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PLEASE NOTE:  I Do Not Condone Hatred Towards Jay-Z - WEBMASTER

 NasNas        NAS     NasNas

PLEASE NOTE:  I Do Not Condone Hatred Towards Jay-Z - WEBMASTER




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Welcome to my Nas website, the hottest place on the web for your up-to-the-minute Nas information, news, releases, photos, lyrics and much, much more.  Please use the links at either side of this page to navigate you towards your desired information.

If you have any questions, comments, criticisms or suggestions, please feel free to email me.  



Please also feel free to email me any news, release details, Murder Inc. signing details or Jay-Z/Nas beef information which I have missed.

I enjoy receiving feedback on my site, so please take the quick poll below.  This way, I can pinpoint aspects of my site which need improvement.  


Please note, this page in no way endorses hatred towards Jay-Z.  I have nothing against Jay-Z, but as the webmaster of a Nas site, I am obliged to report the beef.

Please take advantage of the interactive features of my site - The message board and guestbook.  Here you can exchange opinions on Nas.  Has he fallen off?  Is God's Son going to escalate him back into supreme respectability?  What do you think? 

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