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Welcome to the Official Website of the Summer Paintfest 2003©! This is a two-man tournament that is going to be held sometime in August.

The tournament will be held on Colin Sykes' land in Derby Line. A fairly large woodsball course has been set up there.

Depending upon how many teams register, each team will play 3, 5, or 7 games, and the four teams with the highest records will advance. If two or more teams are tied for a spot in the Final Four, a one round tie-break will occur.

When the Final Four teams have been decided, two of the teams will play each other followed by the other two teams playing each other. These matchups will be chosen at random. The losing teams of this Final Four will receive $20, reimbursement of the entry fee.

Lastly is the Championship, where the winners of the Final Four compete in a best-of-three match. The losing team receives $30, and the winning team receives the remaining pot of money.

Registration is $20 per team. The date of the tournament will be announced later, on this site. Thank you for visiting, and if you would like to declare a team, contact the webmaster at: Make sure to include both team members full names, phone numbers, and email addresses. Don't worry about it right now because you have tons of time, but remember, ONLY TEAMS REGISTERED IN ADVANCE CAN PLAY!! Thanks -Dave


Declared and Registered Teams
Information on the Course
