.anton // name
.aj // niks
.christian // beliefs
.604 // location
.male // gender
.filipino // ethnicity
.single and i like it that way // status
.aint nuttin but a number // age
.june 19 // d.o.b
.holy cross // skool
.God and yfc // likes
.shy // weaknesses
.msn: ask me first // contacts

.. thats all u need to know ..

no order

hello joner .. we never talk anymore ... why??? anyways how'z ahem!? wut the ... now another ahem?? hahaha j/j hmm whut to say .. u've been there always ... ha that sounded weird o well!u'll always be my F4L .. thx for always being there for me thru out like how many months that we've known each other? 2? hehe its all good .. ttyl .

katrina:yeh .. u probably dont expect this but yea ... u never return my gb signings :( ... i always say thank u and like stuff ... but oh well .. its all good.. ur share was deep .. whenever i here sharings ... they seem so sad ... thats how i felt .. and then somehow God came into ur life .. and everything became better .. anyways yeah thanks for listening to my problems and for being a great friend.. haha .. yeah .. ttyl!

haha natasha's eh? u got it goin on .. haha .. both too!! let me tell the two of them! please! or at least ___ ... dude ... well sorry for making u fone hahaha .. my bad .. anyways i dunno whut to say ... but thx for being my gr 10 buddy .. i got so many now! muhuahhaha. thanks for teaching me flash! yes!

my church partner ... how's it goin?? its kool how we talk in school .. but never on msn! o well haha in person is better rite?? sorry i didn't buy anything at the bakesale .. i totally forgot .. but u know i would've bought out the whole thing hahaha .. yeah thanks for being a great friend

paula:whoa .. ur dance .. hmm hahaha ... we will dance in ur freedom dance in ur liberty .. haha that was just soo funny. ur talk was really good .. u got the point across well.. thanks for bein a good friend even though we hardly talk anymore .. but its all good .. ill ttyl

hey sorry for like always getting mad at u and stuff.. i know its a pain ... but sometimes u r mean ... like whut u said when i went to ur group and when i was leaving .. i heard whut u said ... but yeah .. thanks for always being there and stuff for me ...

hi! how's it goin .. hardly talk to u anymore we just say hi .. haha member socials ... hey MIKE u need the white out? MIKE pass me the white out ... hahahahaha that was hilarious ... yeah so umm yea .. do u like ****** .. ha if u know who im talking abt .. i think u do .. hahaha .. ill ttyl .. thanks for all that u've done for me .. i appreciate it

hey yfc buddy ... wow i mean we both never thought that would ever happen ... u felt His presence rite .. it was kinda scary at first .. hey who prayed over u ? razel rite? yea thats cool .. sorry if ur shout is shorter than b4 .. but yea i already told u the stuff on msn .. thanks for being there for me

drum role pls hahahaha ... thank u for everything .. u may thing it isn't alot . but yea u know .. hehe.. the candy was good eh!? u eat fast! its kinda scary hahah j/j ... u demolished it haha. i like to laugh at my self too see .. hahaha ... haha .. idunno if ur laffing .. anyways thanks

ervin:dont slap ppl its mean .. but w/e here's ur shout... happy? who do u like now? huh? yea do i have any classes with u? i dont think so ... well yea ill just talk to u whenever ... cya

ok well now u know that i dont ahem ahem ... anyways yeah .. whut did u think of the camp? u felt something rite ... b4 the pray over .. and ever during and after .. i can tell u did yeah .. i dont know whut to say rite now .. just thanks for being a good friend .. even though u do blab .. u are alrite.. haha

wow i hardly know u ... but ur in here!! haha ... thanks for always saying hi to me ... YES! i have so many gr 10 friends now ... hahaha ... and for the chocolate in the car!! ... haha .. yeh anyways i hope i get to know u more n' stuff .. haha .. yeh .. talk to u later!

coolest kid man .. rite here ... haha .. tamis! hey yo download this song! hahaha! u smart ass quit beating me! but hahaha i beating u in gym ... muahuahhahaha cya later man

missy:hey sorrie i haven't had ur shout up here anymore ... we used to talk alot .. then not .... then a bit .. then not .. hahaha .. thanks for always talking to me and stuff .. whenever i see u ur always happy and thats kool .. so who do u like now?? me .. no one .. yup so i guess i WILL ttyl haha

hello haha member? wnukui? hahah i think thats it .. oh man .. dude i dont even know u ... ha buts its all gooooooooooood ... ill ttyl in w/e classes .. cya

more coming soon


God//yfc - all the service team members during camp freedom .. u guys know who u r//
christine.d//ivo//jamey//sharlene// justine.c//justine.v//annie//phyllis//jen// emilio//barthel//cristian//jon.m//jon.c//brad// maria//kate//aimee//justine.f//jan//justine.e// kristian//arthur//steph o//randell//marc//ryan//jason// bryan//jordan//chris//david//tamara//mae// tina//alex//jansen//natasha//missy//jaena// mel//andrew//will//matt//scott//chole//joe//jeff//
sorry if i missed anyone! just tell me!
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