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The Home of the J&R Express

Express Members

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Is this Joe?

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Click here to visit the new message board!
Here's a Santa Cruz Sentinel article with Mr. Mo'Money in it.
Here is the Anchorage Daily News' Alaska Sports Digest that features Kevin Buller aka Mr. Cash
Click here for NEW J&R Express Photos, including the Cotillon Picture
Click here for the more readable J&R Express History page
Click here to see pictures
Click here for more pictures
Click here for even more pics
Click here to see Mr. Ching and maybe other stuff
Click here for some girls
Click here for sports photos
Click here for some soy
Click here for a couple more pictures from Mr. Lottery
Congratulations to Brett Denton aka Mr. Sugar for becoming the newest member of the Express
Congratulations to Jason Simmons aka Mr. Lottery for becoming a new member of the Express!
Congratulations to the Dimond Lynx 2002 Baseball State Champions!
Congratulations to Express Client Andrew Sully and Brandon Joseph aka Mr. Mo'Money for making the 2002 American Legion All Stars!
Congratulations to Brandon Joseph aka Mr. Mo'Money on his 40th round draft pick selection by the Philadelphia Philles!
Congratulations to the J&R Express and all the graduates of 2002!
Congratulations to Express Client Andrew Sully on making the All-Region IV team for baseball!
Congratulations to Joe Chirhart aka Mr. Bidness for making the 2002 All-State team for basketball!
Congratulations to Brandon Joseph aka Mr. Mo'Money, Chris Stovall, aka Mr. Ching, and Joe Chirhart aka Mr. Bidness for making the 2002 All-Region IV team for basketball!

Name: Shaun Rhames

Position: Co-Founder, CEO


Nickname: Mr. Love

Bio: Shaun Rhames aka Mr. Love, is the "R" of J&R. 18 years of age, currently attending Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. He is majoring in Business Management. Not a surprise! He loves to play basketball and would someday like to play pro. Plans to be a walk on next year and basketball somewhere. Why do they call him Mr. Love? Because Shaun shows love to everyone. "Since I was 16 years old they've been calling me Mr.Love," Shaun says. "I have a unique way of charm with the ladies." Shaun has seen the Express' ups and downs. He had to endure a lot of hatin' when the Express was at Dimond. "Well people started hatin when we first started , month after month." Read the complete history to find out how people have been hatin'. "I know people are mad and jealous of us because there not in the Express." When he was at Dimond, Shaun was very well known for the famous briefcase. He had two briefcases and would bring one of them to school on days the Express had business. Why did he do it? Because the ladies loved it! Now Shaun has seen the business flourish. "The business has grown tremendously by adding additonal Express members, by helping out the community, friends, and family." Shaun has now taken his charm, and the Express to the East Coast. " oh yeah, people here call me Mr.Love and I'm still holding it down with ladies, but currently maybe ready to settle down with a special girl on the west coast." Shaun knows that the business' best days are still ahead of them, "We have went nation wide, and every Express member is more excited about the business then ever before and we feel that we are on top and we can't be stopped!"
Name: Brandon Jospeh

Position: Co-Founder, President


Nickname: Mr. Mo'Money

Bio: Brandon Joseph aka Mr. Mo'Money is the 'J' of J&R. Brandon has great taste in women. When it comes to women Brandon looks for a nice plump booty, lucious long legs, a rack, and a beautiful face. Brandon is also the most accomplished athlete in the Express, and maybe one of the best athletes ever from Dimond High School. Amongst his accomplishments are; Four time letters in Basketball and Track, three time letters in Baseball and Football. Five team state championships not to mention induvidual titles. He was drafted by the Philadelphia Phillies in the 40th round of the 2002 MLB draft. He was also pursued by Marshall University for a possible football scholarship. Currently Brandon is playing free saftey at Cabrillo Community College. In the spring of 2000, Brandon Joseph aka Mr. Mo'Money and Mr. Love had an idea, "I took it upon my self to associate with Mr. Rhames to come up with an idea to serve the people." What followed was the forming of the J&R. "I had this burning desire in my heart to serve the community and serve the people." The two then decided they needed help, and formed the Express. Mr. Mo'Money also had to deal with the haters, "There have been many haters, the Dimond staff, even some students, but the express did not let that get in their way, we rose above the hate and accelerate," Brandon says. Among Mr. Mo'Money's personal projects include the 2nd annual Snowball Shakeoff. "It will be the biggest thing in Anchorage, bigger than the 1964 Earthquake." Brandon Joseph aka Mr. Mo'Money has a little message for all the ladies out there. "It is his duty to please that booty!"
Name: Joe Chirhart

Position: Executive Consultant


Nickname: Mr. Bidness

Bio: Joe Chirhart aka Mr. Bidness is believed to be the youngest member of the J&R Express. Joe was the first ever employee of the month for the J&R Express. He was the first Express member to get promoted in just a month of being on the job. There is no doubt that he is the ladies man in the organization. Voted biggest flirt class of 2002. Joe is currently furthering his education and playing basketball at Division II Saint Martin's in Lacey Washington. Joe was definately one of the top accomplished athletes in Dimond High School history. Joe was a three time letterman in football and basketball, two time for baseball, and one for track. Joe was an All-State guard and wide reciever. When asked what he like about the Express most was, "The girls, we get'em all!" To see a new picture of Joe Chirhart aka Mr. Bidness, click here.
Name: Chris Flakes

