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Predenominational? (TM)
 Many Christians are seeking to reconnect with their original Christian heritage, 
that is to find their "roots". 

"Predenominational"(TM) is a term that describes the Christian Church as it 
was at the time of the first Christians, as it was at the time of Christ!

Nondenominational churches have tried to diminish the lines between 
denominations, and return to the time of the "reformation". 

This blurring of the line is a shallow reflection of the unity, strength, compassion
and love of the original Christian Church. The Predenominational Church has
been in existence continuously since the beginning when Jesus established it .

Before the Catholic Church, before (and during) the so-called "reformation", 
before the separation into hundreds of denominations, there was

The Predenominational Church.

All true believers, from every age, on earth and in heaven, make up The Church.
The Church is the bride of Christ, eagerly awaiting His return.

...and the gates of hell
                                 shall not prevail against it. 
                                            Matthew 16:18




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All Rights  Reserved WebMinister: F. Sigel Shroy