt Angle sides in the ring and gets in the face of Goldberg, when all of a sudden,Goldberg runs up behind him,grabs him around the waist and hits a German Suplex as Angle land on his neck

The bell ring,as Goldberg get to his feet,and Angle is left cringing and clutching at his neck. Goldberg starts to stomp on Angle,as the referee yell at him. Goldberg then picks up Angle,as he backs him into the ropes. Goldberg swings Angle to the other side,as he reverse it and send Goldberg to the ropes. Goldberg comes off the ropes,as Angle hits a knee lift. Angle then lifts Goldberg up,and sets him up for a suplex. Goldberg blocks,but Angle tries again. Goldberg blocks again,and hits a snap suplex on Angle. Goldberg then gets to his feet,and taunts the crowd as they give an good ovation

Goldberg walks over to Angle,but Angle hits him with a drop toe hold as Goldberg smacks his face off the mat. Angle then tries to get him into the Crippler Crossface as the crowd is giving a mix reaction. Angle finally gets it lock in as Goldberg is screaming in pain. Goldberg reaches for the ropes,as Angle pulls back with all his strength. Angle then release,and get to his feet. He starts to stomp on Goldberg as the referee yell at him. Angle picks up Goldberg,and puts him in the corner. Angle then starts to drive his shoulder into Goldberg's gut

Angle grabs Goldberg and swings him to the other corner,but Goldberg reverses and sends Angle to the turnbuckles as he hits them with authority. Goldberg then runs in,but Angle gets the boot up and drills him. Goldberg staggers away,as Angle grabs him around the waist and hits a Belly to Belly suplex. All of a sudden, Chris Jericho comes otu from the crowd and slides in the ring, he goes behind Goldberg then hits a running bulldog, then Chris Jericho runs off the ropes and hits a Lion Sault. Kurt Angle gets up slowly hurting for the pummeling that goldberg have him, Goldberg gets up moments later after being hit with the lion Sault, Kurt Angle takes advantage of Chris Jericho's interferences, and as goldberg gets up Kurt Angle does a sneak attack and does the angle Slam, in mid air Goldberg ties to slip out of it but is too hurt from The Beating that Chris Jerihco gave him, Kurt Angle hits the ANGLE SLAM!! The Referee sees it and calls for the bell

WINNER: Kurt Angle


In Ring Promo

.:(Sunday Slam Comes back from Commercial Break, then all of a sudden the glass shatters, Stone Cold Steve Austin's music hits the P.A system, The Crowd has a mix reaction. Austin comes down to the ring with his World Heavyweight title belt):.


.:(Austin Slides in the Ring and grabs the Microhphone from Lillan Garcia, then he begins to talk with it.):.


.:(*):.'Undisputed Champion' Steve Austin.:(*):.*crowd boos* WHAT? Ahh SHut up! Let Stone Cold Steve Austin get one thing straight with you people here in Chicago, *we're in California* when Stone Cold Steve Austin is speaking, you do not make any noise. I repeat, you do not make any noise when the Champ is speaking. Pretty simple, isn't it. Now, WHAT? Now, first of all, I'd like to speak about a man, WHAT? A som bitch, named The Rock. You see, once Stone Cold won the WM2K2 Undisputed Championship at WrestleMania!, I made, WHAT? I said I made history but now at Backlash I have to face that peice of Trash Triple H For the Undisputed Title. WHAT? World Heavyweight title. WHAT? You Heard me, because Stone Cold Steve Austin wanted to find the best way to whoop your ass, because just a match ain't good enough, EH EH! WHAT? But their are some regoginations to this damn belt. WHAT? I got som bitches from Japan asking me if they could pin me, so they could be the Undisputed champ. WHAT? It's pathetic. WHAT? But Rock, it's worth it, because after Stone Cold files threw these mealy mouth morons, it'll all pay for it at Backlash. WHAT? I said at Backlash. Because after I defend the belt, WHAT? Stone Cold Steve Austin is going to leave you lying not in gold, EH EH! But in blood, ya som bitch. WHAT? Kurt Angle was a nuisance, but you, WHAT? You just make me sick. At least Kurt Angle, WHAT? I said Kurt An...WHAT? I said...WHAT? SHAD UP! I said at least Kurt Angle, had enough balls to face ol' Stone Cold, face to face. Not run away every damn second I see ya. But Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin is going to save you just for another day, WHAT? Stone Cold Steve Austin is going to save you until, Backlash. When all these people sitting on their asses, see me whoop, WHAT? I said see me whoop your ass. WHAT? Now....WHAT? I said now, Stone Cold Steve Austin, is going to bring up something else. WHAT? Sunday Slam. The main reason, why my ass is out here. To address a man, a Cerebral Assasian. WHAT? The Game. WHAT? Sunday Night, Stone Cold Steve Austin is walking into a battle. A battle with one of the best WM2K2 has to offer. WHAT? Ya see, the people working this place know exactly what Stone Cold Steve Austin versus Triple H is capable. They know the retaliation that these people will get. Two of WM2K2's best, squaring off in the Main Event, headling the damn show. WHAT? Stone Cold Steve Austin is sure as hell going to live up to his half of the bargain, the question remains, will Triple H? WHAT? I said is Triple H going to keep up with the Rattlesnake? Now, the man says, Stone Cold Steve Austin is not at his prime? EH EH. WHAT? Triple H wants to flap his gums about how Stone Cold won't be capable of keeping up with the game, well Stone Cold Steve Austin says bullshit. This Rattlesnake is better then ever before, hell look at Stone Cold's record five wins, 2 losses, majority, the amount of victories wins. Triple H, you've fallen victim to Stone Cold Steve Austin's Venom before, and Sunday SLam! is going to be just the same, because Stone Cold Steve Austin, is going to let some injury keep me down. eh eh! EH EH! Nah, Stone Cold is going to walk into Sunday SLam! look that man in the damn eye and beat that som bitch down just until he can't move his pretty little body. WHAT? Then I will show Goldust and them som bitches, just who is the Toughest S.O.B walking the WM2K2, And that's the Bottom Line, 'cause Stone Cold said....Now get that damn camera out of my face ya dumb som bitch. And that's the bottom line because......


