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Psycho Lover's Pad

Hi! & welcome to my place. First off I would like you all to know that this is my first web site I have made, and if it sux, I'm sorry. (by the way, tell me the worst part in my guestbook:) I am still working on it, so most of it isn't finished yet. Within the next few weeks I should be getting a lot of it finished.

la de da~~:)~~

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Tina the Troubled Teen Cool Links

Barbie Dolls Gone Bad (these are so fucking funny, you gotta see them)
Shirli's Special Nerdy Place
The Spark - Internet Like Burning
The 93X website
A Funny Test to see if your on drugs

Want to know which Buffy character is like you?

psychopeace got their NeoPet at
psychopeace got their NeoPet at

psychopeace got their NeoPet at

psychopeace got their NeoPet at
<BGSOUND SRC="/music/crawling.mp3" loop=infinite>