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-->YoungSexyBabie<-- SRC="" LOOP=infinite AUTOSTART=true>

*~*heyz Ginas n Ginos!*~*
*~*This Is Cat's Sexay Site!*~*
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*~*M.y N.a.m.e*~*: Catarina
*~*B-Day*~*: June 7th

*~*Nationality*~*: Pure Porkchop!

GiNoZ , GiNaZ

I hit the night clubs
SO what, i gots to go
Papperazzi, Park Avenue, Tonic, Pallazzo
Ginos wear there pants tight
So...who cares they look just right
They got one Gina in one hand
and another in the other.
Diesel, Kappa, Parasuco

You say they suck, thats just low.
The Ginos wear there hear spike thats ok
thats what the Ginas like.
An hour in the bathroom gettin ready
or maybe two
So..we have things to do.
We drive our civics with a major bass
We are commin through
give us space.
We have a life unlike you

We go to clubs
cause thats what we like to do
We know we re solid
We know we re mint
Do you get the point
Do you get the hint

~*~DiS Is FoR Da GiNaZ~*~

* I wear Parasuco & UB...not Fubu or Exco,
Yes i wear tight clothes everywhere i go.
I am a LOUD mouth and not afraid to tell people wat i think,
And yes my boyfriends a GINO, Portuguese/Italian
He wears flares, and spends more time on his hair
than i do. Stevie B is the kind of all freestyle,
GINAZ r the solidest broadz, the ones who showed
everyone wat style really is...
Were not afraid to tell a guy if hes BRUTZ,
we are playboyz FINEST and were 100% PURE GINAZ!

~*.*. DiS Is FoR Da GiNoZ.*.*~

* I believe that soccer is better than hockey...
That fitted Diesel jeans are better than jeans
hanging off ur ass,
That the Honda Civic is the Greatest Car & always
will be....
I believe that Palazzo is the greatest club..
That Hair was truly meant to be spiked with the help
of Gel & Wax,
Ginoz were the 1st ones to discover the glowstick,
and are the BEST soccer players ever..
And that ginoz were truly born on this earth for 3
reasons : (1) To PaRtY (2) To Drive and (3) to

Porkchop pride is my mind
Porkchop blood is my kind
So step aside and let me threw
cuz its about me and my porkchop crew
porkchop pride is all around
my porkchops neva let me down

If porkchop blood flows threw you
Den stand united and stand tru
United we stand

Divide we fall
U can shoot one porkchop
but not us all
I'm a porkchop
And i got class
Mess with me
My porkchop crew will kick your ass!!!


Yo dude its Tony, yo listen I just heard this sikkk beat on the radio, BRO it was solid guy it went like: untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,GINO untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,GINO untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,GINO untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,GINO untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,GINO untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,GINO untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,GINO untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,GINO 5.0 MUSTANG..GINO YO GUYZ CHECK OUT MY RIMS..GINO 212'S MY HIGHEST..GINO DUDE,BUD,STUD..GINO I'M GOING 2 THE RACES..GINO I'M GONNA RACE MY MUSTANG..GINO I'M GOING 2 DA CLUB..GINO 2 PICK UP ALL THE LADYS..GINO untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,GINO untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,untz,GINO

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