.:(Austin's Music hits the P.A system again and Austin slides out of the Ring and goes backstage again):.

The Dudley Boyz vs. Sting and Nash

.:(*):.Lillan Garcia.:(*):.This match is for the Tag Team Titles. Coming out first at a combined weight of 523 pounds The Current Tag team Champions.... The Dudley boyz


A Fire Ball flies through the top of the arena and hits the Entrance ramp way, Bubba Ray and Devon come out as they make there way to the ring, They both slide in and await for there oppoents

.:(*):.Lillan Garcia.:(*):.And there opponents, for this Tag Team title match. Coming out second at a total combined weihgt of 489 pounds.. Kevin Nash and... STING!!


The N.W.O music hits the P.A system and out comes Kevin Nash, then from behind Sting Comes, they both make there way down to the ring

Bubba Ray Dudley and Devon gives Nash a dirty look as the two slide into the ring and meet up with Sting and Kevin Nash. Devon and Kevin Nash go blow for blow as Sting and Bubba Ray Dudley do the same. Kevin Nash beats Devon back but Devon fights back and sends Kevin Nash onto the ropes before doing a crazy taunt and hitting Kevin Nash with a spit punch taking him up and over the top rope. Devon Dudley follows Kevin Nash to the outside as Bubba Ray Dudley and Sting lock up. Sting wroks Bubba Ray Dudley back but Bubba Ray Dudley powers back and sends Sting to the canvas.


Bubba Ray Dudley strikes a pose; the fans go have a mix reaction for the Dudely Boyz. Bubba Ray Dudley continues to pose and the fans continue to boo the living hell out of him. Sting once again locks up with Bubba Ray Dudley once again powers Sting off and poses. Outside Devon Dudley is working on Kevin Nash but Kevin Nash fights back and sends Devon Dudley crashing into the announce table. Kevin Nash slams Devon Dudley into the announce table and throws him away before taking the apart the table. Kevin Nash pulls out the monitors and grabs Devon Dudley; Kevin Nash is looking to suplex Devon Dudley through the table but Devon Dudley grabs a monitor and slams it into Kevin Nash's head.

Devon Dudley might have taken Kevin Nash out of this match and ended his chances of going to backlash. Devond Dudley climbs back into the ring as Bubba Ray Dudley is beating down on Sting in the corner. Devon Dudley joins in but Bubba Ray Dudley isn't too happy and gives sends Devon Dudley down with a big right hand. Bubba Ray Dudley looks down on Devon Dudley which gives Sting the time he needs to fight back. Sting kicks Bubba Ray Dudley in the back of the leg and quickly whips him across the ring; Sting charges across and hits a Stinger Splash. Sting screams out WOOOOO as he stomps Bubba Ray Dudley in the gut and goes for a tornado DDT off the ropes but Bubba Ray Dudley throws Sting half way across the ring.

