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FLETCHER'S Home Page For the Weekly Internet Class

Our Favorite things about teaching the Internet

Meet the Internet Instructors

FLETCHER's first Web Site


...Fletcher Teaches the Internet...


...Put Deborah in-charge of a Web page and it sizzles

Hi... I am the serious looking one on here but that's because Fletcher told me it was a formal affair. He sure fooled me. You look like just a plain old good bunch of people to me. I run a day care in my home and after getting hired to Fletcher’s class and making my own Site I may decide to do this for a living. He has so much energy I just couldn’t tell the poor guy no... Besides there is a lot of fun teaching others about YAHOO and ICQ. I tease and joke around so everyone has fun and it makes learning the Internet easier I think. My son sees Fletcher on CAM and he wonders why he looks so serious . That's a good question I would like o know too. Maybe he’s coding up another web site for someone...He's on and off the net so much My sister Sue and I can’t keep up with him. If you see him remind him he promised to hurry up and finish the training manual. I met Fletcher on Icq one day and we ended up adding each other. I think he was just looking for someone to talk to . Then after we worked together on my page I learned how easy it was and took over where he left off. And of course he fed me a line about teaching but, I really do like it and I have learned to roll with the flow in HTML. Its not like having to be a brain sureon is it? After I made my page and he asked me to sit in on the class Seminar and of course I did. . . You can ICQ or Email me ok? Living in Akron, Ohio I’m not that far from everyone right?. My icq is 162147299 and keep me in mind if you need day care. My sister Sue Lives here too but she is out in the country. And I’m a city slicker... Hey Sis... nice red outfit you’re wearing kid... How did you slip that one past Fletcher....? ... Kisses from Ohio... xoxoxo Debbie

...Sue teaches the Internet and writes. Call her and she can help you

Hi... I am the OTHER Sister in Ohio. Debbie is the oldest and I live out in the country where the quiet and where the lovely work of nature surrounds me. I write and do the Internet training sessions in the mornings when it’s quiet. Check out my page when you get a chance. I’ll be in the Internet class each week as an Instructor too, and I’m looking forward to meeting everyone. fletcher has told me so much about this class I simply had to come and see for myself. For those who made it to the Internet seminar. I was there. But my sister did nost of the talking. HTML tags to me are a piece ‘o cake now that my own page is done. I don’t have a CAM yet but someday I will... If you are lucky enough to get me to help you get your site up and running we’ll have a lot of fun and learn it together. Hey Sis How am I doing...? Ha Ha bet you thought I was going to flub my typing Huh? Hey Fletch can I be the one to dress up next time?... I may decide to do this for a living. My icq is 160233329 and keep me in mind if you need help.... ... Kisses from Ohio... xoxoxo Sue...

...Janis makes every step look easy

Hi... (look up) I am a dancing grandmother in Texas and I met Fletcher on Icq. I think he was hiting on me but he says he wasn’t. Then after he taught me I made my own page and he asked me if I wanted to be one of the original Cyber instructors and the rascal talked me into one of his training seminars. So I jumped at the chance to teach. after you are in the class feel free to ICQ or E-mail with me. My icq is 65668840 and don't forget to let me know how you are doing. Hey this is my first class as a cyber Instructee so be easy on me ok? ... Kisses from Texas... xoxoxo Janis

...Jane makes the Internet her home...

Hi...I am a Florida Cracker now but just like Janis there is still a piece of Texas inside. I have a quiet side too and a CAM sits on top of my computer. Did I forget to tell you I am a grandmother? WEll pardner there are a lot of things you don't know. For example you probably didn't know that I I write my feelings as they come to me and of course my ISP knows my wrath when they mess over my Yahoo for some reason. A girl has to set limits you know. If you ask me Fletcher paid way too much for his cam and you got to shop around. Right now I'm learning the Internet because you never know when it might come in ahndy. Hey, I'm a Grandmama, I can do anything I think I can... ICQ me if you have a problem and between the two of us I bet there is an alternative to shooting off your foot when your computer thretens your sanity. My icq is 14655156 and don't forget to let me know how you found this web page. This is my first class too so easy does it Buckaroo ok? ... xoxoxo Bye Bye Ya'll. Jane

...Lucy was our Oldest so far...

...There comes a time to smile...

...Here is my man for all seasons...

...Here is our home away from home...

My home is physically here in Anchorage, Alaska. But every one of us on this page has another hone out on the Internet. And You can always find us there teaching and helping someone Forget that the winter is cold and bring your flannel underwear if you come to Alaska for a class in the winter time. There is almost always room for one more person in one our many ICQ or YAHOO classrooms. and we are signing up new Instructors everyday. Always remember that in the Himalayas of your mind stone Walls nor Iron Bars do a prison make...

Lucy was 93 years young when she made her first web page with us a year ago. (God bless you Lucy Wherever You are. The the lady from Rye Texas did hers in an hour while we talked voice over Yahoo Messenger.debbie and her Sister Sue in Ohioo did it, as did joyce in Sterling, Alaska and then came Chris in New Zealand and Janis in San Antonio Texas is planning hers. Debbie and her sister Susan In Ohion did it too. Just remember that you too can build a Web page and now that Voice is here to stay my friend it breaks down all those barriers between us like you would not believe. Go buy a CAM from Walmarts for $20.00 and I'll show you how to blow the socks off of the Grand Kids. Just because they learn faster doesn't mean they learn better, or have any more fun. This is what I teach in my seminar. Now E-Mail me and let's get your life re-started... We have classes every day and Mine here in Alaska are on Tuesdays and Thursdays this coming month. This particular little WebPage is a testimonial to the Little Choo-cho who said "...I can, I can, I can, now get outta my way..."

The Tuesday Inernet class Class is still from 12:20 until 2:30 at School so come and bring your Floppy we used to store your CAM picture on this last week.We'll show you how to E-Mail it to friends and how to Upload it to the Internet. Piece'o Cake after you do it several times.

AND for Internet friends on ICQ and Yahoo this is what I do here In anchorage when I'm not working at something else.

...Fletcher is is building a Cathederal...

Bring your thoughts and your fingers into our place called Cyberville-North and before you know it your very own Web Page will come alive before your eyes. I'll stand on my head if you can find a better deal anywhere else... Fletcher


Amazing Grace Elvis

Fletchers School schedule

  • Monday 12:30 - 2:30 computer beginners
  • Tuesday 12:30 - 2:30 e-mail and Internet
  • Wednesday 12:30 Advanced Internet