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Star Wars Trivia

Please send any and all of your Star Wars trivia to the address at the bottom of the page. All trivia will be posted on this site, along with your name or alias! To view the answers, highlight the area under the question.

General Star Wars Questions

Who is credited with creating Star Wars?
George Lucas
What does the TIE in TIE Figher stand for?
Twin Ion Engines
Who composed most of the Star Wars music?
John Williams

Episode I: The Phantom Menace

In what city does Anakin Skywalker live?
Mos Espa
How many prop lightsabers were used while filming Episode I?
About 300
What other role did Ahmed Best play in Episode I besides Jar Jar?
A senator in the background as an extra
What is the official name of the Trade Federation Lander?
C-9979 Landing Ship
What color is the Senate interior and why was it chosen?
Lavender, because it was the only color not associated with war, anger, or mourning in any culture in the Republic
What type of engines are on Anakin's Pod?
Radon-Ulzer engines
What aliens from a non-Star Wars film can be seen in the Senate?
E.T's from Steven Spielberg's E.T. - The Extra Terrestrial
What was the first scene filmed in Episode I with the entire main cast present?
The scene where the Queen's Ship arrives on Coruscant and the Queen meets Valorum
What is the Queen's Amulet made of and who gave it to her?
It is made of transparisteel and stone and was given to her by her father
What inspired the blue and white stripe design on Anakin's pod?
The paint design George Lucas had on a sports car in his youth
What real world language was Huttese inspired by?
Ben Burtt used words and phonetic spellings of the Incan language of Catua to create Huttese
What was the budget for Episode I and what did it end up costing?
The budget was $120 million, but it came in at $115 million.
According to the Episode I credits, who played Jabba the Hutt?
What does the Huttese word "shag" mean?
Who owned Anakin and Shmi before Watto?
Gardulla the Hutt
Who sits in the Senate podium with Chancellor Valorum?
Sei Taria and Mas Amedda
What is the name of the Wookiee Senator from Kashyyyk?
Senator Yaru
What was the froglike creature called that Jar Jar tried to steal? Who was the vendor?
The frog was a "gorg" as it is called in Huttese or "chuba" as it is called in Basic and was sold by Gragra
What determines placement on the starting line of the Pod Race?
A combination of Performance Statics, Bribery, and Random Chance
Which 4 characters did Silas Carson play in Episode I?
Nute Gunray, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Republic Cruiser Pilot, and Lott Dod
What is the top speed of Sebulba's Pod?
829 kph (515 mph)
Who made Anakin's Pod Racing Helmet?
A local craftsman named Taieb
What is the name of the river that turns into a waterfall in Theed?
The River Solleu

Episode II: Attack of the Clones

What is the worst title for a Star Wars film that Lucas has come up with?
Attack of the Clones (No surprise there)

Episode IV: A New Hope

Who does Luke say already went to the Academy?
Biggs and Tank
Why was Luke going to Toshi Station?
To pick up some power converters
What is the name of the Mos Eisley Cantina?
Chalmun's Cantina
At what point in A New Hope does C-3PO not have his restraining bolt anymore?
In Ben's Hut. In a scene cut from the film, Luke repairs Threepio, then goes to put the bolt back on. C-3PO shies away from the bolt, and Luke decides not to put it back on. He does not wear it for the rest of the film
In a scene cut from the Cantina Sequence, Han Solo has a woman in the booth with him. What was her name?
Who is Han Solo's co-pilot?
When the Stormtrooper finds the droid part in ANH ("Look sir! Droids!"), what piece was it and who was it from?
It was a metal O-ring from C-3PO's left knee joint
According to the A New Hope novelization, what was Luke Skywalker thinking about when the Millennium Falcon blasted into hyperspace away from Tatooine?
A dog he had once owned
What character from A New Hope was originally going to be a "huge green-skinned guy with no nose and large gills"?
Han Solo
What is the following Star Wars quote from? "Still, even a duck has to be taught to swim." "What's a duck?"
It's from Ben and Luke's first conversation in the A New Hope novelization
Wedge's last name is...?
Identify all of the Rebel pilots who die over the Death Star by name and squadron number.
Red Leader, Red Three (Biggs Darklighter), Red Four (John D.), Red Six (Porkins), Red Ten, Red Eleven, Gold Leader (Dutch), Gold Two (Tiree), Gold Five (Pops)
What canyon did Luke claim the Death Star trench resembled?
Beggar's Canyon
Which ships are seen escaping the Death Star's explosion?
2 X-wing, 1 Y-Wing, the Millennium Falcon
Threepio wants to donate these to help fix the Darth- toasted Artoo.
Circuits or gears
What was the name of Princess Leia's Correllian Corvette which was attacked at the beginning of Star Wars: A New Hope?
The Tantive IV
Who could ride in the aforementioned ship?
Only the Royal House of Alderaan could ride in the Tantive IV. Apparently, this ship had the only Alderaanian soldiers and weapons in existence. They demilitarized after the Clone Wars.
Who was the captain of the aforementioned ship?
Captain Antilles. I've never seen a first name given, although some of the early drafts of Star Wars had the name "Bail Antilles" in them.
Someone else was originally going to fly the mission. Who? Also, why did Leia end up flying the mission?
Leia's step-father, Bail Organa was going to take the mission. Leia talked him out of it, reasoning that since she was always going on mercy missions in the Tantive IV, it would look less suspicious. When she left, it sealed both thier fates.
What is the name of the planet that Princess Leia claimed the rebel base was on in Star Wars, A New Hope?
How did the Ronto from SWSE get it's name?
It was a retrofit from the Jurassic Park Brontosaurus model, so the CG artists were calling it a "Bronto." George Lucas suggested dropping the 'b' and calling it a "Ronto."

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Who found Luke and Han on Hoth? (Name and callsign)
Zev Senesca, Rogue 4
Who was Wedge's gunner during the Battle of Hoth?
Wes Janson

Episode VI: Return Of the Jedi

What was Bib Fortuna's opening line is ROTJ?
Die Wanna Wanga!
What instrument does Max Rebo play?
A Red Ball Organ
What instrument does Doda Bodonawieedo, the Rodian from the Max Rebo Band, play?
The slitherhorn
What is the name of Jabba's drum master, and who did that person worship?
The drum master was Ak-rev and he grew up in a monastery devoted to Am-Shak, the god of thunder
Who is considered the greatest dancer out of all the Twi'lek clans?
Lyn Me, the dancer from ROTJ: SE. Guess that's why Oola got fed to the Rancor instead of her :)
What happened to the Ghosts of Ben, Anakin, and Yoda in rough drafts of Return of the Jedi?
They became flesh and blood and joined the ending celebrations. They were able to keep from becoming one with the Force.
Which droid supervises all of Jabba's other droids?
Who sits at the base of Jabba's throne?
Salacious Crumb and Oola
How much does Boussh want for Chewbacca?
"Fifty thousand, no less"
How much did Jabba offer?
How much do they settle on?
Name the three members of the original Max Rebo Band.
Sy Snootles, Max Rebo, Droopy McCool
Name the skiff guards.
Barada, the Weequays, Lando, one of the Niktos (and one unnamed human)
You can find the Sarlacc in this pit.
Pit of Carkoon
Darth Vader was once named...?
Anakin Skywalker
Special thanks go out to Vlad Callimar, Edor Crespin, Becca Ryant, and Niccoló Radcliff for supplying trivia questions.
