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It apears that my front page photo is down for some reason...I'll have to fix that...

I've opened the picture page!!! The pictures all have me in them.
(you have been warned!)

~In Heaven It's Ok~
By: Jared W.M. (copyright: please don't copy)

We shared a love so pure and sweet as beautiful as could be,
Our hearts were bound our souls were one as anyone could see.
I never thought i'd find someone as wonderful as you,
And the funny thing is you never thought that you would find me too.

The time we had together, though brief, was purely bliss
Your kiss, your smile, your touch, your voice...all things i'll surely miss.
You filled my heart with warmth and love as never can be again,
And one day soon, my shattered heart, I hope will surely mend.

One simple shot from a gun is what took you away from me,
Because our love was never meant for in this society.
I held you close and kissed your lips and told you "I love you"
And yet you didn't have the strength to say you loved me too.

The years have yet to pass, and the tears I have yet to shed,
I'll have to spend a lifetime without you next to me in bed.
The days seem long and lonely and the nights seem even worse,
Yet through it all, with the love we shared, I do not feel cursed.

And when I need some comfort remembering what we used to share,
To feel that feeling I used to get, that someone really cared.
I read the words upon your grave that I hold so dear,
"In Heaven It's Ok To Love, Even When You're Queer."

Send me an e-mail at Ford in SoCaLi@AOL.COM