Who can use dental implants?

Fig. 1: Full restoration of upper set of teeth using 4 implants of the IMPLADENT® system.

Fig. 2: Screw retained dental plate designed for the IMPLADENT® system.

We recommend implants to all people who have large or small gaps between their teeth. The implants are able to fill these gaps. Tooth crowns (in small gaps) or bridges (in large gaps) are fixed to the implants in the aforementioned manner. Sometimes physicians recommend combined bridges, in which both the implants and the patient’s teeth are used as abutments.

We also recommend implants for people without teeth. Their original removable dentures can be replaced with a firm, total tooth replacement anchored to the implants. This is a small miracle. The dentist can “restore” the patient’s teeth using 5 to 8 implants. An implant serving as an abutment for removable tooth replacement is another elegant solution. The replacement can be simply “clipped” and “unclipped”, as needed.

This latter solution will be appreciated in particular by those patients with loose removable dentures. As mentioned earlier, the loosening is virtually always caused by significant changes in the place adjacent to the prosthetics (i.e., in the bed of the prosthetics). The implants will solve all the problems for people suffering from loose dentures. They can keep wearing their dentures, but the dentures will now stay in place perfectly! What else? When using this design of removable prosthetics in the maxilla, the implants allow the construction of the prosthetics without a palatal plate. Many people will experience relief; especially those who were irritated by the “artificial palate”.
