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Hey, I`d like to thank you for coming by my page. I will be posting more pictures and stuff up soon so check back for any updates. If you`d like sign my guestbook and I`ll get back to you..... Thanks!


Ahhh TOO BAD NO MORE PICTURES! go look around on my buddy lists... -------------------------------------- Daily Thoughts -July 22- Wow hmmm nothing much to say SHIT hahah we won 290 BUCKS and guess where we headed to eat....? hahahhHAHA YOUR RIGHT Micky D`s~! bahhahahHAHA hell no anyways mofo, that was about it cause the rest of the day was fawkin gay....... besides the 290.... -------------------------------------- What`s your IQ score? Go to to find out how smart you really are;62 is the lowest score you can get. If youscore this, you need a new brain transplant. 160 isthe highest score possible. You are a genius, a prodigy. You should be planning a trip to the nextgalaxy. Congratulations, Tou! Your IQ score is 124! Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician. This means you are gifted at spotting patterns ? both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you goodat understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instinctsand turn to you for direction ? especially in the workplace. And that`s just some of what we know about you from your test results. Here are the mean scores taken from a varitey of professionals: Professors and researchers..............133 Physicians and surgeons.................128 Lawyers.................................128 Engineers(civil and mechanical)........125 School teachers.........................123 Pharmacists.............................120 Nurses..................................119 Cashiers................................116 Policemen...............................108 Store managers..........................103 Warehouse men............................98 Cooks and bakers.........................97 Small farmers............................96 Factory packers and sorters..............85 -------------------------------------- -Quotes- "Girls are like phones, the like to be held and talked to, but if you press the wrong button you will be disconnected..." -Unknown "To the worldyou may be one person but to a person, you may be the world." -????- "Few are those who can see with their own eyes, and hear withtheir own hearts." -Albert Einstein "Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship - never." -Charles Caleb Colton ----------------------------- Shout OutS!!! -Fellaz- Hmmm.... Everyone I know. -LaDieZ- ......hmmmm..... If you and I know each other then, I said HI! lol! 1151 HITS