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Troop User Manual

October 18, 2005

Table of Contents




Computer Specifications Information. 3

Navigating the System.. 4

System Access. 5

Login Information. 5

Contact Information Page. 6

Forgotten Password. 8

Screen Tabs. 9

Contacts. 10

Settings. 13

Cookies Tab. 15

Troop Initial Orders. 15

Ordering with Booth and Girl Detail 15

Ordering by Individual Girls. 18

Troop Transactions. 22

Initial Order Transaction. 22

Initial Order Delivery Transaction. 22

Troop transactions for Other Sources. 22

Inventory Balances. 23

Troops Entering an Initial Order at Girl Level or Troop Packages. 23

Troops Entering an Initial Order in Full Cases. 24

Navigating the Transaction Form.. 25

Girl Sales Record. 26

Adding Additional Cookie Orders. 27

Adding Payments. 27

To add a New Girl Selling. 28

Printing, Exporting, Saving. 28

Delivery Tab. 30

Regular 30

One-to-Many. 31

Troop Choice. 32

Awards Tab. 34

Individual Girl Award Order 36

Deposits. 40

Adding Deposits. 41

Navigating the Deposit Information Page. 42

Editing/Deleting Deposits. 43

Sales Report 44

Computer Specifications Information



The eBUDDE 2.1 system has been tested on a variety of computer types and different web browers.  Below is a list of approved web browsers for IBM compatible and Macintosh computers.


IBM Compatible – Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 and higher, Netscape 7.0 and higher.

Macintosh – Mozilla Firefox version 1.0


The eBUDDE 2.1 system uses Microsoft Excel for the printing of the reports.  If you have users that do not have the Microsoft Excel program, a report viewer ofr IBM compatible systems can be downloaded from the following web address:




Navigating the System


Enter Key – The enter key is used to complete a row on a page.  It can also be used to complete a page when the page has only one button available on the page.


Help – Every level user has access to their manual using the help picture.  This is always located at the top of the page in the upper right-hand corner next to the Log Out option. 



Log Out – Every screen allows you to log out of the system.  The log out link is always located at the top of the page in the upper right-hand corner.  To log out click Log Out (the system will underline it).  The system will then take you back to the login page. 




Tabs – The tabs available on the page allow you to add, change, delete or view information.  These tabs are specific to the user access level.  Council users see the council tabs, areas see the area tabs, service units see the service unit tabs, troops see the troop tabs.    Below is an example of the council tabs.  To select a tab, click anywhere on the tab.




Tab Key – The tab key is used to move from one box of information to another on all screens.



System Access


Your council will set you up as a user.  An email will then be sent to you by the eBUDDE system.


The eBUDDE system sends every new user an email with the following information:


We recommend you click the link in the email sent to you from the eBUDDE system and then in your browser, add this web address to your Favorites for easier access.
















The login screen consists of three parts:



Login Information


Current users will enter in their email address and personal password.  Click the Login button or press enter to complete your login information.  The system will then access your council’s information.


New users will enter in their email address and temporary password sent to you in the email from the system.  Click the Login button or press enter to complete your login information.   The system will then direct you to the Contact Information Page.  Once you have completed the contact information page click Submit, you will be redirected to the Login page.  You then click the Login button.


 Contact Information Page
























Current users – This form is available to make changes to your password, email address and personal information.  To access this page click on the link provided on the login page.














New users – You will be required to fill out this form the first time you try to access the eBUDDE system.  You must change your password to something other than the temporary password.  All the information on this form is mandatory.  Once you have entered in all the information click the Submit button or press Enter.  The system will then take you back to the Login page.  Click the Login button to access your council information.

Forgotten Password


A forgotton password does not require a phone call!  Please stress this to your volunteers.  You as council have access to all volunteer passwords through the system but the system can assist your volunteers for you!!!!!





All users have the ability to get their password.  If you forget your password, key in your email address and press the Click Here link on the login page.   The system will verify that it has sent your password to your email address.  Click the Close Window button and you will be returned to the login page.  You will then receive and email from the system with your password.

















Screen Tabs












Contacts – Allows you to edit the information for troop contacts.  This includes name, address, phone number, email and access rights.  This DOES NOT include changing the email address.  See section above labeled Contact Information Page.  You also can add the shipping address for awards (if applicable)

Settings – This allows you to change the number of girls selling, registered, program age level, awards option as specified by your council.  Add additional troop contacts.

Cookies – This tab has several purposes.  This tab is used for entering the troop’s initial cookie order.   Will list additional cookie transactions from cupboards.  Also, if you key in individual girl orders, will allow the girl orders to be updated and payments to be made.

