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RP Number:
Glory: 000 - 000 - 000
Next Victim:Paul Matthews
Forgotten Souls:

It Starts: The night sky fills Frescos eyes as he walks through the woods returning home to pack. For he has returned to the ring.  

Frescos thoughts:After a year of life alone. Alone in the woods. Away from people. Away from himself. For he left to recover something he lost well wrestling. He left to re cover his mind. He then got the idea to return to the ring in a dream. He found out that his time has not ran out. That he still can be in this world. He then called his Friend Ace. Ace gave him a name that will remain slient for it needs no mention. He signed a deal Days ago. His return match Sunday night. He will be fighting a man named Paul Matthews. Van has never met this man. Yet Van can't wait to end this mans begin. He has something to show. What is that you ask? Well you'll have to wait and find out with the rest of the maggots.

Van returns to his cabin and goes to the barn. He enters to the yelling of pigs and chickens...

Van: Whats for dinner tonight? Ah Fried Chicken sounds good.

He grabs the a chicken and walks out of the barn. He eneters the cabin and walks to the kitchen. He gets out a cutting board and grabs a knife from the draw. He puts the chicken on the board. Holds the kinfe high in the air. A ray of light comes off it as he brings it down and beheads the chicken. He then holds the chicken as it shakes in its last movement. He then licks the blood off his fingers and gets the oil ready in the fyer. He then looks deep into the camera...

Van: I have seen every sun rise since coming out to this cabin. I have loved them all more every time. They are amazing don't you think? Not everhbody stays up or gets up to see them like I. Some people take them for granted. Just saying to them selfs that there is another one. I watch it tomorrow. The thing is they don't. They just get up and forget all about it and say the same thing. My first match back to wrestling in over a year and I'm fighting a man named Paul Matthews. I wonder whens the last time he saw the sun rise. Or like everybody else he took that for granted. Well the funny thing is thats not the only thing he took for granted. He took me for granted. Putting himself in the main event at Revolution. Why would you do such a thing Paul? For you know not a thing bout me. Why would a man ever put himself ahead of another man? It just crys out ego in my head. Paul take a look into my eyes. Does it look like I'm going to be running from you? Do you think I'll be running and hiding? Like I was living the cold war era? Good the oil is heated. (Fresco gets the chicken and puts it in the oil pot the smell of frying chicken fills the room) Ah the smell of burning skin. How I love it so. Paul do you love that smell? Do you? I hope you do. O cause Paul after are match I had plans for dinner. Yes dinner Paul. You must be asking yourself right now. Em I invited? No no no you are not invited to my dinner. For one reason Paul. For you are my dinner.... Ah I can smell the burning of human skin right now. How I long for it. Will you take me for granted then Paul? I think not for you thoughts will change when you feel the fire hit your skin. You will smell that skin. But it won't send you into a happy place. It will send you into a panic. You will try to escape the pain... Ah but I won't let you do that Sir. I'm going to watch you suffer. I'll Watch the skin melt right off you till I burn your very soul. For you See Paul. Thats what happens to people that take me for Granted. I just don't end it in the ring. I end it by ending your life. You ask me what bout mistakes? Mistakes are made for kids Paul. Are you a kid? Are you? Paul look into my eyes. Think for a moment. Have you ever met me before? Answer that question now. If you answer with a no. You answer wrong. For you have met me before. You meet me every night when you look in the mirror Paul. Thats right I am your Reaper Paul. You knew I was coming for you. You just didn't know when. All the wrong things you have done in your life will now be taking into the light. To be uncovered for what they are. Errors always can't be corrected. This is just to show you. That everybody has and end and that ending always isnt shiney and nice. Once you see this Paul then you will not be afraid of death and maybe then you will understand that when I say Don't Fear the Reaper I mean it. Death is not something to be afraid of its something that you must embrace. Go ahead Paul embrace your very own Reaper. For come sunday you will run out of time to. Ah my chicken seems to be ready.

Fresco takes the chicken out of the pot. He places on a plate.

Fresco: Now will you leave me in peace as I seem to be getting ready to enjoy my meal. Paul take my words into your mind think deep and hard about them. O yes and Sweet Dreams my foe.

The camera backs away as Fresco lifts the chicken and takes a bit out of it. Blood runs down his mouth and he smiles. The camera then forces on the window over the pot. In steam it writes out 666. The camera then fades to black.