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The Shogun Expansion Pack is out now!

This site is dedicated to giving all involved with STW a fresh look at what Is going on in the STW online World. The links within this site cover a wide range of topics. Check out our strat page for indepth tactics theory, information on units and other related subjects.

The FunkedUpSkunk clan (Fus), are regular players of STW. Our clan can bost, a 1 name Daimyo. Labeilofest Shimazu, a formidable oponent. Found at Lab`s side or roaming the plains hunting for battle, Ghostpaw Otomo. Lab`s only "trusted" 2v2 ally, together they are a strong force. These mighty Generals are regularly found in the STW games lobby. Bringing entertaining, intelligent and ruthless battle to any Taisho, from any clan.

Although much of this site is still under construction, with only the Sun Tzu, Bushido, Units and Forum pages fully working at the moment. I hope to have most of the other pages up and running in a few days. Last updated (04/06/01) (4st of July for you U.S guys, Happy Independence Day)

~The GREAT and MIGHTY Ghostpaw~


28th of Aug
The Links page is now up and running... if a little empty at the moment. Please post a request to be added to the links page in our forum. Also added is the link to our members pages, which need profiles adding... so that coming soon too.

26th of Aug
Well E.A have finaly released the M.I exp pack to us Brits and was it worth the wait I hear you ask. Well it's too early to tell yet as I've really got to get to grips with the new units before I can give fair ruling on it. So far I've been messing with the map editor, the result of which you can download from this sites DL section. Well I think thats about it for now. I hope to have a M.I section up and running soon, till then happy hunting.

1st of July
Following numerous delays and put backs, the STW expansion pack (The Mongol Invasion) is due to hit U.K and U.S shores at the same time in an unpresidated bi-continental release. Now if E.A holds to this, which they look like doing, it would be great for us guys in the U.K as for once the U.S will not have had a jump start playing the game online. On the other hand you guys in the U.S will get the Warlord Edition of the game a few months before your U.K brothers.