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Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

September 12, 2002, 7pm


Barb's Blurb...

West Service Unit Leaders you are AWESOME! We had a phenomenal turn out at this month's meeting! Thanks to Angela, Gayle, Denise, Laurie R., Elizabeth, Barb J., Anna, Wendy, Carla, Tracie, Shirley, Darcel, Jennifer H., Dianna, Lisa, Mia, Caprice, Margaret, Janni for attending and making this such a great time!


¨       Successful Leader/Co-Leader Checklist:

o        Be sure to stay updated on your trainings! Everyone needs to go through Intro to Girl Scouts and their level (i.e. Daisy, Brownie, etc.) trainings. If you need training, contact Barb at 279-4631.

o        Be aware that at your troop’s meetings, there should be at least two adults, at least one of which is CPR/1st aid certified.

o        This year the Leader Success Manual and the Council Patch booklet are two separate items, both available at Council.


¨       Three issues which may affect your Scouts are up for feedback. Girl Scouts is considering their practice of keeping racial/ethnic statistics for its programs. Secondly, Girl Scouts USA would like to see an increase in the number of volunteers for the 18-25 age category. The third issue is the annual membership dues raising from $7 to $10.


¨       Lisa Woodley is our Family Partnership Chair. Contact her in advance if you would like her to give a presentation on the background and benefits of the Family Partnership to the parents of your Scouts—272-0266.


¨       It’s almost time for QSP! Packets and information were passed out at the meeting by Shirley Kelly. Please turn in your QSP orders to Council by November 12, or bring them to the leader meeting on November 14. We hope to see lots of participation for QSP (kb 629), to support our Council and our troops. Shirley is also the Service Unit Registrar. If you aren’t able to get your registration forms and fees to Council, she will collect them at the Leader Meetings or call her at home, 243-1624.


¨       School Organizers are still needed for Denali Elementary and Aquarian. If you are interested, contact Barb Ashton.


¨       All events this year are bring-a-friend. We are requiring prepayment at all events. You will be informed well in advance of each even t as to the fees associated with each activity. Prepayment will be for girls and their friends. Permission slips are also necessary for registered  Girl Scouts as well as non-registered attendees whether or not the girl’s parent attends. Service Unit and Council events include:

o        Mountain Mamma Teen Rally (Council event), September 20-21, Camp Carlquist

o        Leader Retreat (West SU event), October 18-19, Camp Carlquist, $10 (deadline Sept. 22) Call Barb at 279-4631 or Angela at 243-0497. We only have 6 registered leaders at this time. We need 10 to make this event happen. Join us, this will be a GREAT event just for leaders… no kids allowed!

o        Mom & Me Tea (West SU event), November 8, IBEW

o        Ice fishing (West SU event), January 18

o        Thinking Day (West SU event), February 21

o        Car maintenance event for Cadettes/Seniors and their Dads or other significant adult in their lives (West SU event), March 15

o        Father/Daughter carpentry event for Brownies/Juniors (West SU event), April 5

o        SOL (Council event), May 17, Winding Trails, Russian Jack Park

o        Encampment (GSUSA event), June 12-15

In addition to Service Unit events, we are looking for leaders to host a Daisy day, Brownie Try-it event, Junior Badge event and a Cadette/Senior Badge event. Please let us know if you are interested. You’ll get lots of help from the Service Team as well!


¨       This year Foils (a.k.a. fake money) will be awarded for volunteers’ efforts. Foils are accumulated and can be used at the Foil auctions, to be held in December and May, for items such as movie tickets, dinners and gift certificates. You can earn your foil points as follows:

o        1 point for each--attending Service Unit meetings, wearing Girl Scout pins and tab, being on time to the meeting, or for sharing something interesting at meeting

o        3 points for sharing a craft project at the leader meeting

o        5 points for each--posting a pertinent message on the website message board, having an item of interest placed in our newsletter or in the Trefoil, recruiting a new leader, for having a bring-a-friend troop meeting and recruit a new girl, helping with an event (clean-up, manning a booth, set-up, etc.), getting Leaders and Co-leaders to attend a meeting who normally don’t attend, having more than 2 people from your troop attend the meetings simultaneously, getting training and updating Barb on it, or for finding troop number or your initials in the Trefoil (not September’s)

o        10 points for recruiting more adults at cookie time

o        10 points for turning in paperwork (e.g. your annual report)

o        15 points for filling a vacant position on the Service Unit Team

o        20 points for having a Family Partnership presentation at a troop parent meeting

o        20 points for hosting an event

o        points awarded as seen fit.

SPECIAL BONUS FOILS!!—Earn 10 Foils at the October 10 meeting by wearing a Halloween costume!


¨       The VIP basket has been passed! If you happen to receive the VIP basket at one of our Leader Meetings, it basically works like this: the giver selects a person, and presents that person to the group with the information gathered during a brief interview prior to the meeting. The one who receives the basket takes it home with them to refill it with new goodies for the VIP they will pass it on to at the following meeting.



Next Leader Meeting: October 10, 2002, Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Wisconsin St., 7pm (Team meeting at 6:30)

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