Delivery – This option is for selection of delivery site (if applicable) and a printout of cookies order, delivery site, pickup time (if applicable)

Awards -  This option is for placing and submitting troop total awards or submitting total of girl awards to the service unit.

Deposits – This option is for viewing and/or entering troop deposits to council.

Sales Report – This option is for viewing and/or printing the final troop sales report and submitting total Gift of Caring numbers (if applicable)






The Contacts tab allows you to enter in a shipping address for awards (if applicable) and change contact information.































To enter the troop shipping address, click the Edit button next to the shipping address section.























Enter in your information.  Click Update to save your information.  Click Cancel to leave this screen without saving your information.


To edit a troop contact information, click Edit next to the person that you want to make changes to.


















You can change the all information displayed except for the email and system access information.  This information needs to be changed by your service unit person.


Once you have made your changes, click Submit to save the information.  Click Cancel to leave this screen without saving the information.






The Settings tab allows you to change your troop information.  The troop is set up by the service unit.  However, at the time of setup, information may not be available such as girls, selling, award option, etc.  This tab allows you to update your information.  You can also add additional troop contacts or delete troop contacts using this tab.























Click the Edit button to make changes.


























# of Girls Registered – Enter the number of girls registered in the troop

# of Girls Selling – Enter the number of girls selling in the troop

Has Sales Goal – Mark the box if the troop has a sales goal

Level – Mark the appropriate button for program age level

Receives Proceeds (no awards) – Mark the box if the troop has selected to receive additional proceeds in lieu of awards.

Email address – Enter the email address of a new troop contact (if applicable)

Receives email – If you enter a new troop contact, mark if you want this user to receive order confirmation emails.  Uncheck the box if you do not want this contact to receive order confirmation emails.

Active – If you enter a new troop contact, mark if you want this user to access the computer web-based software system.  Uncheck the box if you do not want this user to access the computer web-based software system.

Cookie Person – Mark this box if the new troop contact has the volunteer role of cooke person for the troop.

Remove – Mark the box to remove a current troop contact from the system.  This will disable the person’s ability to use the system.


Click the Update button to save your information.  Click the Cancel button, if you want to leave this screen and not save your changes.


Cookies Tab


The cookies tab is used to enter the troop initial order, view troop cupboard transactions, and enter girl additional cookie orders and awards (if applicable).



Troop Initial Orders



There are two methods for troop ordering.  You will be directed by your council as to the method you are suppose to use.  The initial order can be in cases or packages as directed by your council.


Ordering with Booth and Girl Detail


Click on the cookies tab located on the right side of your screen.























Click on the word OTHER.  This line is for the total of GIRL orders. The system will highlight the line.  Click in the first input box at the bottom of the page, the line will highlight.  NOTE:  If your council does not participate in a Gift of Caring program or something similar, you will not see the column labeled GOC.
















Enter the cookie quantities for the girl orders.  Tab through the boxes and enter your cookie quantities. The system will show you the total.  Verify the total and press enter.  The system will display the total in the OTHER line.  NOTE:  The total will include the GOC column for verification however, this is an information only column.  The total for the girl orders WILL NOT include this total.


If so designated by your council, you can also enter the troop’s booth order.

Click on the word BOOTH.  The system will highlight the line.  Click in the first input box at the bottom of the page, the line will highlight.  NOTE:  The GOC column is not available for booth sales.  Tab through the boxes and enter your cookie quantities.  The system will show you the total.  Verify the total and press enter.  The system will display the total in the BOOTH line.














The system will display the completed order. 















To change any information click, the row that needs to be changed.  The data will be displayed on the bottom input row.  Click anywhere in that row to make changes.  Press enter once changes are complete.




You must click the Save button to save your information.  The system will display that it is saving the information.





To print the order, click the Printable Version button. 



Submit Order – This button is used to submit a troop order to the service unit.  You must still click this button for the service unit to know that this order is done.  The system will confirm that the troop order was submitted.

Ordering by Individual Girls


Click on the cookies tab located on the right side of your screen



























NOTE:  Girl level ordering must be done in packages.  If your council does not participate in the Gift of Caring or other named program, you will not see that column.


Click in the first input box at the bottom of the screen.  The line will highlight.  Key in the girl identification code.  This is a seven alphanumeric code.  See your council for coding preferences.  Tab through the line and enter the cookie quantities need for each girl.


You will notice that at the bottom of the page there is totals in packages, cases and surplus.  This is to assist you in calculating Gift of Caring (if applicable) and showing you the troop case order (if applicable)


NOTE:  The girl order totals will include the Gift of Caring numbers, the totals at the bottom of the page, will not include the Gift of Caring numbers as the Gift of Caring column is not part of the physical order. 






























