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To see a larger picture of Our new born daughter Sophie Tadesse click on the picture We are from Ethiopia, a country that is culturally and historically rich. At the moment we live in the beautiful city of Nashville, TN in the United States of America.

We developed this site mainly to update our friends and families whose thoughts and hearts are always with us about our happenings and to introduce ourselves to people who by chance happen to be in our site and would like to stay a while. This site also contains some links that will take to some other sites.

The Ethiopia link on the left takes to an informative site that has fresh news, suggestions, ideas and constructive comments about our country Ethiopia.

To see a larger picture of Lydia Tadesse click on the picture The community link directs to a site of one of the Ethiopian communities in America that we thought sets an example to other Ethiopian communities in diaspora in introducing their different activities, programs and information on the cyberspace or information super highway. The Church link as the community link guides to one of the Ethiopian Orthodox churches sites in America.

To see an Larger picture click on the pictureOur main goal or the main idea why we placed links to these sites is to initiate other Ethiopain; communities, churches and Ethiopians in diaspora to follow these examples and teach us especially our younger generation that looks confused, about our culture, heroism and honesty, generally Ethiopia and Ethiopianism.

Thank You!

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About Us | Ethiopia | Communities | Churches | Photogallery | Nashville |
Last updated 06/19/03
Copyright © 2001 Akalu Tadesse; Akalu and Eneyesh Computer Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.



U.S.A Immiration Service
Canada Immigration Service
Ethiopian Embassy In U.S.A
Ethiopian Embassy In CANADA


The Tennessean
USA today
Nashville Business Journal
Washington Post
Wall Street Journal
Newyork Times
LosAngeles Times




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