The Great One- The Rock

The Great One - The Rock

Roleplay Information - RP #1


The Rock plans to go good on a role. This is a new Rock, and he wants to debut here with a bang, teaming with a superstar of high caliber-Edge to face Triple H-"The Game" and Shelton Benjamin, another guy with good things to come in his career. However The Rock has done a lot, and won't be stopped with a partner like Edge...
::End of Prologue::

A loud flush, a zip of the pants, and the cameras back up, letting The Rock by as he goes to the sink. The Rock washes his hands, dries them, and tosses his paper towel into the trash can to his left. He almost steps out of the bathroom but the cameraman hands The Rock a microphone to cut a promo, and he heads through the doorway, but stops in his tracks when he steps through the doorway...

The Rock: What the.....Damn it! You’re not quite in the bathroom yet you stupid son of a bitch! Get the hell outta here!

The Rock kicks him in the ass and he jumps. He turns and faces Rock, rubbing his ass from the shot of Rock’s huge boot. The Rock looks at the man up and down, and jumps at him as if to slap the taste right from his buds. He runs away, and The Rock turns to the camera, and raises "The People's Eyebrow" over his shades...

The Rock: FINALLY......

The Rock starts to continue his opening catchphrase, but stops abruptly. He looks to his right, and opens his eyes wide as he sees none other than Jenna Jameson walking the halls, switching from left to right.

The Rock blinks...twice...three times....four times. And then his eyes nearly pop out again. The camera focuses in closely as she approaches The Rock, smiling...

Jenna: [walks up to Rock with a smile as she walks around him checking him out as she places a hand on his shoulder] Rocky rockY Rocky.. been a long time since ive seen you... Your looking good as ever... [smirks again]

The Rock: Of course The Rock is lookin good as ever! {straightens out his shirt and pops his collar} But what brings you 'round here, Jenna? The Rock was watchin you walk down there...

Jenna:Well your looking at HWE's newest diva.. and best looking might i add... and iwas just coming around the corner.. saw you here.. so i figured id come say hi.. from one movie star to another [smiles]

The Rock: The Rock's a movie star alright. But you're one of the better ones The Rock has ever seen! The Rock dont normally buy extra copies because of ONE...count it ONE...person. The Rock has at LEAST 2 copies of every movie you've ever made, and 3 of that latest work of art. Oh yeah Rock is impressed!

Jenna:You are huh?Well its good to know i have a fan.... and not all of them are as hot as you [winks] but hey.. you cant count yourself out.. think of all the things that you have done...movies.. wrestling.. music... list goes on and on.. me i just screw guys [laughs]

The Rock: What!? {Rock's eyes pop out and he spills his bottle of water on his own feet} See, you're truly underestimating yourself, Miss Jameson. The Rock has seen it, he's loved them all. You don't just screw guys....................I mean I saw it-you suck them too, and I've seen ya screw a few girls also!

Jenna:Well.. i suppose your right! [laughs] and cool it down there hun your spilling all over yourself... dont get too excited.. Jenna aims to please.. but doesnt want you going all over the hallway floor! [laughs]

The Rock: Well, its a bit late. The Rock's full of water..he can't "HOLD" it all!! {Rock laughs and tosses the now empty water at the guy that was bent over a while ago} Get the hell outta here! The Rock'll slap the taste outta your mouth!.........Now The Rock's impossible to cool down. The Rock stays hott baby! Especially down south!

Jenna:All because of lil ol' me.. how cute! [jumps up on the table swinging her legs] So what brings you around here this time of day..

The Rock: Well...The Rock has a match coming up this week, he's teaming with Edge and their whippin Shelton Benjamin, and Triple H's candy asses, if you can smell that. But The Rock's doing a lot more than just whippin ass this week...The Rock's got things to see and people to do! {Fans in the arena laugh and Rock then starts to think about what he just said}

Jenna:I guess our minds work the same then dont they! [smiles as Rock looks a little puzzled trying ot figure out what he just said himself] Are you ok.. you look a little lost.. [laughs]

The Rock: Well, I kind of just talked about pie-eating...The Rock's favorite pass time. The Rock likes pie. {fans in arena laugh} Wait a minute...{gets closer to Jenna} you like.....pie?

Jenna: Pie? What are you talking about?..

The Rock: Shh! {Rock "acts" serious, getting closer to Jenna and talks outta the corner of his mouth} You know...pie!? {looks around to make sure no ones watching}

Jenna:Like.. apple..pie.. [looks confused still as she makes a funny face at him and continues swinging her legs]

The Rock: Well, that's one alternative. But you know....all pie aint apple, and all pie aint good pie! {Fans in the arena burst into their own little world of hysteria}

Jenna:You are seriously arent making sense Rocky.. are you feeling ok ? [puts her hand on his forehead]

The Rock: The Rock is trying to have a very pie-ful conversation, and do it The Rock aint feelin bad!

Jenna:Are you trying to tell me you want me to get you some pie?! [laughs]

The Rock: {looks around, as the fans continue to bust their guts laughing in the arena} Are you asking The Rock, if he wants.....your pie?

Jenna:Umm sure... [smiles unknowingly]

The Rock: Wait a minute, are you on the same page with The Rock? I mean I know what you do, but The Rock wouldn't believe that YOU are that easy. The Rock is almost disgusted, TELL ME that you're not on the same page with The Rock...PLEASE!

Jenna: Disgusted.. with me?! What are you talking about.. you said something about pie and my .. pie.. so i agreed with you. Look is there something that you want from me or not [slides off the table and leans against it looking into Rock's eyes]

The Rock: Well, it appears that you might not've known what The Rock meant. When's The Rock's "pie" date set up? We can set it any time you want..The Rock is always prepared...

Jenna:Welll.. umm.. i guess you could just come over to my place.. tomorrow.. we could get you some pie there [smiles andlooks around funny] but i think im going to go.. lots of things to do.. little time..heh..

The Rock: Oh yeah! The Rock'll be there. {Rock smiles widely and watches Jenna smile back}

Jenna:Alright then... you and i will.. we will get you some Jenna pie .. tomorrow! [pats his face] See you then .. OHH.. how stupid of me [grabs a pen off the table and holds his hand and writes her number on it] my number..give me a call ok?

The Rock: The Rock don't forget {winks at Jenna} Tomorrow...sure thing

Jenna:Bye [slides past him and then walks down the hallway]

The Rock watches Jenna switch her way down the hall yet again, and takes a deep breath to keep himself from fainting. The Rock then looks down at the number on his hand and smiles. He steps out of the cameras view and the scene fades out to black as The Rock disappears around the corner...
::End of Roleplay::

::OOC Message::
I'm the new Rock! This is my Debut Rp for my Debut match. Good luck to my opponents, and let's go get em Edge!
::End of OOC Message::