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My Home Page

My Homepage

GOD Knew That Everyone Needs
Companionship And Cheer,
He Knew That People Need Someone
Whose Thoughts Are Always Near.

He Knew They Need Someone Kind
To Lend A Helping Hand.
Someone To Gladly Take The Time
To Care And Understand.

GOD Knew That We All Need Someone
To Share Each Happy Day,
To Be A Source Of Courage
When Troubles Come Our Way.

Someone To Be True To Us,
Whether Near Or Far Apart.
Someone Whose Love We'll Always
Hold And Treasure In Our Hearts.

That's Why God Gave Us Friends

My Angels!!!!!

---->Me when i was 5 years old! sweet mahek.!!=)

MY Friends What should i do without you all?.

Sitting all alone sometimes and try to write
words how i feel when you all are not here.

Ohh god i cant imagine my that sometimes i dont
have anyone of my friends beside me


Zena i miss you so mutch

Why did you left me and moved to Lebanon?

Zena, You have a special place in my heart. A
A place just for you!
I'm sitting here alone
thinking of you.
I wonder what you're doing?
Do you also think of me?
I wish you were here
by my side.
I'm sitting here dreaming.
Dreaming you were here.
I wonder if anybody's dreams
come true?
Will my dreams come true?
Will my dreams about holding you
ever come true?
If not, What are dreams for?
I don't want just dreams.
Dreams aren't enough.
It's you I want.
Not dreaming about getting you.
All I’ve been doing was crying
Crying my 1,000 TearS
Wishing you would come back to me
Wishing that you were here


Layal Ohh my friend i love you so mutch.

Layal i will not let you go like Zena did.

Do you know why? Because i cant live without you

I miss you everyday i dont see you.

I love when I`m with you!. We Laugh at the same things we have fun together

Layal you also have a place just for you in my heart and remember i will never never forget you even if we dont see eatch other in the future!! Love you habibte!


MY cousin!!... Honaida Thank you for being there for me!
YOu are so kind and friendly!!
I love you SO mutch.
Walla i thankg god he sent you!!


Ida My Angel, My own angel
You are always beside me
When are we going to travel *lool*
I cant live without you!

Ann charlotte

The tacos freak, hahaa
I love you so mutch
I always have fun with you
and we listen to each other all the time
I will remeber you until i die!i promise you


Madeleine i will never forget the times you helped me with many stufs
I love you so mutch
Remember that you have a place in my heart.

I miss you a lot!.
WHy do all i really love goes away?
Why did you leave this country
I miss you Habibte!!
Ensahlla Ya rabb we se each other soon!.
Abir My sister!!!

You'll always be a part of me
You'll always be my only sister
You'll always be the only one
I love you until the end remeber that.
Abir I hate to see you sad
If you sometimes think that you're falling apart
Keep in mind that you'll always have my heart And please when you are hurt or sad
talk to me and tell me why!. I will always love you my lovely sister and my habibte!

CEcilia My friend i love you so mutch!!


Nathaly My lebanese friend!
We will be old in the future but keep in your mind that
our friendship stays, strong and true
You are friendly, kind and caring
Sensitive, loyal and understanding
Humerous, fun, secure and true
Always there... yes that's you.


Tamara ya tamara.
I remeber when you traveled to our contry to see your uncle and to see me*lool*
Ohh i had so fun.
No matter how far you are,
I will always be very near.
in your heart! and you will be in mine
You are a friend for life!!! will always remeber you!
Do you know why?Tell yourself that


My Only only Therese.
Ohh i cant explain with words how mutch you mean to me!
If i had to write something i cant stop writing
You Laugh at my word "OHH GOD"
hehe because i say that to everything
Therese I feel so happy when i`m with you!
And i forget all the bad things when i`m with you!
Thanks you for being my friend!
Love you 4-ever


Sandra you are a my girl=)
Friends for ever we will be!
I like your house so mutch!

Anna Maja

The one who help me all the time when i need something
She is so kind!!. She is my angel! My only angel love you!


If i am sad somedays i will come to you
Do you know why??
hehe because you make me laugh a lot
hahahaa!!.. Love you!


I can talk to you
And you understand me all the time
Lebanese friends is hard to find in this country but
you My angel stays in my heart 4-EVer
I will not let you go.=)
Sometimes i wonder it seems like me and you know each other from long time ago!

My other Friends i havent forget you all!!


Wliii My Lebanese friend!!!:.
Kifo Melhem zein. hahaa
Nana you are a nice friend!
Have a lot of fun when i am with you!!!
You are my angel!!=)
Habibte ente!:

Well lets talk a little about me

In 1985 12 june a little girl was borned in Lebanon. Her parents was so happy to get a

girl. After a little while the happinens came again when they new they had twins. The

parents and all taked good care oft he children.

Years have been passed by!

And the children grown up.

Something happend in 1990.

The family had to travel to another country and learn how to live there and meet the

new people they didnt know. Why have they traveled to Sweden is still a question for the

girls. But the family told them becuase of the war in Lebanon. It was really hard to leave

the parents and families left in Lebanon. The girls grandmother and aunt was with them

all the way.

In Sweden the children learned how to talk swedish, to be friendly and helpful. The

parents learned them to not miss anything they, had it all. In Sweden they aunts

children was there for them.(cousins) They helped them when they needed anything.

The aunt are always there for them to. The Family would not leave here without her,

because she help them with a lot of things. The sisters made a lot of friends. Friends

who always are there for them.

In year 1998 the faily moved to a city called Landskrona

They did not stay there for a long time!

Because it was a different city! And the children was not happy

The childrens dad wanted the gilrs to be happy. When he find out that it was really hard

to learn a new language then swedish he deisded to travel to Lycksele again.

Year 2004

Now the girls are 18 years old. 18 years old the parents taked care of them. 18 years

have passed by since they was borned. 18 years old since they travled to


Soon they are finish the school and will try to find a job and take care of the Family.

Well its not only two girls in the family the parents have now 4 girls!

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