nicole (3:40:26 PM): howdy
IAN THE MANNN (3:40:35 PM):
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nicole (3:40:42 PM): nm, what r u doing
IAN THE MANNN (3:40:52 PM): nothin, just got home from class
nicole (3:41:09 PM): so is it nap time?
IAN THE MANNN (3:41:14 PM): ha, i wish
nicole (3:41:32 PM): y, what else do u have to do
IAN THE MANNN (3:41:46 PM): talk to you on aim of course.
nicole (3:42:03 PM): well when u putit that way i guess that is better than a nap
IAN THE MANNN (3:42:17 PM): well obviously
IAN THE MANNN (3:42:33 PM): besides, we both know that i dont sleep well
nicole (3:42:52 PM): o, i thought that was just at night
IAN THE MANNN (3:43:04 PM): all the time
nicole (3:43:44 PM): that sucks
nicole (3:43:51 PM): maybe u should get medicine for that
nicole (3:44:03 PM): maybe u have insomnia
IAN THE MANNN (3:44:08 PM): nah, its not that bad
nicole (3:44:27 PM): i couldnt sleep lastnight, i thik i may have gotten a total of 2 hours
nicole (3:44:30 PM): it sucked
IAN THE MANNN (3:44:38 PM): me either
IAN THE MANNN (3:44:45 PM): i kept waking up like every 30 mins
nicole (3:44:57 PM): we should have hung out
IAN THE MANNN (3:45:13 PM): ya
nicole (3:45:36 PM): so no valentine activies for u tonight?
IAN THE MANNN (3:46:01 PM): unless you count sitting around doing nothing activities
IAN THE MANNN (3:47:08 PM): what are you doin
nicole (3:47:57 PM): nothing
IAN THE MANNN (3:48:20 PM): sounds fun
nicole (3:48:31 PM): extremely
IAN THE MANNN (3:54:14 PM): well if you get bored enough you can come over and we can be bored together.
nicole (3:55:05 PM): sounds like a plan
IAN THE MANNN (3:55:25 PM): mmk
nicole (4:10:45 PM): help!!
IAN THE MANNN (4:19:05 PM): help with what, sorry i was making kunch
nicole (4:19:23 PM): with my boredum
IAN THE MANNN (4:19:36 PM): how do you want me to help
nicole (4:19:47 PM): dunno
IAN THE MANNN (4:20:31 PM): well normally this is where i would send you my "anti-boredom" conversation that i had with my friend liz so you could read it and laugh
IAN THE MANNN (4:20:39 PM): but i dont think i have it anymore :(
nicole (4:20:59 PM): y do u call it ur anti boredum convo?
IAN THE MANNN (4:21:12 PM): cuz it was really long and funny
IAN THE MANNN (4:21:26 PM): some of my best work if i do say so myself
nicole (4:21:39 PM): o lol
IAN THE MANNN (4:22:47 PM): yea
IAN THE MANNN (4:22:53 PM): it was always a fun read
nicole (4:28:26 PM): gotta go
nicole (4:28:28 PM): ttyl
IAN THE MANNN (4:28:33 PM): er... cya

Auto-response from nicole (4:28:33 PM): there's three types of people in this world. there's the kinds of people who need to be with someone on valentines day or theyll have a pity party all day, there's the people who are too cool for valentines day and all just have an anti-romantic group hang, and then theres the people who realize its just another fucking day!!! -mf ... class and work
IAN THE MANNN (9:12:50 PM): blah
nicole (9:13:28 PM): me too
IAN THE MANNN (9:13:41 PM): im watching aladdin
nicole (9:13:56 PM): lol
nicole (9:14:04 PM): thats so random
nicole (9:14:07 PM): why r u watching that
IAN THE MANNN (9:14:11 PM): cuz its on
nicole (9:14:16 PM): oo
nicole (9:14:26 PM): thats my roommates favorite movie
IAN THE MANNN (9:14:34 PM): kool with a k
nicole (9:14:43 PM): wait. the disney version or the real movie?
IAN THE MANNN (9:14:56 PM): theres a real movie?
nicole (9:15:01 PM): i think so
IAN THE MANNN (9:15:06 PM): hmm
IAN THE MANNN (9:15:09 PM): the disney one
IAN THE MANNN (9:16:12 PM): so hows your night been
nicole (9:17:17 PM): its been ok, i went to dinner with my roommate and now im digesting b/c it feels like i ate a whole cow
IAN THE MANNN (9:17:31 PM): mmm food
nicole (9:17:57 PM): u havent had dinner yet?
