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Rejects Krew - Clan [rK]
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   Clan [rK] Rejects Krew
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We need poeple to Idle at our channel at #clan*rk, also if you would like a tryout plz dont keep asking as you will get your tryout when we say you do and if you dont want to wait then go find another clan! We are looking for players that have skillz and have good strats on the cal maps.

Cal Season

1:16  Jan.17,04>

I second game is agasint Tactical Ops Agents. So all starting five we need to practice

Seven Counter-Strike Tactics

5:48  Jan.16,04>

Seven Counter Strike Tactics
1. Learn to Identify and Exploit Enemy Weaknesses

Identify common routes that the other team takes through the map. Are they overconfident? Do they focus too much on rushing and not enough on sniping, is it the other way around? Do they have good communication. Are they sloppy? Are they spread out all over the map where you cut them off and take them out one by one? Can you make them attack you where you want them to? All of these are potential weaknesses which you can use to your advantage.

2. "Defend, then Attack"

If the other team is overconfident, bent on rushing, and if they attack the same place every time, this works great. Set your team up at a choke point where they usually attack and wait for the other team to arrive to engage you. Camp out and set up snipers. Maybe offer up a few people as bait to get them to walk right through the choke point. Then once they're committed and exposed, let em' have it. All of this depends on supprise. Once they are stalled, launch an immediate counter-attack while they are still backed up in disarray at the choke point. Use lots of smoke and flash bangs.

3. Feign a Retreat

Have your snipers and other experienced team members camp out in a selected spot (preferably a choke point) that will give them good cover. Then take the second body, consisting of your less experienced teammates and engage the other team. Shoot it out for a few minutes and then fall back, giving the impression that you've been beaten. Make sure you are being followed, then run back to where the rest of your team is camped out and re-engage them at the choke point. Then re-form back into one body and take out the stragglers. If you know the map better than your opponent, and you know a place where you can disappear and run around and flank the other team once it has reached your camped out snipers, then by all means do it.

4. "Hold One Place, Strike Another"

This only works well when the other team consistently attacks on the same route. Send a few of your experienced people with loud weapons (the whole point is to distract the other team's attention) to engage the other team at the usual spot. Then take the main body of your people around and attack on the flank of the other team. Remember, the whole thing rests on maintaining the illusion in the mind of the other team members that they are attacking the main body of your troops and everything is normal.

5. "Going up the Middle"

Only try this if your team is well organized and knows how to communicate well. Take your people and form them up into two groups. Start out together and run up the middle of the map area used by the other team, if they are dispersed enough and you know where they are concentrated you can cut them in half. Then have each of your two sub groups work on either flank, moving outward and cutting people off and taking them out one by one.

6. Use Equipment and Weapons to their Full Potential.

Several items in counterstrike are unappreciated or improperly used. For example, the M249 PARA Light Machine Gun is almost never used correctly. It is designed to be a crew served weapon, not an individual weapon. Properly used, it can provide extended suppresive fire, and buy your people the time they need to reload and advance under cover when they need to. I recommend teaming the machine gunner up with a sniper and someone with a sub machine gun to give close quarters protection. You can also cover the machine gunner by using ballistic shields. Another thing is that smoke gernades can be very effective against AWPers, and HE gernades can easily take care of people hiding behind ballistic shields. There is also the Steyr Scout sniper rifle, which runs at just $2750 and can be just as effective as a AWP if you can land upper body and head shots. The better you know your options the better you can exploit them.

7. Work in Teams

If your team communications suck, this is your best bet. Always maneuver in teams so you can provide suppressive fire for one another. It really sucks when you are by yourself and run into five or six people. If you have to desperse your people, then run in two map teams. It's also a good idea to team up snipers with a rifle and a spotter with a submachine gun to watch his back and point out targets.

Cal-O Season

6:26  Jan.15,04>

CAl season has begun and we need lots of practice please all the members go to the practice page and find out what time is practice


8:28  Jan.9,04>

The practices times will start as of next week and if you cant make it because if the times i made plz e-mail and make your own practice times and I will see if we can fix it, but if now look at the practice page and check it out.

Cal-O Season

8:16  Jan.9,04>

I do not know if we are going to play in this season cal-o, but I think we are and I think we should go for it even though we are not ready lets just try it and if we suck this season lets do better next season. This season will be like practice! Check out are team site for cal-o

Cal-O Season

9:39  Jan.8,04>

We will not be in this Cal-o season because we are not ready. We need more practice and more active players! If you want to help recruit poeple

The New Mangement

10:06  Jan.6,04

Urgent News

We have three leaders for this clan and they are Jsharp,.Unkn0wn?,L1nkyboi. Here is the % of how much they own of this clan

JSharp: 5%of thing up the clan,5% for signing up for cal,10% for running the mIRC Channel, 8% for being top leader for clan,5% of always being at the scrim
33% of ownage

L1nkyboi:40% for geting the server and paying for it. 5%of thinking up the clan.
45% of ownage

.Unkn0wn?:5% making website, 17% for being GM(General Manger) of the clan
17% of ownage


8:32  Jan.5,04
Cuts: Lazyboy
Reason: Inactive for 4 days, won't listen to us and are plans.Did not sign up for cal
Sorry for cutting you lazyboy, but we will let you play one more scrim and if you meet are standrads then you will be back in,however if you do not respong in 3 more days you will be cut permently.


11:01 Jan. 1, 04

All members of Clan [rK] please sign up for Cal soo that we can get ready and find out how is the starting 5 and subs. So that we can practice are plays and practice on other maps. If you you havent signed up yet then you will not be playing any matchs or scrims until you have signed up. For the team password it is the same as the server password. K Thanks 8D

New Server!

Provided by: L1nkyboi

Yes, are clan has a Server it is a 10 man private server and is located at Los Angels, California. If you would like the server ip and pw plz go to #clan*rk and talk to [rK]benedict and he will give you r answer

.Unkn0wn? Productions [rK] Orignal
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Cal sign ups