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! Meeting Minutes !

October 10, 2002, 7pm



¨     Up and coming events: “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, a Cadette and Senior event, 6:30-8:30, October 24, $5. Skating, October 24 at 6:30-9:00 pm (line must not form before 6:15pm), please have permission slips and admission ready at the entrance, $4 includes skates. Contact Gayle Brown for location.

¨     Our budget is currently sitting at about $1000. And we’ve about met our anticipated budget allowance for new troops!

¨     Don’t forget to contact Lisa Woodley about Family Partnership presentations for your troop’s parents! Family Partnership donations go towards things such as council events and camperships, and they are 100% tax deductible!

¨     Registration forms and QSP order forms can be turned into Shirley Kelly at the next meeting. Don’t forget: QSP stands for “Quick”, “Safe”, and “Profitable”. It’s a great, easy way for your troop (dm 163) to raise funds for its endeavors.

¨     November 15, 2002--- Mom & Me Tea, 7pm. $5 per person, PRE-registration required by November 1—no admittance at the door without pre-registration [pre-registration envelopes will be sent to leaders]. Decorate your table, prizes awarded. Mom& Me Polaroid photos, $2 each. Contact Darcel McGee for more info.

¨     The Ice Fishing event has been slated for January 19 to begin around 1pm. More details to come…

¨     Cookie Training will be at the December Leaders’ Meeting. Cookie Training is mandatory for Troop Leaders and Cookie Moms. Troop Leaders and Cookie Moms must be there and participate in Cookie Training for their troop to be able to sell cookies. If you have any problems or concerns, contact Tracie Pierce.

¨     Please donate to the waif website! We are in need of more links, whether they be Scouting, Fun or Troop Links. If you have received permission from owners to link to their websites, please send the URLs to Gayle Brown. The message board is also a great way to post recent news about your troop, bits of info you want to share with others, etc. If you are not web-savvy but wish to add to the website (whether it be to gain Foils or out of sheer intrinsic motivation), please send contributions to Gayle Brown.

¨     Nametags, nametags, nametags! Professional designs for those professional events, or for the times you’re so busy your forget your name. Stylish accent to any ensemble of your favorite Co-leader or parent helper. [ONLY FOR ADULTS] Under $5 per tag! Contact Barb Ashton for colors and pricing.

¨     Keep working on earning those foil points, ladies! There will be some fantastic items up for Foil Auction in December!

¨      The next leader meeting will be November 14, 7pm. Team meeting begins at 6:30.


Barb’s P.S.

The delegates will be on their way to the Annual Meeting at UAA on Novemeber 2. Our five delegates are Anna Bryant, Tracie Pierce, Lisa Woodley, Barb Ashton, and Angela Truitt, with Gayle Brown as an alternate. Kudos to Lisa Woodley for taking charge of the Denali School Organizer position. A big thank you goes out to Janni and Caprice, who did a wonderful job with their craft presentations at the last meeting. Don’t forget about our Bring-and-Take table—anything you would like to bring to pass on to others, such as old but useful handbooks, ideas/examples for projects or activities.

Happy Halloween!!


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