ࡱ> SUT(    ~http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/experiences/glossary_o-v.asp~http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/experiences/glossary_o-v.asp^http://sg.biz.yahoo.com/reuters/nseo137154.html^http://sg.biz.yahoo.com/reuters/nseo137154.html/ 00DTimes New Romantt 0DArial Narrowantt 0" DArialNarrowantt 00DWingdingsowantt 0@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` <4XB       0AAPf3f3@8) zʚ;v6ʚ;g47d7dP 02ppp@ <4!d!d@k 0th<4dddd@k 0th<4BdBd@k 0th0___PPT10 f___PPT9H@(?  O =)Video Conferencing: A Look At The Present lrcdouglas Introduction2The purpose of this presentation is to give a better understanding of not only video conferencing but its usefulness in various parts of today s society OverviewWhat is video conferencing? Conferencing in which video images are transmitted among the various geographically separated participants in a meeting. www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/experiences/glossary_o-v.asp hZ" ZZZp%$88 0Topic of DiscussionThe beginning:evolution of video conferencing. How is video conferencing accomplished? Practical uses How does it relate to the future and our ever-changing technological landscape 1The Beginning:the evolution of video conferencing`1956: At&t builds the world s first picture phone system. 1971:Ericsson demonstrates the world s first trans-atlantic video telephone call 1982:Compression Labs begin selling 250,000$ VC systems. $1000 per hour lines 1986: PictureTel unveils $80,000 dollar system. $100 per hour lines. 1992:AT&T's $1,500 videophone for home market 1996: Microsoft NetMeeting v2.0b2 (with video) 2002 Jun: World's first 3G video cell phone roaming 2002 Dec: JVT completes the technical work leading to ITU-T H.264 2003 May: ITU-T recommendation H.264 advanced video coding 1Z6MJA++-;5<mj  0 'How is video conferencing accomplished?8Originally done using analog video and satellite links. Today video conferencing uses compressed digital images transmitted over wide area networks or the Internethttp://myhome.hanafos.com/~soonjp/vchx.html http://ezinearticles.com/?The-History-of-Video-Conferencing---Moving-Ahead-at-the-Speed-of-Video&id=5369D97&&  ,3c Practical UsesCompanies who operate worldwide Military Government agencies Peace organizations Same technology utilized in cell phones and computers PHow does it relate to the future and our ever-changing technological landscape? Effective coordination across networks in fight across terror. Another sign of evolution in the information age. School, home electronics, everyday life. 2Interview with Derrick Freeman Drad Computers Inc.33,-Drad Computers has specialized in computer wiring and repair since 1996. Mr. Freeman has done wiring for video conferencing on many occasions. Believes video conferencing will eventually replace regular telephones in homes and many small businesses Apart of research being done for use in courtrooms and other trial proceedings. Has known of many businesses which conduct interviews through video conferencing. Wiring for video conferencing can take anywhere from a couple hours to a couple days depending on location, distance, and number of participants. $-PP.* ProsPros Convenient Is becoming more and more affordable Allows easy data transference More personal than phones Can of assist in transfer of sensitive information 2 ConsCons Less personal than direct interaction May cause lay-offs as certain jobs will no longer be needed At current time may be too expensive for many smaller organizations Unsecure information can be transferred easily. 8ZZZ*  Conclusion Good idea Saves Time The future.P   0` www3ff` 3fff` ___>?" dF@0?n<d@uA @ " d`  n?" dd@   @@``PR   @ ` `PBp>>    ( = 2  N`~?"! 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(+:3<M>g@BDFHJ R/50M/O[Q S1(    ~http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/experiences/glossary_o-v.aspr^http://sg.biz.yahoo.com/reuters/nseo137154.html/ 00DTimes New Roman,4v 0( 0DArial Narrowan,Oh+'0 px  , 8 D P\dPowerPoint Presentationowe=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\1033\Generic.pott 7compaqr2mpMicrosoft PowerPoint 7.0t O@S@@@N#*G|g  :& &&#TNPP42OMi & TNPP &&TNPP    --- !---&--%--&&X2&--&&- $X2X2dd $d2d2pp $p2p2}} $}2}2- $22 $22- $22 $22- $22 $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22''- $'2'233- $3232@@- $@2@2LL- $L2L2XX- $X2X2dd- $d2d2pp- $p2p2}}- $}2}2- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22''- $'2'244- $4242@@- $@2@2LL- $L2L2XX- $X2X2dd- $d2d2pp $p2p2}}- $}2}2 $22- $22 $22- $22 $22 $22&&&- &:$XY[._=eLlZti~v'>o "*Q.0&&-&& &&-&&:$XY[._=eLlZti~v'>o "*Q.0&&- $X2X2dd $d2d2pp $p2p2}} $}2}2- $22 $22- $22 $22- $22 $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22''- $'2'233- $3232@@- $@2@2LL- $L2L2XX- $X2X2dd- $d2d2pp- $p2p2}}- $}2}2- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22- $22''- $'2'244- $4242@@- $@2@2LL- $L2L2XX- $X2X2dd- $d2d2pp $p2p2}}- $}2}2 $22- $22 $22- $22 $22 $22&- --&&Tw@ ww0- && @Arialw@ ww0- .2 * 3/17/2005   .&&  . 2 1 .--- -- @"Arial Narrow ww0- 3f.2 *Video 0,(,. 3f.2 *Conferencing: A 4,,((,(,,4. 3f.2 d* Look At The ,,,(4,,(. 