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GANG violence



sometimes defined based on whether an incident involved a suspect or victim who is a gang member and sometimes based on whether the incident involved gang activity (e.g., retaliation, territoriality, recruitment, wearing gang colors, shouting gang slogans)



Gangs were formed by racial, ethnic, or religious groups. The pressure of old values and traditions forced many immigrants to band together to fight the prejudices found in their new environment. Territorial lines were drawn based on race, ethnicity, and religion, and group members maintained their own language and subcultures. Gangs of today are based on similar needs to identify with a group. Along with racial, ethnic, and religious gangs, some gangs today are based on common experience and geographic location - e.g., urban areas, poverty-stricken areas. Difficulties fitting in to a new environment due to migration and population shifts may make a youth more likely to become involved with gang members.


                      shootings                                               stabbings                                        beatings

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