You can also enter orders for booth or other as directed by your council.


Click on the word OTHER.  The system will highlight the line.  Click in the first input box at the bottom of the page, the line will highlight.  Click in the first input box at the bottom of the page, the line will highlight.  Tab through the boxes and enter your cookie quantities.  The system will show you the total.  Verify the total and press enter.  The system will display the total in the OTHER line.






If so designated by your council, you can also enter the troop’s booth order.

Click on the word BOOTH.  The system will highlight the line.  Click in the first input box at the bottom of the page, the line will highlight.  NOTE:  The GOC column is not available for booth sales.  Tab through the boxes and enter your cookie quantities.  The system will show you the total.  Verify the total and press enter.  The system will display the total in the BOOTH line.
































The system will assist you in ensuring that you have enough surplus boxes to meet your requirement for Gift of Caring


To change any information click, the row that needs to be changed.  The data will be displayed on the bottom input row.  Click anywhere in that row to make changes.  Press enter once changes are complete.




You must click the Save button to save your information.  The system will display that it is saving the information.





To print the order, click the Printable Version button. 



Submit Order – This button is used to submit a troop order to the service unit.  You must still click this button for the system to know that this order is done.  The system will confirm that the troop order was submitted.

Troop Transactions


Initial Order Transaction

The initial order transaction will show up once you submit your order to the service unit.  The figures will show up as a negative.  The reason for this is to help you know how many cookies you have on hand.  Once the order is submitted from the council to the bakery, an additional line will be displayed that show the initial order delivery.  The two lines could be different due to the rounding up to full cases (if applicable)






Initial Order Delivery Transaction

Once the order is submitted from the council to the bakery, an additional line will be displayed that show the initial order delivery.  The two lines could be different due to the rounding up to full cases (if applicable)








Troop transactions for Other Sources

The transactions tab will also list cookie transactions from any other source that the council has available.





The above transaction 12345 occurred on 08/18/05.  Twelve packages of  Samoas and twelve packages of Thin Mints were picked up from cupboard 10.



Inventory Balances









This screen displays the transactions for cookie product that occurs during the sale.    The inventory balance located at the bottom of the screen is a tool for the troop cookie person.

Troops Entering an Initial Order at Girl Level or Troop Packages

This screens assists you in ensuring that you allocate all the cookies that the troop has received to the girls.  The initial order and delivery figures are different because the initial order is a total of girl orders only.  The initial delivery includes girl orders and the additional packages due to rounding up to the nearest case.    The balance in the above example shows that the troop received 24 packages of cookies from the cupboard; gave away 1 package to another troop and had 39 additional packages due to the round up for full cases

The total of 62 comes from the following formula:

288 – 249 = 3 (additional packages due to rounding up to the full case)

39 + 24 = 63 (add the additional packages picked up at the cupboard)

63 – 1 = 62 (deduct a package given to another troop)


62 packages must be allocated to the girl sales records that were not included in the girl initial order.


Troops Entering an Initial Order in Full Cases








The screen displays an initial order and delivery quantity that matches.  This is because there is no rounding done because the initial order was entered in cases.  That balance shown on this screen will always reflect any additional packages picked up by the troop or given away by the troop.
Navigating the Transaction Form






The columns on this page listed from left to right are as follows:


Trans-Type  - This the receipt code of the transaction

Date – This is the date of the transaction

2nd Party – This is whom the cookies are going to or coming from

LC – Lemon Cremes

Tre – Trefoils

DSD – Do-Si-Dos

Sam – Samoas

ALL – All Abouts

Café – Café Cookies

Tag – Tagalongs

TM – Thin Mints

Total – Total of all varieties


You will notice that there is a sign before each of the column headers.  This allows you to sort the records in whatever order you prefer.  The system default is by date.  Clicking on the sign will activate, deactivate or change the sort type







▼ Sort from smaller or earliest to larger or latest

▲ Sort from larger or latest to smaller or earliest

►  Not sorted by this column









Column Filter – The column filter allows you to search and selectively display by any of the columns available.  The default is No Filter.  This will display all transactions.  You use the drop down box to select your search/display column.  In the Low and High boxes you enter the range that you want to see displayed on the page.

Girl Sales Record


The girl sales record located on the Cookies tab is a form that the troop cookie person can use to track the girls selling cookies.  It allows you to keep a running inventory of all orders for a girl as well as all payments.