IAN THE MANNN (9:18:02 PM): no :(
nicole (9:18:04 PM): its getting late
IAN THE MANNN (9:18:18 PM): yes it is
IAN THE MANNN (9:18:50 PM): i woulda eaten earlier, but ive been on the phone for the last hour
IAN THE MANNN (9:19:08 PM): and now i just dont feel like moving
nicole (9:20:23 PM): gotcha, cooking sucks, order big daddys
IAN THE MANNN (9:20:46 PM): i dont have any money
nicole (9:20:58 PM): yea, that would be a problem
IAN THE MANNN (9:21:04 PM): yes indeed
nicole (9:21:19 PM): soup is easy, not very filling, but easy
IAN THE MANNN (9:21:27 PM): i suppose
IAN THE MANNN (9:22:05 PM): you can come make me dinner, you have all kinds of choices from soup, to better toup, to peanut butter and jelly, to waffles without syrup
nicole (9:22:18 PM): lol
nicole (9:22:20 PM): gormet
IAN THE MANNN (9:22:28 PM): im sure you can figure out something
nicole (9:22:58 PM): but all those things u can make for yourself faster than it would take me to get there
IAN THE MANNN (9:23:18 PM): yea, but they would taste better if you made them
nicole (9:23:48 PM): aw, y? b.c they're made with love?
nicole (9:23:59 PM): love is an important ingrediant
IAN THE MANNN (9:24:29 PM): i guess they would have love in them if you made them for me. since you love me so much?
nicole (9:24:45 PM): i do
IAN THE MANNN (9:25:14 PM): aw thnx. i love you too
IAN THE MANNN (9:25:25 PM): but i would love you more if you made me dinner ;)
nicole (9:25:32 PM): lol
nicole (9:25:41 PM): i cant tonight
nicole (9:25:43 PM): im tired
IAN THE MANNN (9:25:48 PM): blah
nicole (9:25:52 PM): sorry
IAN THE MANNN (9:26:05 PM): for someone who sleeps as much as you do, i would think you would have more energy
nicole (9:26:11 PM): ive been sick
nicole (9:26:26 PM): i think i have mono again, even though thats not possible
IAN THE MANNN (9:26:53 PM): well from what i was told once you get it, its with you forever, and can reoccur whenever
nicole (9:27:13 PM): thats y i said its not possible
IAN THE MANNN (9:27:26 PM): but it is possible, if youve had it
nicole (9:28:17 PM): no, its not possible, b/c ur body is immune to it, the only way u can get it again is if it wasnt a bad case the first time, kinda like chicken pox
IAN THE MANNN (9:28:38 PM): you're probably right, i know nothing about it
IAN THE MANNN (9:30:15 PM): except that ive never had it
nicole (9:31:51 PM): im so tired, i kinda wanna go to bed now, but then id wake up too early
IAN THE MANNN (9:33:45 PM): whats wrong with waking up early
nicole (9:34:02 PM): nothing i guess
nicole (9:34:39 PM): but if i have to oppertunity to sleep in a little i wanna take advantage of it
nicole (9:34:47 PM): sleeping in to me is 8:30
IAN THE MANNN (9:35:20 PM): but if you go to sleep now then arent you technically getting the same amount?
nicole (9:35:28 PM): yea
nicole (9:35:35 PM): but i want to get more
nicole (9:35:42 PM): more sleep!!
nicole (9:35:46 PM): MORE sleep!!
nicole (9:35:52 PM): MORE SLEEP!!!!!!!
IAN THE MANNN (9:35:59 PM): me too
nicole (9:35:59 PM): M O R E
IAN THE MANNN (9:36:22 PM): ok there godzilla, you arent trying to take over the world here
IAN THE MANNN (9:36:25 PM): enough with the caps
nicole (9:36:29 PM): lol
IAN THE MANNN (9:36:42 PM): captial letters scare me
nicole (9:37:04 PM): i was trying to be dramatic... was i effective?
