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  17th, march, 2004

WOW . so long no news eh? well the public is  showing absolutely ZERO interest in GULFWAR mod, how ever our goal is our own will, so the production continues, the pause was because we are busy with daily life, and also I took some time off 3D to learn a little 2D digital art. Now I can say that 3D rules and if @D wasn't needed for textures I was going to hope that it dies soon =P...

ok the prove that I'm working is here , a M.R.L.S model , 30% done. click on image for larger scale




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17th, march, 2004

more than 2 weeks and no news , well I was quiet busy, and a bit disappointed with creating my first plane model, finally I managed to finish it and I hope I'll have a chance to improve it later on.

here is a screen:

Go to media section for 2 more screenshots and a larger scale ( 800*600 ).

2nd : the forum is completely empty. it doesn't matter since I haven't try to get any attention from public and only certain people are visiting this site. I ask from those that i know to register because i need their help. thx



Finally I got a Forum up going. Thanks to Arian for reminding me that I need one.

So heads over Gulfwar Forum: HERE . and sorry that I named it TAKAVAR forum my mistake, but it only appears on the URL so it shouldn't be that much of trouble.




Go to media section for larger scale

Rapid loaded me with a water tank again 1000 poly, can be optimized to less. he also added a water because of his own interest. great job

The other news is that my computer got virus, I had to format it, every thing is fine now, but it wasted a lot of time...


18th, February, 2004

Finally I finished AK-47 , but actually it is a Kalashnikov . AK47 is the American version this is improved in some way I don't know. 3000 poly and something .... but CAN optimized to 1200 poly easily.


14th, February, 2004

 Rapid loaded me up with lots of references today, now we are working on the mod features so we can decide what are we going to put, we don't have a lot yet but we are working on it...

another news : yeah rapid again! he made one of his very first models :p . and I believe it is a good model. Thought the wings have to be edited a bit. 780 poly only.


5th, February, 2004

I am glad to Welcome the first team member : Rapid, he will be helping me out in animation ... reference pictures ,movies ,sounds


5th, February, 2004

I just finished my new version of RPG-7 model . here is a screen of it :

Go to media section for larger view and another view of it.   TAKAVAR


31st, January, 2004

Hi I just began my work few days ago. The first thing to do was the site and some concept  arts. now it is time to start modeling until HL2's release. If you willing to join me please contact me via E-mail and send me a sample of your work with few lines about your skills and ... .    TAKAVAR