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Chat Files
MSN/MIRC Related topics, Scripts, Flash, Shockwave, 3D, and Web Based Games.

Here you will find a variety of files and tools for use with MSN Messenger, the MSN Chat Network and mIRC. There are Emoticon Packs, Proxies, Bots, Display pictures, and add-ons available for Messenger. This Site also supports downloadable Warbots and Scripts for use with IRC and the MSN Chat Network.

There are files available for download.

Play online Games. I'm posting graphics, poetry, whatever comes to mind and music here as a makeshift kind of homepage, as well as provide tools for chat related topics.

All images used on this page are available for download in .zip packs.

If you happen across this site and would like to contribute anything there is an upload option also.

  Rom Links, Emulating Software, Machine Specifications and Game Screenshots.

Psst. I don't put a great deal of Rom's here for download, maybe a couple at best. These Rom's are available, yes (once again) at your own risk. Basically, you're expected to 1) Own the orignal Rom's you choose to download or 2) Delete the Rom within 24 hours.

I have no problems giving links for Rom's. Basically because I'm not liable :) There will DEFINATELY be no rom files for newer machines like the X-Box or PS2, but don't mind so much with older machines like the Amiga 500 :) uhuh but no Kickstart 1.3 sorry (I'll post the link instead). Posted with each successive link here: Machine specifications *drools*, screenshots, Emulating software. And lets not forget the links...

Port Scanners, Port Service listings, Open source, DOS, DDOS, RAT's, Virii.

Available here are Port Scanners, Remote Administration Tools, Denial of Service and Distributed Denial of Service Tools. There are also extensive listings of exploits for a Variety of Windows platforms and other Operating Systems. There are Port Listings and associated services. Virii are available for Download.These tools are available for Educational Purposes only. This site does not condone nor take responsibilty for the actions taken by websurfers who choose to maliciously attack networks (or the individual!) with the tools and information sourced here.

These tools are used at YOUR own risk!

Anonymous Proxies. Anonymous Browsing. SSL Clients. Wingates.

Available here are addresses and Port numbers for a sizeable listing of anonymous proxies (which can be used with a variety of internet ready applications) and Wingates. There is also anonyous browsing here, and Secure Socket layer software. Anon Proxies are up and down constantly... I've provided administrative tools that check the integrity of the server, so shouldn't really serve (excuse the pun) too much of a problem. There is also software provided that more or less does the job automatically...


Hot Fixes
Hotfixes. Security Software. Inbound Outbound Filters. Firewalls.
Here are links for Security Software (Firewalls, Antivirus, Inbound/Outbound filters, P2P) and Windows Hotfixes. Temporary and provisional Peace of mind for people who envision achieving the impossible (ie. Securing Microsoft Products)
Artwork. Comics. Music. Babes.

Artwork here (Rob Zombie, Geiger, Comics). Also, cars, music, and babes (nothing explicit), wallpapers for Windows. I will do my best to ensure the majority of pictures here are available in the Public Domain - Ha!

So if you see any images here and YOU are the copyright owner then please email me immediately and the offending images will be promptly removed from the site.