McDonnell and Laurine
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Spouse: Leona COCHRAN. Children were: Sandra Lou DEVAULT, Suzanne DEVAULT, Louis DEVAULT.

Louis DEVAULT. Parents: Louis DEVAULT and Leona COCHRAN.

Sandra Lou DEVAULT. Parents: Louis DEVAULT and Leona COCHRAN.

Spouse: Michael MCCOY. Children were: Melissa MCCOY.

Suzanne DEVAULT. Parents: Louis DEVAULT and Leona COCHRAN.

Jacques DEVAUX.

Spouse: Louise FOLIN. Children were: Marie DESVEAUX.

Susanna Elisabeth DEWALD was born in 1820.

Spouse: Johann Caspar ROTHENBERGER. Children were: Dorothea Elisabeth ROTHENBERGER, Anna Maria ROTHENBERGER, Maria Barbara ROTHENBERGER, Conrad ROTHENBERGER, Maria Elisabeth ROTHENBERGER, Anna Elisabeth ROTHENBERGER, Johann Georg ROTHENBERGER, Johann Georg ROTHENBERGER.

Aagje (Angela) DEWITT was baptized on Jan 14, 1683/84. She was born in 1684 in Kingston, Ulster County, New York. She died in 1725 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia/Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. She was buried in 1725. Parents: Tjerck Claessen DEWITT and Barbara Andriessen VAN AMSTERDAM.

Spouse: Jan (Johan) (Lt.) PAWLING. Jan (Johan) (Lt.) PAWLING and Aagje (Angela) DEWITT were married on Aug 23, 1712 in Kingston, Ulster County, New York. Children were: Deborah DeWitt PAWLING, Henry PAWLING, Eleanor PAWLING, Hannah PAWLING, Rebecca PAWLING, John PAWLING, Joseph PAWLING.

Andries (Captain) DEWITT was born in 1657. Parents: Tjerck Claessen DEWITT and Barbara Andriessen VAN AMSTERDAM.

Egbert DEWITT was born in 1699. Parents: Tjerck Claessen DEWITT and Barbara Andriessen VAN AMSTERDAM.

Emmerente DEWITT. Parents: Nicholas Claussen\Cornelius (Dr.) DEWITT and Taatse (Taatje\TaAlte) VAN LEUVEN.

Spouse: Martinus HOFFMAN.

Fransz DEWITT was born in 1515 in Netherlands. He died on Dec 9, 1565 in Syosset, New York. He was buried in Dec 1565. Parents: Kornelis DEWITT and Beatrix VANSLINGELAND.

Spouse: Lidaut (Lidwij) VANBEVEREN. Fransz DEWITT and Lidaut (Lidwij) VANBEVEREN were married on Feb 9, 1538/39 in Schiedam, Netherlands. Children were: John (Jan) DEWITT.

Geertruy DEWITT was born about 1668. Parents: Tjerck Claessen DEWITT and Barbara Andriessen VAN AMSTERDAM.

Gerard DEWITT was born before 1314. He died after 1314. He was buried after 1314. Parents: Jan DEWITT.

Spouse: Catharina van DE DOES. Gerard DEWITT and Catharina van DE DOES were married about 1325. Children were: Gottschalk DEWITT.

Gottschalk DEWITT was born before 1326. He died after 1328. He was buried after 1328. Parents: Gerard DEWITT and Catharina van DE DOES.

Children were: Jan DEWITT.

Jacob DEWITT. Parents: Tjerck Claessen DEWITT and Barbara Andriessen VAN AMSTERDAM.

Jan DEWITT was born before 1295. He died after 1295. He was buried after 1295. This family can be traced back to 1295 in Holland, when John DeWitt, the"Grand Pentionary," was one of the most distinguished men in theNetherlands.

Children were: Gerard DEWITT.

Jan DEWITT was born before 1367. He died in 1375. He was buried in 1375. Parents: Gottschalk DEWITT.

Spouse: VANRATIGAN. Children were: Witte DEWITT.

Jan DEWITT was born about 1485. He died on Aug 1, 1537. He was buried in Aug 1537. Parents: Witte DEWITT and Beatrix VANSTOENE.

Spouse: Maria TAK. Children were: Witte DEWITT.

Jan DEWITT was born about 1666. Parents: Tjerck Claessen DEWITT and Barbara Andriessen VAN AMSTERDAM.

Jan DEWITT was born on Dec 8, 1700. Parents: Tjerck Claessen DEWITT and Barbara Andriessen VAN AMSTERDAM.

Jan Claessen DEWITT. Parents: Nicholas Claussen\Cornelius (Dr.) DEWITT and Taatse (Taatje\TaAlte) VAN LEUVEN.

