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West Service Unit


January 2004


Cookie sales have begun! Be sure that all girls involved are registered and have a permission slip signed by a parent/guardian. Pre-order time will be coming to an end soon.


February 20 is Thinking Day. Please call Margaret (evenings) to tell what country your troop will be focusing on, and begin working on booths.


February 21 is the Fur Rondy Parade. If your troop is interested in participating, please let Margaret or the secretary (Gayle) know by the next leader meeting.


Leaders and co-leaders, if you are unable to make it to the meeting, invite a parent to take your place. Having your input for the Service Unit is extremely important and valuable. Insights and news that you can share about how your troop is doing make the meetings beneficial for all involved.


At one of the past meetings, the idea was discussed about when the girls go out to sell cookies, people could buy a box and donate it to Bean’s Café. If this was to be done, the money would need to be collected right then, so this would work very well at booth sales. Perhaps for another buy-and-donate-a-box idea, a booth could decide to donate to the troops stationed [LW] overseas. Currently, the secretary is setting up contacts for delivering packages for an afterschool program. But if you already have a military contact, or would like to contribute input on the idea, please come to the leader meeting in February. Messages can also be posted on the website (see below).


At the last meeting Lana Bell received the VIP basket. At the next leader meeting, she will be bringing it back, to pass on to another lucky VIP.


We are having a renaissance of the “initials in the newsletter” tradition. Search this newsletter for your initials. If you find them, be sure to come to the meeting to receive your prize. And if you don’t find them, don’t miss the meeting anyway; come partake of our lovely decorations and treats. The secretary is willing to seek out vegan, allergy-sensitive, sugar-free or chocolate-junkie snacks, just let her know in advance! J



The team meeting will be Thursday, February 5th at 5:30pm.


The leader meeting will be Thursday, February 12th at 7pm.


Visit the website to find:


Scouting links!

Message board!

Email addresses!

Archived minutes!