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Afghanistan, officially Islamic State of Afghanistan, republic in southwestern Asia, bounded on the north by Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan; on the east by China and the part of the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir controlled by Pakistan; on the south by Pakistan; and on the west by Iran. Afghanistan was a monarchy from 1747 to 1973, when the king was overthrown by military officers and the country was proclaimed a republic; the republic dissolved in 1992 as the country erupted in civil war. Afghanistan lies across ancient trade and invasion routes from Central Asia into India. This position has been the greatest influence on its history because the invaders often settled there. .

Today the population includes many different ethnic groups.which the Tajiks & the Pashtoons are the majorities & Uzbeks, Hazaras, Turkmans & Hindos Are the minorities, the two main languages spoken are Dari (Farsi) & Pashto, major cities are Kabul the Capitol, Mazar e Sharif, Heart— Kandahar, Jalal Abad & Bamyan. Most of the present borders of the country were drawn up in the 19th century, when Afghanistan became a buffer state, or neutral zone, between Russia and British India.

Afghanistan has many high mountains, and the passes through them have been very important in both the history and in commerce. In the 320s BC Alexander the Great invaded the country through the Kushan Pass (about 4,370 m/about 14,340 ft) in the west and left it to the east through the low Khyber Pass (1,072 m/ 3,517 ft) to invade India. These same passes were used by the Mughal emperor Babur to conquer both Afghanistan and India in the 1500s. The famous Salang Pass (3,880 m/12,720 ft) and its Soviet-built tunnel in the central Hindu Kush was one of the main routes the Soviets used to invade Afghanistan in 1979. Afghanistan’s Museum was one of the world’s richest museums but Unfortunately it was looted completely by Afghan Rabbles know as Mujahedin & the Antiques were sold in Antique markets in Pakistan, England, USA & some other countries. Afghanistan is still suffering from the war that started in 1979 with the Invasion of Russia, the war has left Afghanistan’s economy very poor. More then 2 millions people dead, more the 5 millions refugees &70% Of the buildings houses are destroyed.          

Country: Islamic State of Afghanistan

Capital: Kabul

Total Area: 251,738.61 sq mi 652,000.00 sq km (slightly smaller than Texas)

Population: 25,838,797 (July 2000 est.)

Estimated Population in 2050: 67,224,578

Languages: Pashtu 35%, Afghan Persian (Dari) 50%, Turkic languages (primarily Uzbek and Turkmen) 11%, 30 minor languages (primarily Balochi and Pashai) 4%, much bilingualism

Literacy: 31.5% total, 47.2% male, 15% female (1999 est.)

Religions: Sunni Muslim 84%, Shi'a Muslim 15%, other 1%

Life Expectancy: 46.62 male, 45.1 female (2000 est.)

Government Type: Intrim

Currency: 1 afghani (AF) = 100 puls

Labor Force (by occupation:) Agriculture 68%, industry 16%, services 16% (1980 est.)

Industry: small-scale production of textiles, soap, furniture, shoes, fertilizer, and cement; hand-woven carpets; natural gas, oil, coal and copper

Agriculture: Wheat, Fruits, nuts, karakul pelts; wool, mutton

Arable Land: 12%

Exports: Fruits and nuts, hand-woven carpets, wool, cotton, hides and pelts, precious and semiprecious gems

Imports: Capital goods, food and petroleum products; most consumer goods Natural Resources: Natural gas, petroleum, coal, copper, chromite, talc, barites, sulfur, lead, zinc, iron ore, salt, precious and semiprecious stones

Current Environmental Issues: Soil degradation; overgrazing; deforestation (much of the remaining forests are being cut down for fuel and building materials); desertification

Telephones (main lines in use): 31,200 (1983); note - there were 21,000 main lines in use in Kabul in 1998