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Paradox is a site where I can spill my random insights into the digital world...enjoy...

Current format is "Paladin Alexander Anderson"

June 21

3:46 am
Beat "Enter the Matrix" about 2 hrs. ago...
...Screw Neo...Its all about "Ghost"

What a roudy week...Wed.>Hanged out with Ilther, Ricky and Jose...Saw Dumb and Dumberer and "Matrix Reloaded" (again)
...Everytime Ghost showed up in the movie me and Jose Screamed (Ghost!) with our arms in the air (Humourous)...
Thurs.>Hanged out with Ruy at e2...
Today> E2 by myself for a while then went to my house with Carlos and Jose...

June 17

3:14 am
We become "Adhesive" sometimes

June 16

11:21 PM
Updated the format (out of boredom...)and thats it...

3:00 am
I sense summer's solitude days approaching, bought 2 DVDs to claim sanity for the day: "The Animatrix" and "Falling Down"
...great stuff.
Out of the all the anime's in the animatrix; the detective story compelled me the most

I just finished watching "duckman" on comedy central I noticed that "Cornfed" is a really cool character

I forgot todays date, im too lazy to turn my neck around to see the calendar...10:08 pm What to do; what to do...
(sigh) idea where it comes from...
Funny it seems that people are locked in with pride.
Always proving themselves and other how real their facade is...
Take your pride and ignorance and find yourself bliss in lies
Since your lying to yourself might as well lie to others...make them hurt like you.
Sometimes I think friendship doesnt exist...because it all subsides on the concept of "As long as
you make me look cool among others I appreciate you...just make my facade real...ok?"
Pride...we all delve in it and create a boundary of homeostatic balance in the search
for ourself concept as a dominant in the social norm. "I dont dress like this cause of music videos...
Im like this cause its me and I want to show that I am above social norms, because Im plagiarizing a statement for fashion"
Boundaries of what? I dont know Im just babbling random thoughts locked in my head...
Why am I writing about this you ask?...I dont know either..I think things like this run through my head and causes my "down".

Im a biased bastard...

...Forgot about choclate Ice Cream on fridge...

May 26

12:20 am
Hanged out with the after party crew...At Dennys
Ilther and Ricky are hilarious
Yader and Niel pissed off the waiter...
I think he spit in our food, and I was a victim of undeserving punishment...
Me and "that nigga" Do-Rag just sat back and watched the show everyone put up

May 23rd

5:23 am
Prom sucked...
After Party sucked...everyone was drunk and i was preventing people from getting raped
I should've went to e2...but I can tell no one was there

May 18

9:15 pm
"Credit on a Sunday Morning"

Good Mourning Mr. Garavito
The weekends almost over
You still live this misery...
You still delve in pain

caused by your tragedies in history

Wash your face...
Stare at yourself in the mirror
and wonder what choices you should replace
Its 7 am...your depresed again
and your path seems to get no clearer

No one will ever understand you
because people never listen
yet you acquit from suicide
and continue your mission

you fought the fight...
you saw the sight...
but where did it get you? ...Only a site where you are placed
so people can forget you

May 15

5:50 pm
Got a great book yesterday...Viktor E. Frankl's "Mans Search for Ultimate Meaning"
...(Not very Original from the first) ...Great book...

Viktor with his usual pimp pose...

May 10th

11:39 pm Me and Do-Rag spent the whole day at e2, I wanted to watch Cowboy Bebop:the movie.
But no movie theatre had it playing so me and Ricky saw Daddy Day Care. Then I spent the whole night with Do-Rag at e2 yet again...

Im obsessed and addicted yet again with another stimuli...

May 5th

9:31pm Been a good bit since any updates. My insomnia is cooling down, feeling alot better. I read
the book Man's Search for meaning by Viktor E. Frankl. Helped out a lot. I didn't go to my grad night, I dont know why,
I wasn't really up for it. Alot of people had a good time, I had a good time sleeping and dreaming about a beach.


Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

I actually have "avoidant personality disorder".

March 5th

9:35pm Today I asked myself...past the aspect of physics...What is Power?
School seems so repetitive, what can I say, its a pattern within a pattern, I remember back in the day
when I usually escaped these monotonous patterns with daydreams and drawings, but now that I took honor
and AP classes, its rather difficult and I get pulled in to what is happenning in the time being. Bah...

12:14am Yea, its been a while since I update, not like many people see this webpage anyway...

January 12fth

11:27 pm Yea, I've been taking Tylenol PM for my sleep for the past week, man Im addicted...
Im workin on some Adobe artwork to put along with some lyrics from music that mean a lot to me...
...That's about it.

Winter Recess mornings...(Dec.20-Jan.6)

January 1st

6:50am Ever since recess my circadian rhythm in sleep is way out of wack...
Happy New Year. I, without a doubt, think that the years have been
passing by too fast.

December 31st

It's 6:37am and I decided to work on the layout, nothing too fancy...
Why Iori? Well I like his style, and his appearance, he's also my fav.
character in SNK, (aside from Rock and K').

6:19pm I worked on something today that I had a dream about,
It actually made no sense, but I still made something out of it, I call it "Facade",
because I think that was the main thing on my dream.