IAN THE MANNN (9:37:25 PM): hm. i thought you were going for the whole evil genius type deal
nicole (9:37:45 PM): that would work too
IAN THE MANNN (9:37:54 PM): indeed
nicole (9:37:58 PM): the people above me r blasting techno music, techno music makes me mad
nicole (9:38:14 PM): its just the same beat over and over
IAN THE MANNN (9:38:15 PM): you should take a broom and bang the floor, like an old lady
nicole (9:38:22 PM): lol
IAN THE MANNN (9:38:26 PM): bang the ceiling*
nicole (9:38:33 PM): like mr. heckles from friends
IAN THE MANNN (9:38:38 PM): exactly
nicole (9:39:37 PM): when r u updating ur profile? u should do a valentines day special
IAN THE MANNN (9:40:52 PM): yea that would be a good one "so i sat on my bed all night doing nothing. i watched aladdin, which is a damn awesome movie if i do say so myself. I also sat on my computer and talked on aim. I tried convcining nicole to come make me soup and waffles but failed miserably."
nicole (9:41:11 PM): lol
nicole (9:41:18 PM): i think that sounds pretty damn good
IAN THE MANNN (9:41:29 PM): i should become a writer eh
IAN THE MANNN (9:41:40 PM): aight, ill write it just for you
nicole (9:41:59 PM): awesome
IAN THE MANNN (9:42:04 PM): itll take a min or so
nicole (9:42:25 PM): u can write that i think i have something growing in my belly button
IAN THE MANNN (9:42:41 PM): growing in ur belly button huh
IAN THE MANNN (9:42:45 PM): thats interesting
nicole (9:43:00 PM): its gross is what it is
IAN THE MANNN (9:43:10 PM): well yea, thats what i was getting at
nicole (9:44:13 PM): and i wonder why i dont have a bf
IAN THE MANNN (9:45:12 PM): because you spend too much time online talking to me
nicole (9:45:56 PM): that could be too
nicole (9:46:03 PM): all clean
nicole (9:46:38 PM): u could be my online bf
IAN THE MANNN (9:46:38 PM): so it wasnt actually growing in there
nicole (9:46:49 PM): nope, just a little dirt
nicole (9:47:06 PM): my belly button ring gets in the way and so the dirt can wash out
nicole (9:47:12 PM): cant*
IAN THE MANNN (9:47:16 PM): i see
IAN THE MANNN (9:47:25 PM): nicole: u could be my online bf <----ouch
nicole (9:47:36 PM): why is that bad
IAN THE MANNN (9:47:46 PM): i dunno, why is it good?
nicole (9:47:55 PM): i dunno
nicole (9:47:58 PM): but its not bad
nicole (9:48:19 PM): b/c u said i dont have a bf b/c im always talking to u online
nicole (9:48:29 PM): so i thought it made sense
IAN THE MANNN (9:48:42 PM): i see
IAN THE MANNN (9:49:26 PM): sorry im not talking, im writing the profile
nicole (9:49:30 PM): no
nicole (9:49:32 PM): np*
IAN THE MANNN (9:51:00 PM): almost done
nicole (9:51:10 PM): im excited
IAN THE MANNN (9:53:21 PM): i hear i do that to people
IAN THE MANNN (9:53:24 PM): ;)
nicole (9:53:28 PM): lol
IAN THE MANNN (9:53:38 PM): aladdin is on again
IAN THE MANNN (9:53:40 PM): god yes
nicole (9:53:53 PM): lol
nicole (9:53:58 PM): lol
nicole (9:54:05 PM): u get a double "lol" for that
IAN THE MANNN (9:54:12 PM): noice
nicole (9:54:24 PM): r u done yet
nicole (9:54:30 PM): im getting impatient
IAN THE MANNN (9:54:45 PM): keep your pants on
IAN THE MANNN (9:54:49 PM): or dont, its up to you
nicole (9:55:00 PM): lol
IAN THE MANNN (9:55:25 PM): ok, im done, its kinda short. but i just threw it together for you
nicole (9:55:35 PM): awesome, i feel special
IAN THE MANNN (9:56:21 PM): indeed you should
nicole (9:56:44 PM): LOL
nicole (9:56:48 PM): i love it
IAN THE MANNN (9:56:57 PM): hah. thnx
nicole (9:57:00 PM): i have my own shout out
nicole (9:58:34 PM): im gonan go shower
nicole (9:58:37 PM): be back in a bit
nicole (9:58:43 PM): go make somethin to eat!!
