More Stuff About me, that you probably didn't want to know.

x. name = Shannon

x. gender = female

x. birthday = 03.04.89

x. piercings/where= four in each ear (8 together)

x. tattoos/where = none

x. height = 5'1"

x. shoe size = 5 to 7

x. hair color = Red

x. length = Little bit longer than shoulder.


x. movie you rented = I don't ever remember renting a movie, in my life.

x. song you listened to = Rolling Stones: Doesn't matter (or something like that)

x. song that was stuck in your head = Rolling Stones: Doesn't Matter (again, "or something like that")

x. song you've downloaded = Weezer : Buddy Holly

x. cd you bought = I can't remember.

x. cd you listened to = the mix, Corey made me (oka: Crap Vol. I)

x. person you've called = Corey or my mom.

x. person that's called you = .. Stacy I think.

Do ...

x. you have a bf or gf = nope.

x. you wish you could live somewhere else = not really. I like where I live, it's quiet.

x. you think about suicide = I think about it, I don't think about doing it. But i think about it.

x. others find you attractive = I don't know, (do you?)

x. you want more piercings = yeah, but I have to go to a Tatoo parlor, because I have weird ears.

x. you want more tattoos = no not really.

x. you drink = not yet, =D

x. you do drugs = no.

x. you like cleaning = not at all

x. you like roller coasters = yes!!!

for or against

x. long distance relationships = against.

x. using someone = against

x. suicide = against

x. killing people = against

x. teenage smoking = against

x. doing drugs = against

x. premarital sex = I dont care, what ever floats your boat.

x. driving drunk = against -- definatly


x. food = Spaghetti, french fries -McDonald's-, others.

x. song = Boehimian Raphsody (Queen)

x. thing to do = watch tv, go online, skate, play intruments.

x. thing to talk about = anything

x. sports = Cheerleading - I consider it a sport.

x. sports to watch = Football, Im sort of forced to being a cheerleader and all.

x. drinks = Coke, Sprit, Shirley Temples.

x. clothes = whatever fits, : style : who cares? Idont.

x. movies = Spider-Man, Harry Potter(s), other movies.

x. holiday = Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's Day (anything with vacations, gifts, or candy)

x. color = black, red, silver, white.

x. scent = I don't have one

x. band = Queen,Tom Petty, MXpX, The vandals, Sublime, less than jake

x. local band = Theres a few.

x. animal = dogs, zebras, gazelles.

x. day of the week = friday & saturday

x. feeling = happy, and.. i dk

x. tv show = I don't have one. Whatever is on.. I watch.

this or that...

.1. boxers or briefs / thong or undies? boxers and undies.

.2. black or white? doesn't matter

.3. in or out? um... in.. i dk!!!

.4. up or down? umm, up!

.5. sitting or standing? sitting

.6. rain or sun? sun

.7. winter or summer? neither.. but if I HAD TO PICK, summer.. (swimming)

.8. fast or slow? fast

.9. hot or cold? hot

.10. soft or hard? soft


x. shampoo do you use = ... Matrix

x. perfume do you use = umm.. whatever i grab off the shelf

x. shoes do you wear = usually converse

x. are you scared of = ... really big spiders.(ex. trantulas)


x. of boys I have kissed?: 0, zip, zilch, nada, nothing...

x. of girls I have kissed?: none

x. of continents I have lived in?: one

x. of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends?: true: umm.. like.. 3 or 4. I don't know about my life though.. if I do something wrong.. damn, I'm dead.

*5 things you are wearing*

1. poofy pants(aka: parachute pants.. -liz)

2. red sweatshirt

3. independent shirt

4. socks

5. sneakers

*5 things you are doing right now*

1. listening to music

2. doing this thing

3. watching tv

4. i blinked.

5. listening to my dog bark

*5 things you ate in the last 24 hours*

1. ice cream

2. snapple iced tea

3. pizza

4. chocolate covered pretzels

5. soda

*5 things you did so far today*

1. Got up

2. went to school

3. walked to the library

4. went online

5. talked to people

*5 things you can hear right now*

1. music 2. TV 3. Dog barking (outside) 4. air.... 5. Dog snoring (inside)

*5 thoughts in your head*

1. I wish this was over

2. i like _____ (wouldn't you like to know?) lol.

3. Ouch.. I have a headache.

4. DATA.. SHUT UP!!!

5. I was supposed to get offline, 40 minutes ago. =D

*5 things you look for when your picking a boyfriend*

1. personality

2. loyalty (unlike JOE!! that ass wipe)

3. sense of humor

4. open (doesn't have to hide the fact that they like you, by making fun of you)

5. ?? dunno

*5 things you would like to do in your lifetime*

1. have a secret admiror.. (how ever it's spelt)

2. play more intruments than Corey

3. Star in a movie

4. get married.

5. go to Hawaii

*5 famous people you'd have sex with*

1. ??????

2. ??????

3. I never though about it

4. ??????

5. ??????

*Five things you love*

1. music

2. playing music - guitar, drums, trombone, clarinet,flute, ect.

3. cheerleading

4. animals

5. friends

what do you think of when you hear this...

Annoying - Greg Dukes

Sad - feeling..

Telephone - hello?

Sex - hm......

Breathing - sniff

Girl - some can be totaly bitches.

Boy - stupid

School - Great Social event. To bad we have to learn.

Beep - sound

Ouch- Pain

Love - what is love?

Hate - been there, done that.

Crushing - smush!!!

Pockets - place to put ur hands

Hugs - YEY!

Making out - not in public (please!!!)

<--- BACK!!!
