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The scene starts up with Matrix sitting in a bar drinking having some fun. Then someone bumps him and spills all his beer on him, so he gets up anger and then begins to yell at the guy. When Matrix turns around he finds someone knocks him to the ground with a straight jab to his face, then he gets up and begins to beat the living hell. Then he hits the Matrix Style on him as the guy is laid out on the floor, he then leaves the bar and jumps into his Honda Civic 2000 and peels out. His cell phone rings as he picks it up.

Matrix : (angry) Hello

Robb Hardy : Hey Matrix, its be Robb.

Matrix : What do you want.

Robb Hardy : Dang dude, whats up with you.

Matrix : Nothing, a guy just pissed me the fuck off.

Robb Hardy : ( laughs ) What did he do ?

Matrix : He gave me a black eye.

Robb Hardy : Damn, that sucks. What did you do about it man.

Matrix : What do you think Robb, what do I always do.

Robb Hardy : Beat his ass ????

Matrix : Hell yeah, I gave him the ride of his life. He felt all my anger that was in me. But don't worry this Saturday Night Slaughter Scott Steiner will get the other side of me.

Robb Hardy : What's that ?

Matrix : My bad side, you seen it Robb, you should know.

Robb Hardy : ( laughs ) Yeah I have, its not a nice site either, you look pretty scary when you are mad.

Matrix : Hell yeah I am, I am mad as hell right now, I feel like going bck and beating his ass even more.

Robb Hardy : Hold up dude, theres something about you on the t.v.

Then Robb holds the phone to the t.v. as Matrix hears that there has been a fight at a bar and the guy needs to be stitched up.

Matrix : (laughs) That fool gets what he deserves.

Robb Hardy : I think they are looking for you now, you might get locked up dude. You dont want that again do you.

Matrix : Naw, I am on a mission right now, I am on a role. I have the Hardcore Title beside my waist and next will be the IC and then World Title. I dont care what Brock Lesnar or Scott Steiner think about it, it will be happening without a doubt.

Robb Hardy : (laughs) Dude, we all know you will win those titles, for some reason I could never beat you. But anyways, I am going to go, talk to you later

Matrix : later man

Robb Hardy : Later

Then Matrix hangs up and then drives off fast.

[ A Half An Hour Later ]

Matrix reaches his house, he pulls up in the drive way and police are waiting for him while they are talking to his girlfriend. Then Matrix turns off the car and grabs his keys and then opens the door ar a whole bunch of police warm around him. Then they tell him to drop everything he has and turn around and put his hands up. Matrix then does what they tell him as Katie yells at Matrix.

Katie : What in the hell did you do ?

Matrix : Don't worry, but grab some money out of my bank and bail me out.

Katie : Alright.

Then Matrix gets put in back of a COP car as he is droven off to the police station.

[ A Couple Minutes Later ]

They arrive at the police station as Matrix gets finger printed and everything. Then they lock him up in jail with another in mate as they begin to talk.

Bubba : Hey my name is Bubba, whats yours.

Matrix : Matrix.... I heard storys about you, if you lay one finger on me, I will kick your ass no matter what.

Bubba : (laughs) I won't okay. So why you locked up anyway.

Matrix : For kicking a guys ass bad at the bar.

Bubba : Oh okay.

Then a police man comes up and tell Matrix that he is free to go. Then Matrix walks out of the station and finds his girlfriend Katie waiting for him with his keys in her hand.

Matrix : Thank you babe.

Katie : No problem, so what did you do anyway ? I am just curious.

Matrix : Long story, don’t think you want to hear about it anyway.

Katie : No I do, if I didn’t then I wouldn’t be asking right.

Matrix : Yeah.

Katie : Okay then, what happened.

Matrix : I got mad at this guys cause he spelt beer all of me, and I was already angry cause I didn’t get my title shot with Scott Steiner. So I just took it all off on him. I really think I kicked his ass to.

Katie : Oh, what match did you want ?

Matrix : I wanted a Ladder Match for both Hardcore and IC Titles hanging. But no Bill didn’t do it, but its all good cause I get to take care one of the members. He will be mine this Saturday, and especially when its my sipulation, hes going to die that night.

Katie : Dang honey, you sound really mind.

Matrix : I know, but he is going to wish he never step foot in the ring with me or got in my way on my journey for the IC Title.

Katie : But he is the IC Champion.

Matrix : I know, he should have never won it, now hes gonna pay for price for it.

Katie : Alright then, lets just go home now and let you get some rest.

Matrix : I don’t I am gonna rest now that I have been up in jail. I will probably just drink some more and then watch some more TV.

Katie : Alright then.

Then they jump into the car as Matrix starts up the car and then peels out of the police station and on his way going home.

[ A Half An Hour Later ]

Then finally reach the house as they make there way to the door, then Matrix hears the phone ringing so he unlocks the door fast and then runs to the phone to see who it is.

Matrix : (all out of breath) Hello

The Coach : Hey Matrix, its me the Coach from XCW.

Matrix : Um okay.

The Coach : I want to know when could we setup an interview with you ?

Matrix :Well Coach, not to day, I had a bad day. How about tomorrow ?

The Coach : Yeah, that would be cool. Well then, sorry for calling you so late.

Matrix : Its kool Coach, It really dont really matter.

The Coach : Alright then, see you tomorrow

Matrix : Alright then.

The Coach : bye

Matrix : Later man.

Then Matrix hangs up with him as Katie asks him something.

Katie : Who was that babe.

Matrix : Just someone from XCW.

Katie : What did he want.

Matrix : He wanted to know if we could setup an interview.

Katie : And what did you say.

Matrix : I said not today cause today is a bad day.

Katie : Well then when are you going to have it.

Matrix : Tomorrow.

Katie : Alright then, So do you want to talk about you match with me.

Matrix : (laughs) Only if you want to.

Katie : Alright then. Tell me whats happening.

Matrix : Well first this is how it all came down. Scott Steiner and his team think they are going to win all the titles in XCW, and I came out and said no way cause they aren’t getting my title. Then it started a feud.

Katie : Oh, so what are you going to do to him in your match with him.

Matrix : You really wanna know ?

Katie : Yeah.

Matrix : Well first its gonna start, then I am going to get the advantage and then beat the living hell out of him. Then I am gonna win the match and show him who the real boss is and then stay undefeated.

Katie : That’s right, you haven’t been defeated yet. I almost forgot.

Matrix : Its kool.

Katie : Alright then, I am gonna go to bed, wanna come with.

Matrix :In a bit.

Katie : Okay then.

Scene ends there.