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Welcome to Michelle's Page

I have been trying to put together a webpage now for about two years. Since I have had so much fun this summer I finally decided I was going to put my site together. So basically on this site I will show you what I have been up to. And don't worry I wont forget to put all the wonderful pictures of Shawna and Heather up here because they LOVE to show people all my "great" pictures! A little bit about me...well, there's not much, I'm 22 living in Anchorage, AK going to school at the University of Alaska Anchorage. It's my 5th year of college, yes five, and after this year I still have one more to go. I'm on the six year plan, that's okay. I've been having fun while doing it. A little expensive but that's the price you have to pay when you don't want to grow up! I'm majoring in Elementary Education and someday would like to teacher 1st or 2nd grade. After graduating from UAA I will be moving to California (with Shawna). I will be going there next summer to drive around the state and check it out! I'm so excited...I can't wait! I already have a list of places I want to see. Umm other than that, I guess there's nothing else I can tell you...have fun looking at the great pics of all the special people in my life either from the past, present, or future (Josh Hartnett). Thanks for checking out my page!

My Favorite things about Angelfire.

My Favorite Web Sites

Valdez Pictures
Melisssa's Wedding!
Seward-4th of July
Weekend Fun!
