Hello. My name is Ashton Greyson. This site is a collaboration between myself and my sweet girlfriend Hannah. I don't know much about computers and making websites but with Hannah to help me I think we will do ok. We would like to thank Stacy for creating the layout for us. The Color scheme is ours.

Let us know what you think of this site. Email us or sign the guest book. We love feed back. Let us know who you are, how you found the site and what you think. Good or bad, feedback will help us to improve this site. :)

Monday, February 12, 2007 :
Hi! Hannah here. I'm working on a bit of a new layout. I'm not really good at this so we'll see how it turns out. The colors of the layouts are going to be the same ones I've used before, but the design hopefully will be different. Wish me luck!

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DATE; February 12, 2007
TIME; 11:19 PM
LISTENING; News out of Greenville
TASTING; Nothing
FEELING; Tired but happy

harry potter
save the worms
who are you?
who is ashton?


7/13 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Friday the 13th!) (

7/21 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (the last book! *cries*)

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