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Welcome to the headquarters of operation P.I.A.J. Since you made it here, we will assume that you are NOT Max Martin, and if you are, then exit the site immediately, the following is confidential and does not concern you.

Op: P.I.A.J. has one major goal: to get revenge against Max. It's not so much that he did one prominent act, its that he manages to piss us off daily at lunch. He is sometimes known as "the British Russ" and "douchebag".

Once, we get a definite url, we will post more on our plans and how we will go about them. Until then, keep checking this link for possible methods and other possible targets. Viva La P.I.A.J.!!

For Operation: P.I.A.J. there are many possibilities that can be executed.


  1. Find someone who is able to excrete extremely smelly feces
  2. Place some of that person's feces in a glass jar
  3. Cover the glass jar with aluminum foil
  4. Punch small holes in the aluminum lid. This step is to ensure that the smell can escape
  5. Place the jar in Max's backpack and conceal it so that it is hard to find
  6. Sit back and watch as Max becomes infuriated and confused by the smell

This method seems fairly simple to do, and the only real risk is him catching us putting the jar in his backpack or poop seeping through the jar either when we transport it or when in Max's backpack.


  1. Same as method 1 step 1
  2. Collect the person's poo and wrap it in foil
  3. Securely fasten a straw to the feces, allowing maximum venthilation
  4. Continue to wrap the feces and straw so that the smell is still released, yet there is minimal possibility of spillage
  5. Attach note reading: "Unwrap a smile"
  6. Place poo covered in foil in victim's backpack (in this case Max) and allow for stinkage

This method has pretty much the same risks as method 1, but is as fun to do.


  1. Gather smelly poo
  2. Place the poo in a box that is wrapped on the inside. Like, the walls are covered.
  3. All members of Op: P.I.A.J. who are able pool money to pay for shipping costs.
  4. Once shipping is paid for and the box is ready to be shipped, we secure the poo inside the box and mail it to Max's house, addressed to Max

Problems with this method: there is no way to see his reaction when he opens the package. Also there may be some law against sending poo in the mail. We'll have to research that. Another added bonus to this wouldl be including a card saying "Happy Belated Birthday! I made this present myself"


More methods to come soon.

A second target? A different method.

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