IAN THE MANNN (9:58:48 PM): good idea
IAN THE MANNN (9:58:56 PM): i was just gonna watch aladdin again
nicole (9:59:00 PM): lol
nicole (9:59:05 PM): he only eats bread
nicole (9:59:11 PM): he has to steal it
IAN THE MANNN (9:59:22 PM): i havent resorted to stealing bread yet
IAN THE MANNN (9:59:23 PM): but soon
nicole (9:59:39 PM): shower time
IAN THE MANNN (10:01:38 PM): sorry, online bf's dont give love'n

Auto-response from nicole (10:01:38 PM): its valentines day and i want some love'n!!
nicole (10:10:50 PM): well y not
IAN THE MANNN (10:11:20 PM): cuz that just wouldnt make sense
IAN THE MANNN (10:11:27 PM): hey, that was a fast shower for a woman
nicole (10:11:49 PM): i didnt wash my hair b/c im kjust gonna take another shower in the morning
nicole (10:11:54 PM): i like to be clean when i go to bed
IAN THE MANNN (10:12:08 PM): hah
IAN THE MANNN (10:13:10 PM): i made soup
IAN THE MANNN (10:13:15 PM): but i missed the best part of aladdin
nicole (10:13:29 PM): whats the best part
IAN THE MANNN (10:13:56 PM): i dunno, i didnt mean to say that.
IAN THE MANNN (10:14:07 PM): the best part is the old guy in the desert and he starts freakin out
nicole (10:14:15 PM): lol
nicole (10:14:18 PM): im gonna watch it with u
IAN THE MANNN (10:14:25 PM): hot
nicole (10:14:27 PM): what kind of soup did u make
nicole (10:14:37 PM): i want a tiger
IAN THE MANNN (10:14:39 PM): new england clam chowder
nicole (10:14:41 PM): grr
nicole (10:14:46 PM): yummy
IAN THE MANNN (10:14:53 PM): yea
nicole (10:14:56 PM): red or white
IAN THE MANNN (10:15:08 PM): new england is the white kind
nicole (10:15:22 PM): i thought thre were 2 kinds
IAN THE MANNN (10:15:32 PM): yea, manhattan is the red, new england is the white
nicole (10:15:40 PM): oooo
nicole (10:15:45 PM): learn something new everyday
IAN THE MANNN (10:15:53 PM): yup yup
IAN THE MANNN (10:15:57 PM): its the old guy! yes!
nicole (10:16:02 PM): lol
IAN THE MANNN (10:16:10 PM): hes awesome
nicole (10:16:34 PM): i like the age spots he has on his head
IAN THE MANNN (10:16:52 PM): a secret passage!?!
IAN THE MANNN (10:16:55 PM): no wayz
nicole (10:17:22 PM): what is the password...
nicole (10:17:37 PM): new england clam chowder
IAN THE MANNN (10:17:44 PM): hokay
nicole (10:17:52 PM): huh
nicole (10:18:06 PM): thats from ace ventura
IAN THE MANNN (10:18:25 PM): is it? i dunno i got it from this little flash movie that is kinda funny
nicole (10:18:45 PM): not hokay, but the part that i said
IAN THE MANNN (10:18:58 PM): oh
IAN THE MANNN (10:19:06 PM): i havent seen the movie in a long time
nicole (10:19:48 PM): i love that movie
IAN THE MANNN (10:19:59 PM): it was a pretty good movie
IAN THE MANNN (10:20:34 PM): if i could be a charactyer from aladdin, i would be the rug
IAN THE MANNN (10:20:38 PM): aint even gonna lie
nicole (10:21:55 PM): that would be cool to fly.. but u could be the princess and live in a castle and have the rug fly u around all the time
IAN THE MANNN (10:22:35 PM): tru, but you arent going to get me to say that i want to be the princess
nicole (10:22:46 PM): LOL
nicole (10:22:54 PM): then i want to be the princess
nicole (10:22:58 PM): and ill ride u
IAN THE MANNN (10:23:05 PM): sounds good to me ;)
nicole (10:23:25 PM): thats naughty
IAN THE MANNN (10:23:51 PM): only if you think if it in a naughty way
IAN THE MANNN (10:23:54 PM): of*
nicole (10:26:44 PM): i think im gonna go to bed, tty tomorrow
nicole (10:27:07 PM): nite nite
IAN THE MANNN (10:27:33 PM): aight, goodnight