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West Service Unit

West Service Unit

Leader Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2003


*  A grand bravo to Margaret Sharpe’s troop, who made 100 fleece hats to donate to children at Lake Hood and Tyson Elementary schools!

*  Barb will be out of town from April 1-9. Please contact Angela Truitt, 243-0497, or Suzy Hambach at council if you have questions about anything.

*  If you need pins or tabs, they are all available at council.

*  Approximately 1,519 cases of cookies were delivered for our service unit. Cookie paperwork must be turned in to Tracie by our next meeting. Cookie checks can be deposited at First National Bank by REI—there are rubber stamps there for the deposit only message for the back of the checks.

*  Tentatively, there is a *last-chance* 1st aid training scheduled for Saturday, April 26 from 8am-4pm.

*  SOL will be May 17 at Winding Trails. SOL will help fulfill requirements for encampment. Volunteers are needed for SOL activities. Please contact Angela Truitt if you are interested. More details will be available at the next meeting.

*  There will be a skating event on April 24 from 6:30-9 at Dimond Center.

*  Don’t forget—if you reserved spaces for your scouts at the Lowe’s Event, it is on April 5.

*  Currently we are anticipating having our leader retreat overnight on May 2-3. If you are interested, leave space on your calendar and bring your ideas/input to the next leader meeting.

*  There is the possibility that Our Lady of Guadelupe, who is kind enough to let us use their conference room for our leader meetings, may need booth volunteers for their church carnival on the first weekend in May.

*  The next leader meeting will be April 10, 2003 at 7pm, team meeting at 6:30pm, at Our Lady of Guadelupe.

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