3f.2 *Present0(((,.--y-- 3f@Arialw@ ww0- .2  lrcdouglas .--"System 0-&TNPP &--$RS4S4RR----$ST4T4SS----$TV4V4TThe Present Introduction OverviewTopic of Discussion2The Beginning:the evolution of video conferencing(How is video conferencing accomplished?Practical UsesQHow does it relate to the future and our ever-changing technological landscape? 3Interview with Derrick Freeman Drad Computers Inc.ProsCons Conclusion  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles  8@ _PID_HLINKSAL @http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/experiences/glossary_o-v.asp0http://sg.biz.yahoo.com/reuters/nseo137154.html--$kn4n4kk----$ns4s4nn----$sy4y4ss--- '&&TNPP''@Arial-. 2 r 3/16/2005."Systemp4-@Arial-.  2 r1.-@"Arial Narrow-. 3f2 2Video .-@"Arial Narrow-. 3f2 2Conferencing: A  .-@"Arial Narrow-. 3f2 2 Look At The  .-@"Arial Narrow-. 3f2 2Present.-@Arial-. 2 &K lrcdouglas.-՜.+,D՜.+,@     Overhead.verp=  Times New Roman Arial NarrowArial WingdingsGeneric*Video Conferencing: A Look At The Present Introduction OverviewTopic of Discussion2The Beginning:the evolution of video conferencing(How is video conferencing accomplished?Practical UsesQHow does it relate to the future and our ever-changing technological landscape? 3Interview with Derrick Freeman Drad Computers Inc.ProsCons Conclusion  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles  8@ _PID_HLINKSAL @http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/experiences/glossary_o-v.asp0http://sg.biz.yahoo.com/reuters/nseo137154.html4v 0( 0" DArialNarrowan,4v 0( 00DWingdingsowan,4v 0( 0 ` .  @n?" dd@  @@`` <4`B       0AAPf3f3@8 zʚ;v6ʚ;g45d5dv 0ppp@ <4!d!d` 0L5<4dddd` 0L5<4BdBd` 0L580___PPT10 ?  O =)Video Conferencing: A Look At The Present lrcdouglas Introduction2The purpose of this presentation is to give a better understanding of not only video conferencing but its usefulness in various parts of today s society OverviewWhat is video conferencing? Conferencing in which video images are transmitted among the various geographically separated participants in a meeting. www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/experiences/glossary_o-v.asp bZ" ZZZp%$88!0Topic of DiscussionThe beginning:evolution of video conferencing. How is video conferencing accomplished? Practical uses How does it relate to the future and our ever-changing technological landscape 1The Beginning:the evolution of video conferencing`1956: At&t builds the world s first picture phone system. 1971:Ericsson demonstrates the world s first trans-atlantic video telephone call 1982:Compression Labs begin selling 250,000$ VC systems. $1000 per hour lines 1986: PictureTel unveils $80,000 dollar system. $100 per hour lines. 1992:AT&T's $1,500 videophone for home market 1996: Microsoft NetMeeting v2.0b2 (with video) 2002 Jun: World's first 3G video cell phone roaming 2002 Dec: JVT completes the technical work leading to ITU-T H.264 2003 May: ITU-T recommendation H.264 advanced video coding 1Z6MJA++-;5<mj !0 'How is video conferencing accomplished?8Originally done using analog video and satellite links. Today video conferencing uses compressed digital images transmitted over wide area networks or the Internethttp://myhome.hanafos.com/~soonjp/vchx.html http://ezinearticles.com/?The-History-of-Video-Conferencing---Moving-Ahead-at-the-Speed-of-Video&id=5369D97&&  ,3c Practical UsesCompanies who operate worldwide Military Government agencies Peace organizations Same technology utilized in cell phones and computers PHow does it relate to the future and our ever-changing technological landscape? Effective coordination across networks in fight across terror. Another sign of evolution in the information DocumentSummaryInformation8Root EntrydO)S#*VCurrent User2SummaryInformation(+PowerPoint Document(p  !"#$%&'()*H,-./0123456789:<IJKLMNOPQWR;XYZ _pcompaqcompaq՜.+,D՜.+,@     Overhead.verp=  Times New Roman Arial NarrowArial WingdingsGeneric*Video Conferencing: A Look At Tage. School, home electronics, everyday life. 2Interview with Derrick Freeman Drad Computers Inc.33,-Drad Computers has specialized in computer wiring and repair since 1996. Mr. Freeman has done wiring for video conferencing on many occasions. Believes video conferencing will eventually replace regular telephones in homes and many small businesses Apart of research being done for use in courtrooms and other trial proceedings. Has known of many businesses which conduct interviews through video conferencing. Wiring for video conferencing can take anywhere from a couple hours to a couple days depending on location, distance, and number of participants. $-PP.* ProsPros Convenient Is becoming more and more affordable Allows easy data transference More personal than phones Can of assist in transfer of sensitive information 2 ConsCons Less personal than direct interaction May cause lay-offs as certain jobs will no longer be needed At current time may be too expensive for many smaller organizations Unsecure information can be transferred easily. 8ZZZ*  Conclusion Good idea Saves Time The future.PrT Spt
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