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Word up Ya'll.

That's right. Ya'll. I said it. I think we're all here because we know Sound Curfew kicks ass. To start, I'm not really sure what I'm going to end up doing with this site. It's in it's amature stages. While I don't know what I'm going to be able to accomplish, the goal is to bring you guys closer to Sound Curfew and to spread the word on 'our' local can of whoop-ass.

..not sure why I chose SCSoundcheck. I guess it just sounded cool at the time.

Start up will be slow. I tried to get all of the major sections in working order so I could launch the site. Right now, you'll probobly be able to get more info on SC from the SC website at I'm going to put up some Forums. I doubt people will post a lot, and it might end up dead. BUT YOU NEVER KNOW!

Hopefully in due time I'll be able to get some interviews, maybe some new concert pics, possibly videos. It all depends on how well I can secretly tape and record their shows without getting caught.. which is never fun. Buy the CD. It's worth it.

Please to contact me at with any comments, questions, concerns, date offers, ect. If I get complaints about the font being too small I'll change it.. I think it looks neater this way though. You gotta be down with the small fonts.

...and that my friends is the first post from your neighbourhood Yankee-Friend.