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03-06-2003 Site Launched. Under Construction.

03-15-2003 Spring Break is over.

03-16-2003 School starts tomorrow.





      .: General Info :.
Name: Warren;
Ethnicity: Chinese;
DOB: Winter time;
School: University_of_Texas_at_Austin;
Major(s): Computer_Science_&_Pre_Med;
Location: Austin//Houston_TX;
Job Occupation: Student
AIM Screen Name: re L ic 1213;
Hobbies: Sports & Outdoors;
Game Nicks: Scream; War-N-; SmiLe; tru.goldeneye; ReLiC;
      .: March 6, 2003 :.
Boredom owns me.  I finally got bored enough to make a website.  It's been awhile.  Good thing there's FrontPage and Dreamweaver.  I have no clue what to put on this site.  Hmm...everyone is going to see Son tomorrow, he's graduating from basic training.  Bryan should be here anytime now, we're heading to Jon's to watch him get drunk.  "I weigh 258 lbs!! Really I do!!"  HAHA.  I still need to study for BIO.  I've been procrastinating a lot this week.  Oh wells.  Look forward to future updates I guess.


      .: March 15, 2003 :.
What happened over my Spring Break?  NOTHING!!  Although I didn't do anything, I still had fun.  I missed the food back in Houston, "real Asian food," for the most part.  Of course you can't go wrong with an evening of gambling with your gamble-holic friends.  Thanks to Matt's xanga page and digital-camera I was able to steal some of his pictures from a round of show-hand poker between Matt and I that I will never forget.  MUAHHAHAH-!!

The left hand is mine and the right hand is Matt's.  Notice I need a Jack to complete my straight and Matt can either have 2 pairs or 3 Jacks or just a pair of jacks.  If he held 3 Jacks, which he did, the probability of me getting a Jack is low.

Here's the pot of money collected from all our bets for this round.  I was down about $20+ so for the last bet I raised Matt $20.  He met my raise and you'll see why.  Each of us put in about $35+.

Once the bets were all final, Matt thought he was a bad-ass and flipped his card over revealing to me that he held another Jack making it nearly impossible for me to hold the last Jack from the deck.  Matt screams, "I have your &*$!ING Jack right here $%#@!!" I wasn't sweating at all when Matt revealed that he had 3 Jacks because I knew ahead of time there was no way in hell he can beat my hand no matter what he flips over.  I held the last Jack from the start of the game.  "I have your Jack here #$@!#!!"
Surprisingly I held the Jack Matt thought was impossible to get.  Matt gets up and...well...the picture explains it all. "Oh my GOD" & "HOLY %$#!!" was all I remember hearing from Matt while everyone else was amazed over the upset I pulled on Matt.

For more images and details from our gambling nights visit Matt's Xanga page here.


      .: March 16, 2003 :.
I did nothing the whole day today except watch Cindy do her project.  Cindy brought over her album with all the pictures taken from our trip to Son's graduation right before Spring Break started.  Here's a group picture of us at River Walk in San Antonio.  I had to add the girls into the picture, since we didn't take many group pictures.

For more pictures from our trip click here.



© Warren 2003
Last Updated March 16, 2003
Written and Designed by Warren
All Rights Reserved.

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