Jannetje DEWITT was born about 1662. Parents: Tjerck Claessen DEWITT and Barbara Andriessen VAN AMSTERDAM.

John (Jan) DEWITT was born on Dec 9, 1554 in Netherlands. He died on Sep 15, 1625 in Syosset, New York. He was buried in Sep 1625. One report says that Jan DeWitt was captain of the ship "Vos" on its 1614year long voyage to the Hudson River area. Parents: Fransz DEWITT and Lidaut (Lidwij) VANBEVEREN.

Spouse: Jacomina VAN BARESTIJNE. John (Jan) DEWITT and Jacomina VAN BARESTIJNE were married on Feb 18, 1589/90. Children were: Nicholas Claussen\Cornelius (Dr.) DEWITT.

Klaes DEWITT was born about 1664. Parents: Tjerck Claessen DEWITT and Barbara Andriessen VAN AMSTERDAM.

Kornelis DEWITT was born about 1485. He died on Aug 1, 1537. He was buried in Aug 1537. Parents: Witte DEWITT and Maria BOEM.

Spouse: Beatrix VANSLINGELAND. Children were: Fransz DEWITT.

Lucas DEWITT was born in 1670. Parents: Tjerck Claessen DEWITT and Barbara Andriessen VAN AMSTERDAM.

Marrietje DEWITT. Parents: Tjerck Claessen DEWITT and Barbara Andriessen VAN AMSTERDAM.

Nicholas Claussen\Cornelius (Dr.) DEWITT was born on Oct 31, 1588 in Herwynen, Gelderland, Netherlands. He died before 1662 in Essen, East Friesland, Germany. He was buried before 1662 in Emden, Harlinger Land, Aurich, Niedersachsen. Nicholas DeWitt remained in Holland and is one of the ancestors ofPresident Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He was probably too young to havebeen a physician at this time.

Family Tradition suggests that as a young man he sailed up the HudosnRiver with Henry Hudson aboard the HALF MOON in 1609. His excitement ,enthusiasm and stories in regard to this adventure are given as thereason for three of his children emigrating to New Amsterdam to seek theopportunities it held. We know that Emmerente, Jan Classen and Tjerckemigrated in 1662.

The listed father of Nicholas DeWitt is speculative; this Nicholas isoften called Claes Nicholas as "Claes" is part of the name "Nicholas." Atleast three choices are offered as the father of Claes Nicholas DeWitt orNicholas Claes DeWitt.

The name of De Witt or Dewitt is of Dutch origins and means "white." Itis found on the ancient European and American records in the variousforms of De Wytte, De Wit, De Wittem Dewitte, DeWette, De Wet, DeWitt,and Dewitt, of which the last two are the most generally accepted formsof the name today in America. In most documents about Holland, it isspelled de Witt.

It is said the DeWitt family was living in Grootholdt, in Zunderlandt(Westphalia), at an extremely early date and was prominent in theofficial, social, and civil life of Holland.

In the royal library at the Hague, the "Heschlachten von Dordricht" givesthe descent of the DeWitt famly from the years 1295-1639.

According to Jacob Westfall DeWitt of Pennsylvania, who was historian ofthe DeWitt Family Hisorical Society, Jan and Cornelius DeWitt had anuncle, their father's brother, named Dr. Nicholas DeWitt. This Dr. DeWittaccompanied Hendrick Hudson to American on the HALF MOON in 1609ascending the "River of the Mountains," later named the Hudson River, ona voyage of discovery to try and find a passage to the Indies. On hissreturn to holland, his accounts of the New World so fascinated hisfamily that his two sons and a daughter were determined to visit andpossibly settle in this new land. Parents: John (Jan) DEWITT and Jacomina VAN BARESTIJNE.

Spouse: Taatse (Taatje\TaAlte) VAN LEUVEN. Nicholas Claussen\Cornelius (Dr.) DEWITT and Taatse (Taatje\TaAlte) VAN LEUVEN were married about 1618 in Holland. Children were: Tjerck Claessen DEWITT, Jan Claessen DEWITT, Emmerente DEWITT.

Peek DEWITT. Parents: Tjerck Claessen DEWITT and Barbara Andriessen VAN AMSTERDAM.

Rachel Sjircke DEWITT. Parents: Tjerck Claessen DEWITT and Barbara Andriessen VAN AMSTERDAM.

Taatje DEWITT was born about 1659. Parents: Tjerck Claessen DEWITT and Barbara Andriessen VAN AMSTERDAM.

Tierck\Tjerck DEWITT.

Spouse: Anne\Anna PAWLING. Tierck\Tjerck DEWITT and Anne\Anna PAWLING were married on Jan 18, 1707/8.

