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Daughter of the Mist
Her Past

(A quick note: Though Sriana_DarkMist is her new name and the one she goes by in the Sith Infiltrator, she is sometimes known as Daughter of the Mist and is remembered by some under her true name, Sriana_Sdratyn.)

      After the destruction of Alderaan and her parents with it, Sriana_Sdratyn found some comfort in the Sith Infiltrator. Making friends and having no enemies, she quickly learned what fear was when her brother hunted and nearly killed her. After seeing five of her closest friends die a short while later, one by her own hand, Sriana nearly went insane, her mind clouded with grief. She then watched her brother die, something she did and did not want.
      Then, she met one called Darion-Lefayu, who she fell in love with after a brief time of knowing him. Through her experiences and encouragement from Darion, Sriana grew stronger.
      As if her life were not complete without someone to chase her down, a Sith Lord arose to hunt her, looking to turn her to the Dark Side. Sriana fell into a circumstance where she saw little chance of escape, knowing the Sith Lord would not stop until she was either dead or Dark. Her mind clouded by love, hate, anger, and fear, she sat confused and open game.
      It was then that the one known as Dark-_Wanderer returned, having previously made an offer to turn her to his species, Vampire/Soul Reaver. The temptation was more than Sriana could bear, and she turned, her body quickly taking on the traits.
      Now, as her new fangs shine and her pale skin is hidden by the shadows, Sriana feels a growing hunger within her, one for blood. She fights her emotions, telling herself she must feed, but cannot make up her mind. Sriana suspects she will die of hunger, though she has already had her first bite. Her eyes are a solid blue, lonely and confused. Having no where and no one to turn to, she kneels in the shadows and watches the room, her hunger nearly overtaking her at times. She tells herself she must not kill, must not die, must not bite, though her cravings are strong within her. As her mind reels with the possibilities of her life as a normal occupant of the SI, Sriana tells herself if she had not turned she would always wonder what she could have become. With these thoughts constantly within her mind and her eyes shimmering with an almost unearthly sadness, Sriana stays within the shadows, feeling as if she were an outcast, though it be her decision; her fangs setting her apart. And with these fangs she also changed her name, deciding the old surname will do her no good since she has no living relatives. So now, as she sits lonely in her corner, gently sliding her tongue over her fangs and gazing about the room, her Reaver forms a gentle blue-gray mist about her, giving her the name Sriana_DarkMist.
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