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West Service Unit

West Service Unit

Leader Meeting

Thursday, October 9, 2003


ü      We are almost finalized on our list of leaders and troops. Once again, please let one of the Service Unit Team members know if you are aware of a leader who has not contacted the Service Unit to update their contact info or their troop status. Also, it is greatly appreciated that several leaders did contact us to let us know of girls interested in joining a troop, whether it’s their first time, or if their troop disbanded.

ü      We will only being doing mailings that are of extreme necessity to save those funds for other categories of the budget. Meeting reminders will only be mailed to those who specifically request them. In lieu of mailed reminders, email, the website, and a phone tree will be used. Meeting minutes will be available online.

ü      The Leader Retreat will be November 15-16. RSVP by October 24 so the committee will be able to plan accordingly.

ü      Foils will be given out again this year. More detailed information of Foil point categories will be available soon.

ü      October 24 will be Trick or Treat Town. If you and your troop would like to participate, contact Angela Truitt, for more information.

ü      The next big event coming up is the Mom and Me Tea. It will be Friday November 7, starting at 6:30 pm. Invitations will be sent in the mail, and the RSVP will be October 24.

ü      Contacts to know:

o       Angela Truitt,, Service Unit Manager,

o       Barb Ashton,, Co-Service Unit Manager

o       Gayle Brown,, secretary

ü      Our next meeting will be at the Museum downtown. During the meeting Senior Girl Scouts can be arranged through Barb Ashton for monitoring children. After we close our meeting, we will be going to see the Sue exhibit. Please note: everyone must pay their own entry fees.

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