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Mycopak International
Thursday, 11 March 2004
Exporters Distributors Agents Representatives
Morels From Pakistan

The Morel Mushroom is a scarce, seasonal and exotic variety of mushrooms. In Asia, morels are mainly found in Turkey, Pakistan, India and China from where they are exported to other contries. A small quanitity of round morels from Afghanistan is brought to Pakistan for re-export.
In Pakistan morels are found in the northern areas of Pakistan, in the Himalayan, karakoram and Hindukush mountain ranges, during spring and early summer, when the snow melts & the ground becomes soft & moist the morels grow.
Fresh Morels are sun dried or dried indirectly in rooms heated by burning wood.The local name for them is Guchi.
Harvesting and gathering of morels is a cottage industry where unless the nomads have been therefirst,or the forest department has sub-contracted with some collectorson a commercial basis the local farmers and their families usually harvest the wild crop.
From one kg of fresh morels, between 70 to 100 grams of dried morels are obtained. The annual production of dry morels in Pakistan is between 50,000 to 60,000 kg per annum.

Morel mushrooms have short, thick, hollow stems, topped with sponge-like pointed caps, resembling honeycombs. Morels may be tan, yellow or black in color and produce a rich, nut-like flavor and woodsy fragrance.


Dried Morels last over one year if stored in a cool, dry place.


Morels are typically cooked and adapt well to most types of cooking.

Small sizes are favored for gourmet sauces and soups.

Medium and large sizes are the standard for French cuisine.

Jumbos may be stuffed with sausage or crabmeat for a unique and delicious appetizer.

Fresh Wild Harvest Morels

Morels are among the most highly prized of all the Wild Harvest Mushrooms. The reason is plain. Their taste is superb!

Their great value may also be found in their elusiveness. While they often grow in profusion they may be very difficult to see - especially for the inexperienced.

Morels grow in temperate latitudes around the world, in both conifer and hardwood forests.

Three species are generally harvested: Morchella conica, M. angusticeps and M. esculenta. All the morels have a honeycombed, hollow, cone-shaped cap ranging in size from 1 cm to 6 cm high and jumbos are even up to 12 cm and in color from a rich tan to an extremely dark brown.

The morel is widely appreciated by gourmets, who savor its earthy flavor. Morels are marvelously flavorful and need little embellishment - simply sauté in butter or a light oil. Add salt or soy sauce if needed. Enjoy!


Morels are highly perishable and must be handled with care. However, you never need lose a fresh Morel to spoilage. The reason for this is that they may be readily dried and will keep very well in this form. The key is to keep them cool and dry, with a little ventilation. In the refrigerator in a loosely closed paper bag is perfect. Do not store refrigerated in a sealed plastic bag! This keeps in the moisture and leads to rot.

To clean Fresh Morels it is best to brush them and pick off any dirt unless they are very dirty. If washing is required do so immediately before use to avoid storing wet mushrooms. Occasionally you may find a few tiny insect larvae munching on the inside of your Morels. Remind yourself that these guys know what's good and consider them extra protein. Unless there are a lot, don't think about it, just cook and enjoy.

We can provide any quantity of quality morels as per your requirements.

Mycopak International

Postal address

E 33 T&T colny
Haripur 22630

TEL: + 92 995 577417
FAX: + 92 995 613708

Posted by ak5/mpk at 12:04 AM EST
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