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Wednesday, 12 October 2005
There's No Fun in Fundamentalist
Topic: Harriet Miers
Grand Ayatollah Bush tried to justify Harriet Miers by trumping up her religious credentials to his pouting base today, in a pitiful attempt to gain some lost ground he has lost to his credibility. You better keep the base covered, Georgey, they’re the only ones keeping your approval ratings above the freezing point. Everyone else has caught on to your bullshit agenda that has cost our country so dearly. How sad it is that the best thing mighty Karl Rove can think of to justify Harriet’s ascension into the highest court of the land is her choice of a church. Come on, Karl, I know you can do better than that. Now, if you had to pass a certain intelligence test to get into the pews that would be one thing, but last I checked, most churches will gladly accept anyone through their doors. That is what churches do. I am unimpressed, and I hope the rest of America is too.
What of the separation of church and state? Why do conservative Christians get to push their version of their faith to the rest of us in the country? It’s sad that the President can say that his nominee is a religious person and that is basically code for: she’s against abortion, she against gay rights, she wants prayer in schools, and she doesn’t want valid scientific theories taught in public schools.
And there is no reason for Jimmy Dobson to learn of the president’s choice days before the rest of America. Dobson is a power hungry crack masquerading as a man of God. He should not be privy to secret knowledge, and to hear him brag about it is like listening to a teenager boasting about his first sexual conquest (which proves not be that impressive, anyway). It would be nice to see people have the decency to keep God out of politics, for it is such a dirty game.
I am curious to see where this goes, however. If nothing else, it’s fun watching the republicans fight like democrats over this.

Posted by ak5/matthewlnguyen at 10:03 PM EDT
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