Just then, RIC FLAIR runs down the Ramp Way and heads for the Ring, Ric Flair is out here to get some revenge on Kevin Nash, in The Ring Nash was thrown out of the ring, Sting Is the only Wrestler in the ring, Devon and Bubba Ray dudley throw Sting into the ropes, and as Sting Boucnes back Babba Ray also runs against the ropes, Devon picks him up and...bamm!!! 3D!!! Devon goes for the cover, 1..2.. Ric Flair pulls out the Referee and beats the hell out of him, Kevin Nash gets in the ring, Ric Flair slides in teh ring also and starts beating up Bubba Ray dudley, Flair pulls out some kind of object and hits Bubba Ray in the face with it knocking him out, then Kevin Nash hits the Jackknife Power Bomb on Devon Nash goes for the cover, the referee is knocked out, flair slides outside the ring and takes the referee shirt and slides back in, Flair makes the cover himself and makes a fast count to sacure the win; 1..2,3!!

What the hell!! Ric Flair just helped out Kevin Nash win the damn tag team titles!!

WINNER: Nash and Sting

Backstage Segment


.:(The titan tron comes on backstage with Michael Cole and Kurt Angle):.

.:(*):.Michael Cole.:(*):.Kurt, Kurt earlier tonight you beat Goldberg which was a big upset on the part of Goldberg, but Chris Jerico was due to that---

.:(*):.Kurt Angle.:(*):.Whoa, hold on there Michael, I'm here to talking about something else, I'm really Ticked off because your Olympic Hero is title-less [crowd: WHAT?!] I know why all of you are down, Tis because for the first time in my life it appears your Olympic hero is in a slump. (Fans start to boo and shout what) Yeah you heard right, your Olympic hero is in a slump! [crowd: WHAT?!] I said your Olympic Hero is In a slump. And we all have Scott Steiner to thank for it! I mean who in the hell is Scott Steiner anyways? [crowd: WHAT?!] I said that Scott Steiner is nobody! I should wrestling Triple H, not Stone Cold Steve Austin, [crowd: WHAT?!] You will all stop saying that? [crowd: WHAT?!] Stop that!

.:(*):.Michael Cole.:(*):.So your saying you should be the Undisputed World Champion?

.:(*):.Kurt Angle.:(*):.You Damn right I do! I’m heck of mad because you know Michael I worked hard for these gold medals, and I’ve worked hard to get were I am now. I feel like the underdog, which I’m not! [crowd: WHAT?!] I Said I’m not the underdog! You know Michael when I get my hands on Austin I’ll make sure he won’t ever say what again! I’m sick and tired of these Californian idiots! [crowd: WHAT?!] You know what Cole I’m out of here I can’t stand this people. [crowd: WHAT?!] I said I’m out of here!


Triple H vs. Scott Steiner

.:(*):.Lillan Garcia.:(*):.This match for is a single match. Coming out first at a height of 6'3 and weighing in at 234 pounds from Greenwhich, Connecticut.. The Game Triple H!!


#IT'S TIME TO PLAY THE GAME, TIME TO PLAY THE GAMMMMEEEEE# blasts out of the PA system as The Game walks out onto the stage. Triple H looks down at the the men in the ring and begins his walk down to ringside. Triple H gets to the bottom of the ramp and pauses as the spotlight stays on him. Triple H walks around ringside and pours water over his head and some into his mouth and throws the bottom away into the crowd. Triple H jumps up onto the apron and waits for the music to hit the right spot before arching backwards and spraying the water above his head. The fans go nuts as Triple H looks furious and sprays the water once again.

.:(*):.Lillan Garcia.:(*):.And his opponent for this Single Match, at a height of 6'3 and weighing in at 248 pounds from Detroit, Machigan... The Big Bad Booty Daddy.. Scott Steiner!!


Scott Steiner's music hits the P.A system and Scott Steiner comes out wearing his metal hair net, he makes his way down the ramp way and heads for the Ring, He climbs up the steel steps and gets in the ring with Triple H

Triple H doesn't wait for the Bell to ring and takes Scott Steiner areound ringside and lifts him up before dropping chest first on the barracade. The fans are cheering for Triple H as he roll's Scott Steiner into the ring and the match bell finally rings. Triple H rolls in and continues to dominate Scott Steiner with offence. Triple H lifts Scott Steiner up and walks him across the ring to the corner where he places his chin up and hits him with a huge knife edge chop across the chest. The fans scream 'WOOOOO' as Triple H does the same not once but twice. Triple H whips Scott Steiner across the ring to the opposite corner but Scott Steiner jumps up onto the second turnbuckle and as Triple H runs in Scott Steiner jumps backwards and hits a great elbow to the face of Triple H. Scott Steiner jumps straight to his feet and begins to stomp down on Triple H. Regal continues to stomp the hell out of Triple H but pauses for a moment and waves into the crowd.


