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The Wolf's Bike Shop

Changing the Mixture

The Vulcan 800 comes to you with the idle mixture pre-set from the factory notoriously lean. This, along with some other lovely items, is due to EPA regulations regarding emissions. However, it is a known problem that contributes to the cold-bloodedness of our bikes; they're hard to start, and take a long time to warm up. Seems like if you're in any hurry at all, you have to ride off with the choke still on...

There's a fix for this; richen the idle mixture. All it takes is about ½ a turn of the mixture screw. However, in order to do this, the carburetor must be removed and the aluminum (?) seal that plugs the hole the idle mixture screw lives in must be removed. No worries, this is a simple procedure, and it paves the way for performance upgrades down the road.

The Illustrated Guide takes you through the whole procedure, from removing the seat to buttoning everything back up.

Feel free to download the PDF file below (right click on the icon and "Save Target As") and print it out. In order to do so, however, you will need Adobe Reader; if you don't have that, click on the "Get Adobe Reader" banner, and you will be taken to Adobe's site.

Please remember that this file is for your own personal use; do not distribute it to others. It is a document that is under continual revision, and dissemination of earlier versions might lead to others making mistakes due to outdated and superseded information. Not to mention that it's downright rude! If you receive a request from another rider for this file, kindly direct them to this site. Thank you.

Richening the Mixture

Richening the Mixture

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