Position: Consultant


Nickname:Mr. Sweets

Bio: Chris Flakes aka Mr. Sweets is currently furthering his education and living at UNLV. Flakes also plans to walk-on to the UNLV football team next year. Along with Mr.Love, Mr.Sweets knows how to treat the ladies. The name Mr. Sweets definately fits Chris. A girl was asked if the name Mr. Sweets fitted him and she replied, "Most definately!" Then when asked how sweets is he? She replied, "He gave me a cavity!" When he was at Dimond Chris Flakes aka Mr. Sweets was a devastating linebacker on the two-time state football champions. He might of been the best linebacker in the state of Alaska his senior year. He was also a star on the basketball team. When it came to sports, there was a term that fit Chirs perfectly, workhorse. His most memorable Express memory has to be the First J&R Express Shake-off. Sweets is the one that came up with the name the Shake-off and ever since people have called it that. That had to be one of the greatest Express Moments ever! Chris Flakes aka Mr. Sweets is now single and livin it up in the city that never sleeps.
Name: Chris Stovall

Position: Consultant


Nickname:Mr. Ching

Bio:Chris Stovall aka Mr. Ching is currently attending Peninsula, Washington playing JC Basketball. He misses Alaska but the thing he misses the most are the times with his boys. He is doing his thing at school but "It isnt home," he says. Chris, the fastest man in Alaska just check the stats. The ankle's are his favorite part of the leg cause on the court they tend to break when guarding him. The world famous crossover is that nice. When asked how did it get so quick he replied, "All the years at Chinook playing 1 on 1 with Shaun Rhames, those were the days." Ya Mr. Cha Ching is picked to get married first but he wouldn;t doubt it either. But that wouldnt be for a long time cause this group wouldnt be getting married for the longest. His favorite memory of the Express was the 50/50 split the pot. " It was the biggest fundraiser in Dimond history....but nothing new for the x-press. When ever you are in the Washington area hit him up to kick it. 360-417-7976, or pager 907-231-3736. When he gets back to Alaska it's on for the Express cause the are still the best in the west and moving across the rest. Here is a link to his team's schedule and roster, Penninsula College.To see a team photo, Click Here.
Name: Kevin Buller

Position: Consultant


Nickname:Mr. Cash

Bio: Kevin Buller aka Mr. Cash, 19 years of age and currently attending school at UAA. Kevin has a great interest in boxing. He was also one of the first people to join the Express, "I joined because I wanted to be closer to my friends and be in a position to make money." While the other members are spread across the country, Kevin and David Crary, the two members still in Anchorage, are busy putting on Express sponsored events. "Well i'm currently in the process of saving up $$ to throw a dance for the general public under the production of the Express thats in town and manegment of APC." Mr. Cash is trying to save up money so he can go to the University of Nevada-Reno next fall. When asked what sets Kevin Buller aka Mr. Cash appart from the other members of the J&R Express, Kevin replied, "Because I don't need the glory and fame. I would rather see the money and be behind the scenes. I'm the quite man behind the Express."
Name: David Crary

Position: Consultant/ Missionary


Nickname:Mr. Fortune

Bio: Currently 18 years of age. David says he is the hardest working employee of the J&R Express, has in fact been hard at work, not just pimpin but hittin, the books. Yes, he hopes to make J&R Express proud, so hes is studying hard. After taking the Express international, to Japan, where word of its members spread rapidly through out the Japenese society. David returned to America and started pursuing college at the prestigious Ivy league school of UAA. Currently holding a 3.0 he was quoted as saying "J&R Express will always be the best, I didn't even study !!" after receiving his first A plus. His favorite position is missionary. David is one of the brains behind the brillance of the Express. David is the Express ring leader when it comes to their pranks.
Name: Jason Simmons

Position: Consultant


Nickname:Mr. Lottery

Bio: Jason Simmons aka Mr. Lottery is the newest member of the J&R Express. Jason became the newest member after he won a poll contest earlier this year. "I really can't believe that I got in. It was a long process and I waited a long time for this moment and it finally came true," says Jason. Currently Jason is redshirting for the football team at Division II University of Minnesota-Crookston. Click here, to see Jason in his new uniform. Jason, like many other members of the Express, had an outstanding athlethic career at Dimond. Most notably, he was the quarterback on the two-time state champion football team. In 2002, he came back from a devastating injury to lead the underdog Lynx to a 16-0 win over Bartlett in the state championship. Jason came back from not playing baseball in three years and helped the Dimond Lynx win the state championship this year. He also was a member of the basketball team that was back to back third place finishes. Jason helped the Dimond Lynx track team win a region and a state title his senior year, he placed in the top three in all of his events he ran. Some say he is the fastest man in the state. Some of his plans this summer are to win another state championship for Dimond baseball, getting bigger, faster, and stronger, and to party like there is no tomorrow. "I guess dreams really do come true." Jason Simmons aka Mr. Lottery would also like the people to know that the J&R Express New Year's Party will be held at his Cabin, and that his number is still 907-227-9985, if anyone needs to talk about any problems with relationships, life, family, or to just talk you can give him a call anytime of the day or night.
Name: Brett Denton

Position: Consultant


Nickname:Mr. Sugar

Bio:Yet to come!

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