Tjerck DEWITT. Parents: Tjerck Claessen DEWITT and Barbara Andriessen VAN AMSTERDAM.

Tjerck Claessen DEWITT was born about 1619 in Grootholt, Saterland, Westphalia, Germany. He was buried in Feb 1698/99. He died on Feb 17, 1698/99 in New Dorp (Hurley), near Kingston, Ulster County, New York. Tjerck DeWitt emigated to New Amsterdam with his sister and brother about1662.

Court records at Fort Orange and Beverwyck 1652-1656: indicate asfollows:

"Johan de Deckere, ex officio plaintiff, against Tjerck Claesen,defendant. He demands that the defendant be fined sixteen guilders forhaving fought last Sunday with William Tellier and killed a goat ofSander Leendertsz. The court having heard the defendant's confession,condemns him to pay a fine of two and a half beavers.

"Idem, plaintiff, against the same defendant, for having been foundlast Sunday in the company of the Lutherans, performing divine service,contrary to the ordinance issued against it. Demands therefore that he befined fl. 6.

"The court, having heard the confession of the defendant, condemnshim to pay the fine demanded."

The date of the court appearance would have been before his marriage toBarbara.

From the early records of Albany, New York, come these items about TjerckDeWitt:

"Lease of a house by Tjerck DeWitt to Arent Jansen Appel.

"Appeared before me, Johannes La Montague, in the service of theGeneral Chartered West India Company commisary at Fort Orange and thevillage of Beverwyck, Tjerck Claesen, who declared that he had leased, ashe does hereby does lease, his house lying in the village of Beverwyck,for the term of one year beginning on the first of May 1659 and endingnext year 1660, to Arent Isacksz, burgher and in September of 1660 hetraded his Albany property with a Madame de Hutter (or Madame Johanna DeLaldt and her husband, Hon. Jorinimus Ebbink?), in exchange for land inWiltwyck (Kingston), "possession to be given May 1, 1661." (or for twopieces of land in the Esopus?).

Tjerck DeWitt was known to own a sailing ship named the "St. Barbara" andgiven that occupations were often the same among members of differentgenerations, it's likely that his father and grandfather were shipcaptains, too.

In 1661 Tjerck was taxed for the erection of a church in Hurley, not farfrom Kingston. By September 1661 Tjerck had already appeared in court inWiltwyck (this time as a plaintiff; he won his case). On February 12,1662, Tjerck and Babrbara had their daughter, Jannetjen, baptized in theKingston Dutch Reformed Church (they already had Andries and anotherdaughter, Taatje, born in 1659). By 1662 they owned No. 28 of the "NewLots" at Kingston. On May 28, 1663, Tjerck also bought a lot in Beverwyckfrom Harman Tomassen, though he doesn't seem to have moved there (itsounds like it was very near the property he'd traded away in 1660). OnJune 7, 1663, Kingston and Hurley were almost entirely destroyed by theIndians; Tjerck fought valiantly in their defense, and his daughter,Taatje, was kidnapped, along with three other children. She was soonrescued.

Between then and 1668, Tjerck and Barbara baptized three more children inKingston, where they apparently continued to live in town. In September1664 the British took control of New Amsterdam and renamed it after theDuke of York; Colonel Richard Nicolls took over as Governor. In 1667Tjerck opposed the British occupation of Kingston and "refused to keepChristmas on the day according to the English observation, but accordingto the Dutch." (The Dutche used the old Julian calendar, which was abouttwo weeks off from the modern gregorian calendar used by the British.)For his recalcitrance he was beaten. In 1668 (?) Tjerck refused to signthe oath of allegiance administered by the British, though a "John"DeWitt (perhaps his brother, Jan?) and Andries DeWitt (probably Tjerck's10-year-old son) did sign it.

On January 24, 1669-70 (or on April 8, 1669?) the new British Governor,Colonel Frances Lovelace, issued a permit to Tjerck to let him "erect ahouse and barne with convenient outhouses for his cattle upon his ownland at Esopus, lying betwixt Hurley and Kingston," noting that Tjerckpreviously had permission from Governor Nicolls to do this and on thatpromise had provided all the materials to get started. The land was onthe Kingston-Hurley Road; the house still stands today, with a beautifulview of the valley of the Esopus Creek.

On June 25, 1672, Governor Lovelace officially deeded Tjerck the "parcelof bush land, together with a house, lot, orchard and calves' pasturelying near Kingston in Esopus." The deed was confirmation of Tjerck'stitle to the land, now that he had already built on it. New Amersterdamwas recaptured by the Dutch on August 7, 1673, but in February 1674 theDutch agreed to give the colony back, and on October 11, 1674, CaptainAntony Colve officially handed over control to the new English Governor,Major Edmond Andros. October 8, 1677, Governor Andros deeded Tjerck apiece of woodland, containing about fifty acres at Kingston in Esopus,"to the west of the towne." Tjerck owned other property as well.

