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A Dedication To My Internet Sister ~ Opalqueen65 ~~ My Very Dear Friend NANCY

"Angels In Waiting" by Tammy Cochrane

Nancy, I know how much you've been missing your page so I decided to do another. The picture is different ( does it look familiar? ) It's a picture of what you sent me for Christmas last year. My thoughts and feelings remain the same...

Wow, where do I start to even tell you all about this remarkable woman~~My Guardian Angel.

Nancy came into my life via Snooz_46, her dedicated soulmate in January, 2001. As I recollect, Snooz was trying to get to Newfoundland for a party at my house and got thrown in jail in Calgary, LOL, via Taj Mahal and so the online friendship began. I eventually figured out that Snooz and Opal were indeed two different people and not one, as I had originally thought! Finn, Crow and Ranger got in on the act and we all talked and joked for hours, having a blast both at Taj and in voice chat. We all introduced our families, sitting on our puters and miles apart, getting to know each other and our loved ones.I cherish our talks and once Sis and I got rid of the men, we had some great conversations, hehehe.

Nancy and I shared our lives, our dreams and our families.Then came that day when I asked Nancy why she had been to the doctor twice that week, we had been talking for a couple of months by now. I can still see her words on my screen...I have cancer and am having chemo treatments, but please dont say anything, I don't want these people to know that I am sick. At that very moment, I knew what a treasure I had found.

Nancy, having to give up her career as a RN wasn't and still isn't, one to complain, going for chemo three times a week and always managing to stop by to say HI and brighten our days. Her charming personality and quick wit has gained her many online friends and I know that each and every one of you will always remember Opal.

We've had many long talks, she always tells me that she knows that God sent me to her but little does she know that He gave ME a very special gift on the day that He brought her into MY life. Her courage has inspired me to live each day, each waking moment, as she does~~to it's fullest. Forget all the yesterdays, live for today, as if tomorrow will never come.

Sis knows that she has been put on this earth for a reason, her and Stan have raised three wonderful sons and their angel daughter, as she is affectionately known. She has told me over and over again that she is ready to pass over to her beautiful Rose Garden. Her only regret is that she will be leaving her soulmate and their children on their own. Your families and your friends will always be here for you all, anytime you need us, just reach out and we'll come running.

Nancy, I want to tell you that you are definitely one of my most treasured "finds" on this lil puter of mine and I am honoured to be tagged as the other sister in "THE SKILLET SISTERS". LOL



And yes Sis, our Angel's Ocean is back on this page. For those of you who are wondering, "Angels Ocean" was founded one day while Sis, Blu and myself were chatting and all were crying, Sis says "I'm crying enough tears to fill the ocean, lets call it "Angels Ocean". We decided that crying is OK and if any of you would like to contribute to our ocean, please feel free to do so.

((((((((((HUGGGGSSSSS)))))))))) to all.

Nancy and I just want to say ~~ Enjoy each other as we all do, get past the pettiness and cherish your online friends.We are ALL truly Angels In Waiting. Each and every one is a SPECIAL GEM...KEEP SMILING :o)

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