The girl sales record form lists all girls that had initial orders and their initial order quantities.  You can add additional girls to this list and add additional orders and payments to girls already on the list.  You can also change information on this list. 


The system allows you 5 entries per girl.  If you have a need for more entries, you will need to combine the quantities on one of the lines.







Adding Additional Cookie Orders










Click once on the first line below the girl id line.  The line will highlight.  Double-click at the bottom of the page in one of the cookie variety boxes. 


NOTE:  The system requires you use lines in order by girl.  If a line is highlighted in green, it is unavailable for input at the time you entered the screen.  These lines will become available as data is entered into lines above.


In the boxes below key in the additional cookies using the tab key to move through the varieties.  You can also enter in a payment at the time of entering in the cookies.  Click the Enter key to end the data entry.  The information will be displayed in the line that was highlighted in the grid.


Adding Payments





You may add a payment to any available line in a girl record.  Lines that are unavailable for input are highlighted in green.  To enter a payment, click a line that is available under the girl id.  In the example above to make the $50 payment, you would click in the line with the girl id.  It will highlight.  You then double-click in the paid box at the bottom of the screen.  It will highlight.  Key in 50 and press the enter key.  The information is then transferred up to the line.

To add a New Girl Selling







You add a girl at the bottom of the screen.  Click in the box farthest to the left.  This is for the girl id.  The girl id consist of up to 7 characters that will identify the girl.  You will enter this id based on the advice from your council. 


Tab through the boxes to enter the cookie varieties and/or payments.  Press Enter at the end to confirm this data entry.  The system will then add the girl to the list of girls.




Printing, Exporting, Saving







You have three options on this screen. 


Printable Version – click this button to have the system provide you a screen to print your worksheet


Export – click this button if you want to download this information to save as an html file or cut and paste into another program.


SAVE – You must click this button to save the information you keyed in this screen.  The system will display a screen as it is saving your data.  Once this box goes away, your data is saved.




Delivery Tab


The delivery tab allows you to view your delivery information and submit additional information to the service unit or delivery site clerk.  There are three different methods of delivery.  Your council will specify which delivery method you will be using.  These are referred in this manual as regular, one-to-many, troop choice.




The regular type of delivery is for a service unit in which all the troops are scheduled to pick up and one delivery site within a specific range of time on a specific day.  As a troop person, you will need to submit your delivery information as to whom is picking up the cookies and if that person will pick up cookies for any additional troops.  DO NOT enter your own troop number in these boxes.























Enter in your information and click the Submit My Info button. 


Your service unit manager may schedule your time of pick up through the system.  This will then be displayed on the delivery sheet.        You can then print this information for your reference by clicking the Print button.



The one to many type of delivery is for troops within a service unit that may have special delivery needs to require a limited choice of delivery stations.  You will need to choose your delivery site so that your cookies will be available for pickup at the appropriate delivery site.






























Click the button next to the delivery site of your choice.  In addition, if you are picking up for additional troops, enter the troop number.  DO NOT enter your own troop number here.  If you would like to enter a PREFERRED pick up time, you may enter it here.  Keep in mind this is a request.  Also, you must select a time within the time range available.  You may be scheduled for a different time by the delivery site manager.  Select who will be picking up your cookies.  Click the Submit My Info button to submit this information to the delivery site manager.  You may also print this information by clicking the Print button.



Troop Choice


The troop choice option of delivery sites is if your council allows you to choose any of the available delivery sites throughout the council. 









































Click the button next to the delivery site of your choice.  In addition, if you are picking up for additional troops, enter the troop number.  DO NOT enter your own troop number here.  If you would like to enter a PREFERRED pick up time, you may enter it here.  Keep in mind this is a request.  Also, you must select a time within the time range available.  You may be scheduled for a different time by the delivery site manager.  Select who will be picking up your cookies.  Click the Submit My Info button to submit this information to the delivery site manager.  You may also print this information by clicking the Print button.


Awards Tab


There are two methods of entering in awards.  The awards tab is for troops placing a compiled troop award order.  You may also create award orders by girl.












NOTE:  The Initial Awards Order option may not be available.  This is an option that can be selected by your council.


For this example we will be working with the Final Awards Order.  The View button allows you to see the awards order.  The Fill Out button is for entering the troop order.


Click the Fill Out button.  The system will display all the awards available for selection.























Enter in the quantities for the troop award order. Tab through the boxes.  Click the Submit Award Order to submit the order to the service unit.  Click the Return to Report List button to return to the previous screen.



