The fans don't appreciate it and begin to boo Scott Steiner and chant 'Asshole'. Scott Steiner just scowls and lifts Triple H to his feet, Scott Steiner hits Triple H with a stiff left hand and then a European Uppercut with his right which sends Triple Hback down to the canvas. Scott Steiner quickly lifts Triple H back up and slams a couple of knees into Triple H's face and then locks his arms behind his back before hitting his version of the powerbomb. Scott Steiner goes for a cover but Triple H kicks out after two. Scott Steiner isn't happy with the count and begins to harass the referee in the corner allowing Triple H to get in a low blow on Scott Steiner.

RScott Steiner falls to his knee's but the referee didn't see it and the match continues. Triple H quickly irish Scott Steiner into the ropes and as he came back Triple H gave him a quick kick in the gut. Triple H side stepped onto the ropes and went for the Hight Knee but Scott Steiner was playing possum and he quickly moves from his position as Triple H falls ass first on the canvas. Scott Steiner quickly beats Triple H down to the canvas and locks in the Scott Steiner Recliamer. The fans are booing as Triple H screams in pain and eventually has to submit to Scott Steiner. Scott Steiner waits for fifteen secodns before he breaks the hold and waves to the crowd. He begins to make his way out of the ring but soon turns back and lifts Triple H up to his feet. Scott Steiner takes Triple H's arm around his neck and hits the Double Arm Suplex, He goes for the cover, 1..2.. kick out!! Triple H is still lying down trying to catch his breath, big Poppa pump follows up by putting Triple H in the steiner recliner, Triple H is knocked out he can't tap out, the referee asks triple to answer, if he doesn't answer the match will be stopped.. three seconds later the bell rings and the match is awarded to Scott Steiner

WINNER: Scott Steiner

Backstage Segment

.:(Ric Flair goes in and out of his office, looking as if he plans to leave the building or as if he’s in a hurry. Right before Flair does anything else, he gets caught up with Sherry Shermil as she asks to conduct an interview with the man, the nature boy Ric Flair. ):.


.:(*):.Interviewer.:(*):. Ric just moments ago you turned your back on the WM2K2 for the NWO my question to you is why, why Ric, why?

.:(*):.The Nature boy “Ric Flair” .:(*):. (Ric Flair smiling in a good mood) You got the nerve to ask the Nature Whoooooo boy why? Well I’ll tell you why Sheryl! Its because the Na…cha…boy Whooooo got sick and tired of Vince McMahon. But that wasn’t the toping on the cake that made me change my mind, oh No, it was Kevin Nash! When Kevin Nash beat me in that ring last Sunday night I then, knew I had to be on that man’s side! … (Ric Flair doing the Flair walk) because its quite clear that when your N…W.. Whooooo O… that your N-W-O for life! (Flair displaying the N.W.O sign)

.:(Ric Flair taunts Sheryl as he eventually walks off leaving her with something to think about. ):.


Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock

.:(*):.Lillan Garcia.:(*):.It is now time for the Main Event! This match is set for a no time limit match. entering first at a height of 6'3 and weighing in at 243 pounds from Vicoria Texas, The Current Undisputed World Heavyweight champion...Stone Cold Steve Austin!


The Glass Shatters and Stone Cold Steve Austin makes his way down the ramp way with his BMF jacket and his World Heavyweight title, he climbs in the ring and poses on all four corners

.:(*):.Lillan Garcia.:(*):.And there opponents, in this main event match. Coming out second at a height of 6'4 and weighing in at 234 pounds from Miami, Florida... The Rock!!


#IF YA SMELL (DRUMS) WHAT THE ROCK (DRUMS) IS COOKIN# The Rock's music hits the P.A system and The Rock comes down the ramp way with huge crowd pops, Rock runs down the ramp way and slides in the ring

The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin has an angry look on his face as he walks down the ramp but he only gets half way down before he charges the rest of the way and slides under the bottom rope. Stone Cold Steve Austin and Rock immediatly begin to exchange right hands in the middle of the ring with The Rock getting the inevitable advantage.


The Rock quickly sends Stone Cold Steve Austin reeling into the corner with hard rights and then hits a huge spit punch sending Stone Cold Steve Austin up onto the turnbuckle. Stone Cold Steve Austin crashes back down to the corner and Rock begins to stomp the hell out of him wearing Stone Cold Steve Austin down. Rock charges out of the corner and waits for Stone Cold Steve Austin to get to his feet. Stone Cold Steve Austin finally climbs up and Rock goes for a big right but Stone Cold Steve Austin blocks and rakes The Rock's eyes. Stone Cold Steve Austin quickly charges onto the ropes and and comes back to try and hit the Bulldog but The Rock dodges and grabs Stone Cold Steve Austin by the hair and slams him down to the canvas. The Rock once again waits as Stone Cold Steve Austin jumps to his feet but The Rock clotheslines up and over the top rope.


