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Discipline- Rewards and Consequences

Good behavior is essential, as without it the students' opportunities to learn can be greatly diminished.
Students at Cooper Elementary are expected to manage their own behavior, using the tools given to them in class.

In Room 111 discipline is kept by emphasising the positive consequences of following the class rules and by constant reinforcement of the class routines. There are also negative consequences that follow from breaking the rules and not following the routines.

Positive Consequences (Rewards) There is a class reward system where the students can gain points for good classroom work, bringing back homework on time and for very good behavior. Every time a student gets five points they may move their star up one place on the star chart and collect a mini-prize. Once they have attained twenty-five points altogether they collect a bigger prize and start over again.
The students will be constantly rewarded for good behavior verbally and with stickers, stamps or certificates.

Negative Consequences As much as possible discipline problems will be solved in the classroom. The class consequences for failing to follow rules, directions or routines are as follows:

The student misbehaving will receive a non-verbal (eye contact, head shake) warning or a verbal ("Please stop, Jon,") warning. Then the student is reminded of the rule (or direction given, or routine that should be followed) and asked to modify their behavior. If the student continues to misbehave then a negative consequence is given. Depending on the situation, this could be a time-out in the classroom, a time-out elsewhere in the school, or the loss of a privilege (i.e. recess, choice time, story time, class game, etc.) If, after the consequence is given, the student does not modify their behavior then a phone call home will be made.

In the case of aggressive, disrespectful or unsafe behavior, profanity or major class disruption the student will be immediately referred to the principal or vice-principal for formal discipline procedures to take place.

PLEASE NOTE that aggressive behavior, fighting and significant disrespect of an adult can or will result in automatic suspension from school.
