The Crystal Senshi Web Ring Homepage

Welcome to the Crystal Senshi Ring. This ring was created for mooonies like me and my friends who have created their own Sailor Senshi to join together.
Your page's URL: 

Your page's title:  

Your e-mail address:  

Password (Please do not forget it! ): 

Keywords About Your Site:  

Now that you entered yourself into the Queue, it's time to add in the HTML Coding to your page. It will look like this on your page:  
Next click here for the HTML Code. Please Replace the "" with your real E-Mail Address. With all the __ on the Code fill it in with your Site ID Number. 
Adding Queue Members into the Ring
If your already  a Ring Member, and you would like to add Member Queue all you do is type in their Site ID Number. View the Queue  
Their Site ID Number: 
Edit your Site Attributes
If your already a member of this Ring, you can edit your Site Infromation if it has been changed. 

Enter your site ID and password below:  

Site ID:  