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Old News

April 2: New Fiction Section!

New section! my fiction read damnit! :)

April 2: Slayer Would Be Proud

Yeah, the latest pics from Camp TOTC. raining blood in the forest. expect TOTC (Town Of The Cursed) in May. i know i'm psyched. I'd like to enter this as well as Someone Is Watching to's new film section. :)

Mar. 30: Bloody-Disgusting Submission

i have just entered the latest Someone Is Watching into a short film section over at wether it is shown or not, i can atleast say i tried. more info at the site, clickHERE

Mar. 26: Town Of The Cursed Details/Pics Revealed

I've decided tto give a few details on town of the cursed. for instance, several sequences to be seen in the film involve raining blood in the forest, and plenty of other blood and graphic violence.

Mar. 23: Someone Is Watching Available on VCD

If you want, i have FINALLY Been able to convert my latest finished film 'someone is watching' to VCD. let me know if you want a copy of it. it can be viewed on some DVD players, and all computers. thanks

Mar. 17: Artwork By Yates Murphy

below is a poster artwork from Yates Murphy. although it says zombies on it, i don't consider it a reference to the 2002 film of mine, cause there was no eye consumtion :) anyhow, i might just use this poster as the basis for one of the shorts in the upcoming 'These Backwoods Speak' until then, Thanks Yates!

Read the script for Attack Of The Dead!

Wanna read the script for the original AOTD? go ahead and click the link. (reminder: the script was written over a year ago, and the final film was different in some parts)

Read The Attack Of The Dead Script

Mar. 14: Attack remake pics!

Finally! i just added pics for the attack of the dead remake.

Mar. 13: These Backwoods Speak

I've decided after all to make this film. (info in the filmography section)

Mar. 12: Town Of The Cursed Begins

The filming for Town Of The Cursed will be an akward schedule. My original plan was to film throughout april, a good month to do stuff outside. Kyle, on the other hand will be in the phillipines for the ENTIRE month. so, i've decided to film all of his scenes now, (which are mostly inside), do a lot of my stuff throughout april, then, do the rest of the outside stuff in May. on the other hand, we've begun filming the end today.

Mar. 6: Town Of The Cursed

I have just completed the screenplay for 'Town Of The Cursed' the estimated length of the picture should be 30-40 Minutes. As of now, i want to wait until the end of this snow, cold weather shit, and probably begin in Early Spring. I've also added a page for it in the filmography section.

Feb. 26: Picture Updates

i have updated the pictures on some of the movie filmographies, including Zombie Hell House, Driveway To Danger, Day In The Life, Wrath Of Maggie, and even added a picture for our first, Zombies! you can now view the films to look at the better quality pictures

Feb. 25: 'Someone' Is Done

Someone Is Watching has just wrapped Post-Production

Feb. 20: Tom Savini Agrees to view Attack Of The Dead!!! way back in early January, i emailed Tom Savini's fan address, asking if he would let me send him a copy of 'Attack Of The Dead', the film remake i was currently finshing. a day later, he emailed me from his PERSONAL address, and in these exact words, he said 'Of Course!' easily one of the greatest things to happen to me in my life!

(Left) Tom Savini's cameo as 'Blades' in the original Dawn Of The Dead (Right) Savini in the Simpsons

Check out Tom's official site!

in case you don't know who Tom savini is, he is one of personal idols. he is the special make-up effects artist of some of the greatest horror films of the 70's and 80's (as a matter of fact, the greatest horror films of all time!!) the films he has worked on include Friday The 13th Part 1 and 4, Dawn Of The Dead (original) and Day Of The Dead, and a whole slew of 80's slasher flicks (The Burning, Maniac, The Prowler, etc.) he has ALSO appeared in many of the films he's worked on, and a few years back he appeared in an episode of 'The Simpsons'. he is a hero to countless fans of the genre, so you can only imagine my excitement when his next email was his HOME ADDRESS!!!!!! i sent the film to him about a week ago, and can't wait to hear back from him. THANK YOU TOM! YOUR THE MAN!!