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"Kathy's Lowcarb Lifestyle"

This is my site for those like myself, that have an interest in, or follow the Low Carbohydrate (LC) Way of Life (WOL). I follow Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution program (DANDR). Other popular programs that are similar, include Protein Power, Neander-Thin, The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet or the plethora of others that have followed. Each program has it's own unique configuration, and it's up to the individual to study and decide which program works best for your lifestyle. This WOL is intended as a permanent lifestyle change, not a "diet", to be discontinued when one reaches goal. The idea that once reaching goal, one could resume a high carbohydrate eating plan, is wrong. To resume these old habits would most certainly reverse the weight and health benefits that this WOL provided. Make a decision to change your whole concept of eating and living. Read your references. As another Low Carber (LC'er) once stated, "The results are spectacular !"

There are many medical reports and test cases that testify that this is a healthy and positive approach for those who feel that they may want to lose weight, lower their cholesterol, or just acquire better overall health. Basically as you can see, you eat lots of protein, fats, and dairy. The carbs you are allowed are in veggies, some nuts and naturally occuring in dairy, spices and some condiments. There are many hidden carbs that most people never think about. Fruit and fruit juice is loaded, as is things like ketchup, many barbecue sauces, sodas, etc. Your body can't tell a handful of sugar from a piece of bread. The chemical breakdown is still carbs, and your body excretes insulin promoting the retention of fat. It is an endless cycle.

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The links on the next page will help those interested, gain better knowledge to start this new lifestyle.

The recipes are a compilation from the various LC lists that I subscribe to, as well as some of my own.

It really is necessary to acquire at least one of the books relating to this approach, such as DANDR, Protein Power, Neander-Thin, Carbohydrate Addicts Diet or Sugarbusters. It is also quite helpful to have on hand Corrine Netzer's Complete Food Counts, or Carbohydrate Food Counter. The experiences of others are helpful, but reading, and gathering your own knowledge will guarantee your success !

Good luck, and welcome !

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On the following pages you will find recipes, links, tips, inspiration, Atkin's induction tables and much more to arm you with the all you need to succeed !


All original content and images property of Kathy's Lowcarb © 1998-2005
Unauthorized use is prohibited.
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