Individual Girl Award Order


The eBUDDE 2.1 system allows you to enter in awards at the girl level.  The way the girl order is displayed is dependent on the way the awards were set up by your council.  The system will show only the awards available for what the girl has earned in boxed sales.  As an example:  Council A has awards at box levels 50, 100, and 500.  A girls total box sales equals 150.  The system will display on the awards for the 50 box level and the 100 box level.  It will not show the 500 box level award.


To enter individual girl awards, click on the troop number under the navigation tree and click on the Awards tab.










NOTE:  The Initial Awards Order option may not be available.  This is an option that can be selected by your council.


For this example we will be working with the Final Awards Order.  The View button allows you to see the awards order.  The Fill Out button is for entering the girl and troop order.
































The girl id’s show below the heading labeled Girl Orders.  In the example above, a girl award order has been entered for girl id Bb9999  To access a girl award order, click on the girl id.


















Displayed to the left, is the number of boxes the girl has sold.  Displayed to the right is the girl id for reference.  The system displays the box level as reference and then the column labeled select, allows you to select the items for the girl that she is to received.  On the award Fashion Tee, there is the capability of selecting a t-shirt size. 


To enter that this girl receives all the awards and a adult small t-shirt you would do the following:


Click in all the boxes under the column labeled Select.  On the Fashion Tee, click the down arrow until you see displayed Fashion Tee (AS). 


Once you have selected the items and t-shirt size, click the Submit Girl Order.






























The system will display what has been ordered for the girl.  Place all girl orders.  Some councils will allow additional items to be ordered for the troop – volunteer items as a good example.  Enter in any additional quantities under the Padding column. 


Return to Report List – this button returns you to the screen displayed on page 45 which lists the type of award orders you can view or fill out.

Recalc. Totals – This button is used to add the girl order quantities and the troop order quantities under the padding column.

Submit Award Order – This button submits the troop award order to the service unit.  Once you click this buton, the award orders for girl and troops cannot be changed by troops only by a service unit user.





The deposits tab will allow you to view the deposits credited to your troop.  If your council allows, you can also enter the deposits that you have made to council.








































As you enter deposits they will be displayed on the screen.  You can Add, Edit, or Delete deposits.  You can also selectively search to display only specific deposits.


Adding Deposits


On the initial screen, left-click in the first entry box located at the bottom of the page. 



Use the Tab key to move across the page.  Press Enter to complete the line entry.

































Date – You must enter the date in this format mm/dd/yy.  Each deposit must have a date.


Reference Number – Reference is used to annotate the deposit.  This entry is optional.  Possible uses for this box is to comment on the deposit, to specify which bank the deposit was made from, to enter a encoding number.


Troop – You must enter a valid troop number.  The system will verify that the troop number is correct before saving the data.


Amount – the amount can be a positive or a negative.  You do not have to enter in the cents if it does not apply.




Navigating the Deposit Information Page


As you enter deposits, the system displays the deposits using a scrolling feature.  To facilitate making changes there are several methods to navigate to the information that you need.  You will want to use the method that best fits what editing you are trying to do.




Deposits are displayed n the order keyed by default.   You can scroll through the deposit pages by using the scroll bar located to the right of the deposit page.




You can sort the deposits in an order that will be show you the information in the order that you want.




You will notice that there is a sign before each of the column headers.  This allows you to sort the records in whatever order you prefer.  The system default is by date.  Clicking on the sign will activate, deactivate or change the sort type


▼ Sort from smaller or earliest to larger or latest

▲ Sort from larger or latest to smaller or earliest

►  Not sorted by this column



Search and Filter



Column Filter – The column filter allows you to search and selectively display by any of the columns available.  The default is No Filter.  This will display all transactions.  You use the drop down box to select your search/display column.  In the Low and High boxes you enter the range that you want to see displayed on the page.




Editing/Deleting Deposits


All boxes are editable.  You make changes by left-clicking your mouse in the box you want to correct and making the changes.  You can also delete the deposit by pressing the Delete key on your keyboard.  Deletions and changes can be made at the same time.  Once you have made all your changes, left-click the Save button to save your changes.



Exporting the Deposits


Click the Export button to export the deposits.  The system will display a screen and instruction you to click File, Save As to save the deposits.


Sales Report


The sales report reflects all transactions for the troop in the system.  It includes the initial order, any additional orders, deposits and the calculation for troop profit, council monies and balance due.  In addition, you can enter in the amount of Gift of Caring cookies if your council distributes the boxes at the council level.  (You never receive the physical boxes).  The system will include these packages as part of your packages received.
























To enter the Gift of Caring packages enter the number of packages in the box labeled Total GOC Packages.  Click the Submit GOC button.