Tjerck and Barbara had six other children whose baptisms were notrecorded in Manhatten or Kingston. It seems likely they were baptized inHurley, in the church he had helped to build - not too far from the houseand barn he built about 1670. Their last daughter, Aeftje, was baptizedin Kingston on January 14, 1684. Parents: Nicholas Claussen\Cornelius (Dr.) DEWITT and Taatse (Taatje\TaAlte) VAN LEUVEN.

Spouse: Barbara Andriessen VAN AMSTERDAM. Tjerck Claessen DEWITT and Barbara Andriessen VAN AMSTERDAM were married on Apr 24, 1656 in Reformed Dutch Collegiate, New Amsterdam, New Amster.. Children were: Jacob DEWITT, Marrietje DEWITT, Peek DEWITT, Rachel Sjircke DEWITT, Tjerck DEWITT, Andries (Captain) DEWITT, Taatje DEWITT, Jannetje DEWITT, Klaes DEWITT, Jan DEWITT, Geertruy DEWITT, Lucas DEWITT, Aagje (Angela) DEWITT, Egbert DEWITT, Jan DEWITT.

Witte DEWITT died about 1385. He was buried about 1385. Parents: Jan DEWITT and VANRATIGAN.

Spouse: Beatrix VANSTOENE. Children were: Jan DEWITT.

Witte DEWITT was born about 1485 in Dordrecht. He died on Aug 1, 1537. He was buried on Aug 1, 1537. Parents: Jan DEWITT and Maria TAK.

Spouse: Maria BOEM. Children were: Kornelis DEWITT.

Levi DEYO.

Spouse: Margaret PAWLING.

Andrew J DICKERSON was born about 1841 in Harrison, Boone, Indiana. He died bfr 1880 in Harrison, Boone, Indiana.

Spouse: Mary J PARKER. Children were: William F DICKERSON, John DICKERSON, Clementine DICKERSON, Melvin DICKERSON, Nancy DICKERSON.

Chester E DICKERSON was born in 1915. Parents: Melvin DICKERSON and Mary Etta SHEPLEY.

Clementine DICKERSON was born in 1873 in Harrison, Boone, Indiana. Parents: Andrew J DICKERSON and Mary J PARKER.

Dorothy H DICKERSON was born in 1909. Parents: Melvin DICKERSON and Mary Etta SHEPLEY.

James L DICKERSON was born in 1919. Parents: Melvin DICKERSON and Mary Etta SHEPLEY.

Jerrell B DICKERSON was born in 1911. Parents: Melvin DICKERSON and Mary Etta SHEPLEY.

John DICKERSON was born about 1870 in Harrison, Boone, Indiana. Parents: Andrew J DICKERSON and Mary J PARKER.

Melvin DICKERSON was born on Apr 6, 1874 in Harrison, Boone, Indiana. 1920 Washington, Boone, Indiana Parents: Andrew J DICKERSON and Mary J PARKER.

Spouse: Mary Etta SHEPLEY. Melvin DICKERSON and Mary Etta SHEPLEY were married on Apr 10, 1909 in Harrison, Boone, Indiana. Children were: Dorothy H DICKERSON, Jerrell B DICKERSON, Chester E DICKERSON, James L DICKERSON.

Nancy DICKERSON was born about 1877 in Harrison, Boone, Indiana. Parents: Andrew J DICKERSON and Mary J PARKER.

William F DICKERSON was born about 1867 in Harrison, Boone, Indiana. Parents: Andrew J DICKERSON and Mary J PARKER.

Spouse: Rosa G RODGERS. William F DICKERSON and Rosa G RODGERS were married on Dec 30, 1894 in Harrison, Boone, Indiana.

Spouse: Martha J MCCORKLE. William F DICKERSON and Martha J MCCORKLE were married on Apr 12, 1903 in Harrison, Boone, Indiana.

Rosina Barbara DIHLMANN was born on Aug 13, 1720. She died on Feb 8, 1779. She was buried in Feb 1779.

Spouse: Jacob Friderich Erad or EHRET. Jacob Friderich Erad or EHRET and Rosina Barbara DIHLMANN were married on May 17, 1746 in Illingen, Wurttemberg, Germany. Children were: Elias Friedrich Erhardt or EHRET.

Salvatore DILETA was born in 1948.

Spouse: Marlene Rachael ROMMEL. Salvatore DILETA and Marlene Rachael ROMMEL were married in 1981.


Spouse: Sheila Gail KEENEY. Denver DINGESS and Sheila Gail KEENEY were married in 1973.

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