The Rock wastes no time and climbs out of the ring to join Stone Cold Steve Austin on the outside but Stone Cold Steve Austin was ready and waiting and he sent Rock crashing head first into the ringpost busting him open. Stone Cold Steve Austin grabs Rock by the head and scrapes his forehead across the barracade all the way round the ring to the announce table. The Rock's forehead is a crimson mass and has been busted from ear to ear. Stone Cold Steve Austin quickly lifts Rock up and drops him chest first over the announce table. As Stone Cold Steve Austin screams out in pain Stone Cold Steve Austin pushes the time keeper out of the way and grabs his steal chair. The Rock stands up off the table as Stone Cold Steve Austin swings and slams the chair straight into The Rock's head.


The Rock has been busted wide open but Stone Cold Steve Austin is not relenting one bit. Stone Cold Steve Austin lifts Rock up from the floor and slams him knee's first into the steal steps which don't give way and The Rock goes flying over the steps. Stone Cold Steve Austin quickly grabs Rock and rolls him into the ring before he goes for the pin. The referee makes a quick enougth count but Rock gets the shoulder up after two. Stone Cold Steve Austin can't beleive it as he lifts Rock up, Stone Cold Steve Austin trys to irish whip Rock into the ropes but The Rock reverses it and hits big time with a ROCKBOTTOM!!!! The Rock goes for the cover...1...2...3,


After the Rock wins the match he celebrates then leaves the ring, all of a sudden, TRIPLE H comes down the ramp way and gets in the ring, He comes in with a chair and goes to swing at Stone Cold but Austin ducks under, then Austin starts throwing punches and gets the better of Triple H, Austin goes to do a stunner but Triple H pushes him away and throws into the ropes, as he boucnes back triple H hits a high knee to the face, then Triple H picks up the chair and as Austin gets up... SMACCKK!! right across Austin's head. Triple H poses on the ropes ass Austin lies in his pool of blood


.:(*):.Good Ole Jim Ross.:(*):.Good God! Austin just got cracked over the head

.:(*):.Jerry 'the king' Lawler.:(*):.I can't believe Triple H!! He's an assassin!! hah

.:(*):.Good Ole Jim Ross.:(*):.Damn, Triple H!! This is only going to be Stone Cold Steve Austin madder at Backlash

.:(*):.Jerry 'the king' Lawler.:(*):.OHh, I would hate to be Triple H at this point, when Austin comes around he's not going to be a happy camper

As Triple H "The game" walks back up the rampway slowly, a huge man in what appears to be a white suit jumps over the guard rail and runs into the ring. the Large man takes it to the Rock as he super kicks him to the face. The man then takes out a microphone from his jacket pocket as he appears to have something to say.


.:(*):.The bad Man 'Rikishi'.:(*):. Hey Rock! your not so tough right now are you? Well if you can hear me, which you probably can't, but if you can hear me then you might want to peep this... Rock! [Crowd pop] at Backlash I challenge you! And if you thought this was something then you anit seen nothing yet, because if you do accept my challenge then Rock, I promise you that at Backlash I will back this thang up!

Triple H runs back into the ring and starts to stomp away on Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H then turns to Rikishi and looks at him sqaure in the eyes. Rikishi looks back at Triple H, Rikishi reacts first as he rises Triple H's hand in the air. Both men the rise each others hands in the air as they display there true colors to the fans.


.:(*):.Good Ole Jim Ross.:(*):.Oh my god king, that Son of bitch Rikishi is back and he has taken apart The Rock! ... Rikishi has made it quite clear that he wants the Rock at Backlash but for his own sake King I hope Rikishi was only joking!

.:(*):.Jerry 'the king' Lawler.:(*):. Does it look like Rikishi was joking JR? The man came out to the ring and beat the hell out of the Rock now and not only that, it looks like The Game Triple H has aligned himself with the phat man Rikishi. This could only mean distruction.

.:(*):.Good Ole Jim Ross.:(*):. Indeed it could King, and I bet what will be on everbodies mind after tonight is, What in the hell is the Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin going to do to Rikishi and Triple H? ... were out of time fans I'll see you next week on Slam!

WINNER: The Rock

OOC Message: Good Roleplaying by everyone, keep up the good work. Any comments toward the results please put them in the OOC board

Vince McMahon: MastaPimp181@hotmail.com
Ric Flair: Royal_T_13@hotmail.com